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War in Israel: Hamas attack coordinated by Iran? Tehran's role remains controversial


Highlights: War in Israel: Hamas attack coordinated by Iran? Tehran's role remains controversial. Many experts see Tehran's handwriting. But there is no evidence of Iran's involvement. Tehran vehemently denies any involvement in the large-scale attack by Hamas. Hamas representative Ali Baraka said that Hamas had been planning the attack for two years and had not informed anyone in advance of the "zero hour" The details of the attack were announced half an hour after the start of the operation. Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad said that the group had received direct support for the attack from Iran.

Status: 12.10.2023, 14:24 PM

By: Christian Stör


How was Hamas able to carry out its attack in Israel? Many experts see Tehran's handwriting. But there is no evidence of Iran's involvement.

Gaza/Tehran - What role did Iran play in the Hamas terror attack that started the current war in Israel? This question has been on the minds of intelligence agencies around the world since 7 October. The militia fired thousands of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israeli settlements that day, and numerous armed terrorists entered Israel by land, sea and air on Israeli territory, although the barrier is considered to be particularly tightly secured. It seems almost self-evident that someone must have helped Hamas. In the first place, Iran is always suspected of being the culprit.

Lawmakers chant the slogans "Down with Israel" and "Down with the US" during a session of parliament in Iran. © Icana News Agency/Imago

War in Israel: Was Iran involved in the Hamas action?

However, there is still no evidence of this. In any case, the information provided by the U.S. government is clear so far. "Neither we nor the Israelis have any clear evidence or intelligence that Iran was directly involved in these attacks," John Kirby told CNN. The National Security Council's communications director only suggested that Iran probably bore "a certain degree of complicity" in the attacks because it has been supporting the terrorist organization for years with equipment, training and money.

Without Iranian support over the past few years, Hamas would not have been able to carry out these unprecedented attacks on Israeli territory.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has now made a similar statement. "So far, we have no solid evidence that Iran has provided concrete and operational support to this cowardly attack by Hamas," Scholz said in the Bundestag on Thursday. "But it is clear to all of us that without Iranian support over the past few years, Hamas would not have been able to carry out these unprecedented attacks on Israeli territory." What is certain is that Iran supports Hamas financially and militarily. However, the government in Tehran vehemently denies any involvement in the large-scale attack by Hamas.

Iran helped prepare the Hamas attack, according to media report

On the other hand, according to a report in the Washington Post, the Hamas attack has been prepared for at least a year and with the support of Iran. Planning had begun at least as early as mid-2022, the newspaper wrote, citing findings from intelligence analysts from the West and the Middle East. Iranian allies have provided military training, logistical assistance and tens of millions of dollars in weapons.

But here, too, one aspect was clearly emphasized: the US and Israel have so far no clear evidence that Iran authorized or directly coordinated the attack. However, there are many indications of Iranian support. "When you train people to use weapons, you expect them to use them at some point," a Western intelligence official told the newspaper. Without considerable outside help, such an attack would have been extremely difficult, other experts said.


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Hamas Speaks Differently on Iran's Involvement in Hamas Attack on Israel

Hamas itself has given different statements. In an interview published on Sunday by Russian state broadcaster RT, Hamas representative Ali Baraka said that Hamas had been planning the attack for two years and had not informed anyone in advance of the "zero hour." The details of the attack were announced half an hour after the start of the operation.

On the other hand, Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad told the BBC that the group had received direct support for the attack from Iran. Iran has pledged to "stand by the Palestinian fighters until the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem."

Now, according to Newsweek, another senior Hamas official announced that Hamas had actively coordinated with Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon and other factions of a so-called "Axis of Resistance" before, during and after the attack on Israel. This coordination has "many dimensions – political, military and other," according to Ahmed Abdulhadi. He stressed, however, that Hamas alone had planned the attack. (cs)

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-10-12

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