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Middle East: Israel faces a new deal


Highlights: The war in Gaza shows how much the United States has now lost its influence. Joe Biden's visit showed that they remain the tutelary power vis-à-vis Israel – to the point of forcing Netanyahu to delay the offensive on Gaza in order to negotiate the release of the hostages. On the other hand, on the Arab side, Joe Biden suffered a setback: while he was supposed to meet King Abdullah of Jordan, Egyptian President Sisi and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, they cancelled.

THE KEYS TO UNDERSTANDING - The Gaza crisis reveals the extent to which the region is experiencing a new world order. The U.S. has lost political clout and Iran has gained it. These are all lessons for the Jewish state.

This article is from Le Figaro Magazine

The U.S. is losing influence

It seems like a long time ago when Henry Kissinger crisscrossed the Middle East between Israel and the Arab states in the 1970s. At the time, the U.S. ruled the region and had the ability to wield carrot and stick to induce the protagonists to compromise. In 1978, these efforts, extended under President Carter, culminated in the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel.

The war in Gaza shows how much the United States has now lost its influence. To be sure, Joe Biden's visit showed that they remain the tutelary power vis-à-vis Israel – to the point of forcing Netanyahu to delay the offensive on Gaza in order to negotiate the release of the hostages. On the other hand, on the Arab side, Joe Biden suffered a setback: while he was supposed to meet King Abdullah of Jordan, Egyptian President Sisi and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, they cancelled...

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Source: lefigaro

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