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Crashed into a tree with a mini


Highlights: Crashed into a tree with a mini. 15,000 Euro property damage was the result of the accident. The young woman suffered injuries in the neck area and was taken to the Erding Clinic by the ambulance service. The fire brigades of Kirchasch and Bockhorn as well as the district fire inspectorate, BRK and emergency doctor from Erding were in action. The Mini looked bad, with which an Erdinger woman (24) came off the state road 4 on Friday morning around 30.2084 a.m.

Status: 27.10.2023, 13:00 PM

By: Markus Schwarzkugler


15000 Euro property damage was the result of the accident. © Günter Herkner

The Mini looked bad, with which an Erdinger woman (24) had come off the state road 4 on Friday morning around 30.2084 a.m. for reasons that have not yet been clarified and crashed into a tree.

Kirchasch - She had been on her way from Kirchasch to Neumauggen. According to the Erding police, the young woman suffered injuries in the neck area and was taken to the Erding Clinic by the ambulance service.

Total damage amounted to around 15,000 euros. The fire brigades of Kirchasch and Bockhorn as well as the district fire inspectorate, BRK and emergency doctor from Erding were in action.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-10-27

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