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An entire country is mobilized by Decree 8, but it is actually the government that knocks defections - voila! news


Highlights: An entire country is mobilized by Decree 8, but it is actually the government that knocks defections - voila! news. The mobilization of the people of Israel for military and civilian service is no less than astonishing. But it is precisely against the background of this wonderful mobilization that the one who screwed up defections stands out: the government of Israel. Almost 20 days have passed since the residents of the western Negev were attacked, and the Israeli government has not yet appeared for battle.

The mobilization of the people of Israel for military and civilian service is no less than astonishing, but it is precisely against the background of this wonderful mobilization that the one who screwed up defections stands out: the government of Israel

Lt. Col. Salman embraced the fighting in the communities near the Gaza Strip. October 12, 2023/Amir Bohbot

The people of Israel volunteered en masse for military and civilian service, but who didn't show up? True - Government/PR

Almost 20 days have passed since the residents of the western Negev were attacked, and the Israeli government has not yet appeared for battle, despite being called to it by Order 8.

The people of Israel took part in the battle even before receiving an official summons: those who stopped the massacre with their bodies, preventing it from becoming even worse are the heroes of the alert squad, soldiers and commanders on leave who were the first to understand what was happening and wanted to strengthen the few forces that the IDF stationed in the field, Israeli police officers and other heroic civilians.

Another day or two passed, and the entire nation of Israel also took part in the battle: the civilian aid centers collapsed almost under the flow of volunteers. Queues for blood donations continued wherever a collection station opened, chefs - whose restaurants were on the verge of collapse - did not think twice and turned the gathering areas into a "food court" among the eucalyptus, and by the way gathering areas: the percentage of reporting for reserve duty exceeded 100%: that is, combatants and soulful combatants did not wait until receiving an official summons.

They just came, because that's what you do in wartime. Israeli society in all its diversity, from kippah-wearing settlers to progressive liberals from Tel Aviv, from ultra-Orthodox aid organizations that mobilized to collect donations, to volunteers for animals left neglected in communities where death struck – all deserve rare mention.

Even the IDF, which was tragically late in reporting for the campaign, finally appeared in it: at first bit by bit with a few units moving to the battle zones, operating the air force and recruiting, training and arming the combat system in preparation for what is known here as a "maneuver."

Recall that this maneuver is supposed to be what will achieve the goals of the war, as defined as the complete collapse of Hamas. It is supposed to be the iron fist of the State of Israel, one that will strike fiercely at Gaza, in a blow that must reverberate to the suburbs of Beirut, so that they will understand there too what destruction they will inflict on their heads if only they dare to soon lust for Jewish blood.

Kibbutz Kfar Azza. None of the victims was asked their opinion on the composition of the Judicial Appointments Committee/Reuters, Ilan Rosenberg

National unity

The Israeli public mobilized not only in the military and civilian sense, but even in the political sense. Yes, anyone who spends time on Twitter will still see bickering for the most part between Bibists and LGBTQ people, but for every such duo that continues to bicker, there are ten who until three weeks ago stood on opposite sides of the barricade, ready to tear each other apart on an important issue such as prayer in a segregated public place – and now understand that these are poor grammars.

The barbarians from Hamas did not distinguish between those who prepared for Simchat Torah circles and those who prepared the flags for the exit to the nearest junction in the name of protest (and in any case there is not necessarily a contradiction between the two). None of the innocent victims was asked whether they voted right or left; they were murdered without expressing an opinion on the composition of the Judicial Appointments Committee.

As a result, another important and vital force was added to a crushing Israeli victory: domestic support like it has never existed. One can love it or dislike, but in the eyes of most Israelis, there are no more innocent people in Gaza, and even if there are, the warning sent to them is enough to glorify their lives (yes, sleeping in tents and eating kindness bread from UNRWA – much more than what the residents of the western Negev received from the murderers).

US President Joe Biden. A big hug that comes with a dramatic price tag/Reuters

The world will act as usual

It is quite clear that this is not the opinion of the world, which must be taken into account, it is quite clear that the possibility of the quick release of as many of the hostages as possible must first be exhausted, but all these must not turn from limitations and constraints into excuses. Because the foremost national need is to cause shock in the Arab world. Those who did not understand this still live in denial or fear of The Hague.

We have mentioned world public opinion - and now we will try to walk it from the light to the heavy. Let's start with the easy one: public opinion in Central and Western Europe, even to the extent that parts of it still lean in our direction, will still be reversed. As the distance in the days and weeks from the events of October 7 increases, the impression will fade even among those who were human and decent enough to be shocked.

At the same time, images of destruction and destruction from Gaza will accumulate – images that will begin to weigh on non-Israeli eyes. With all due respect to the support from the most important European countries, such as Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Greece and others. There, too, the leaders will change the tunes when they press between a large and violent Muslim minority (in part) and public opinion motivated by repression:

After all, if Israel is not responsible for the conditions that encouraged such an outbreak of evil (as the UN secretary-general said yesterday, who has no way of apologizing or clarifying his remarks), then it is only a matter of time before similar scenes occur in London or Paris.

As much as this position makes us want to grab the shoulders of the Europeans and shake them fairly, we must be fair and remember that we, too, preferred to repress and think that if we only create better conditions here for everyone, we will have a new Middle East.

The position of the Europeans is important, but not as critical as that of the Americans. They offered Israel psychological, physical, economic and military support from the very beginning. In order for us to understand the magnitude of the hour: On Saturday two and a half weeks ago, there were those among them who assessed that Israel was on the verge of extinction if an all-out attack began. Nothing less than that would accelerate aircraft carriers to our region.

It was a generous act in every sense, but also one that made the centenarian the opinionator: Until three weeks ago, the IDF's deterrent power relied on the air force, ballistic capability, good defense against missile attacks – all seasoned with vague hints about additional capabilities.

Now it seems to lean entirely on our society overseas. It's comforting for exactly five minutes – and then monstrous. Fortunately, there is an American president who still remembers Golda and says again and again: Don't - to those who seek our evil.

But is the world resilient? Tomorrow won't we meet someone else at the White House, for whom Israel will be a little less of a priority? Is handing over the security portfolio in its entirety to foreign hands, however friendly, an act of thought at the outset?

To paraphrase his revered leader: The people of Israel also have the heart of a lion, but every time the prime minister opens his mouth, all he gets is a "meow"/screenshot, without

A government of defectors

This brings us to the unit that has not yet reported for the campaign: the Israeli government. Stuttering, speaking high but doing nothing, collapsing on the ground in front of businesses, avoiding visiting the wounded and comforting mourners, but in the meantime already dealing with the nature of the commission of inquiry that will be established, stealing coalition funds for cronies, producing poor public service announcements in order to garner positive media, appointing political appointees and briefing against the army, funding a campaign designed to influence IDF decisions – and most importantly: lying to the public with every passing day.

Let's assume for a moment that coordination with the Americans is a greater key to our survival than the strength of the IDF. Why not say this honestly to the public?

Was the decision, which is perhaps the most important in the history of the Zionist act (and in fact, contrary to the philosophy that gave rise to it) brought even for a moment to the consideration of the people, even as a hearing witness, or was it decided within minutes in the mind of one person?

Why sail around talking about what awaits Hamas and what awaits Hezbollah, if even a siege cannot be imposed on Gaza? Why talk about the resilience of the state when the heads of local authorities in the south and north, including some who are Likud members at every level, cry out that they and their residents have been abandoned to their fate?

Yes, the people of Israel stood up in all their glory for this battle, the Israel Defense Forces came out of shock and appeared as well. The country is at the front, the people are army, and everyone is ready for war, except those who need to be brave enough to give the order.

Churchill, the historical figure Netanyahu admires, said after World War II that the English people had the heart of a lion: "I just gave him the roar," he added.

The people of Israel at this time also have the heart of a lion, but every time their prime minister opens his mouth, all you hear is "meow."

  • More on the subject:
  • War in the South
  • Idf
  • Benjamin Netanyahu
  • Joe Biden

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-10-25

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