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Complementing Personal Equipment: The Items No Soldier Would Move Without Them once | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Complementing Personal Equipment: The Items No Soldier Would Move Without Them once. The modern battlefield is conducted with the help of satellites, drones and lasers. Once they did not go to battle (or vacation) without a folding mirror, "flag" cigarettes, a checkpad, a folding shovel or a bandrola. A "soldier's dish" for personal hygiene was provided at Shekam four times a year. The item that was most popular - razors - had two cutlery cans that allowed all items to be put together.

The modern battlefield is conducted with the help of satellites, drones and lasers • Once they did not go to battle (or vacation) without a folding mirror, "flag" cigarettes, a checkpad, a folding shovel or a bandrola

Let's get stuck in the tail

The helmania (from the word "to strike") in the picture above was a celebrated IDF tool - a long cylindrical pipe held by two handles, used to stick drones (angled anti-tank iron) into the ground.

Against small stones

Photo: Courtesy of GPO,

The leggings were worn on the socks and attached to the top of the shoes, thus preventing small stones and thorns from entering the shoes. The Mandate army brought them to Israel, and they were adopted by the Palmach and called Pats. They were compulsory equipment in the IDF until the late 50s.

Smoking the flag

Photo: Nostalgia Online,

The "Flag" cigarettes were supplied by the IDF to its soldiers according to a monthly quota. On the free market, they were the cheapest cigarettes. The quality, unfortunately, was accordingly.

Little Pinkas

Photo: IDF website,

Given to every soldier. With the help of the coupons, the soldiers would receive basic items for free in shekels (or pay a nominal sum).

Cigarettes in ration

Photo: Nostalgia Online,

April '49. Private Naomi Handelman of the Intelligence Corps purchased cigarettes using this slip.

Cartridges and bullets

Photo: According to section 27A of the Copyright Act 2007,

Photo: Nostalgia Online,

The bandrolla was a pocket belt fastened around the waist or diagonally on the chest, and in its pockets were held the rifle bullets or magazines. Years later, it was converted to a belt.

Mimi without a sweater

Photo: Nostalgia Online,

The aluminum candy popped up already in the days of the Palmach. Then they invented a kind of sweater that kept the water cold, and then came the plastic. And anyone who has ever drunk from aluminum waters will swear that the water kept in it tasted better and colder.

From time to time

Photo: Nostalgia Online,

The folding shovel was a tool that was part of the IDF (controlled combat equipment) at the time. He had to always be tip-top, rust-free, and ready to be checked in any lineup.

What do you see in the mirror?

Photo: Bidspirit,

At the time, every recruit was given a folding mirror, but its quality was poor because the foil at the back tended to crumble.

When they still put a stripe

Photo: Courtesy of Nitza Wolfensohn,

The stripe is a note given and signed by the sergeant major, who confirmed the soldier's stay outside the base. The stripe was in service until 2005. Today they send WhatsApp.

The X-Files

Photo: Nostalgia Online,

Photo: Bidspirit website,

Above: A tarpaulin bag for storing maps at the exit to the field, which disappeared from the IDF when, at the end of the 50s, with the advent of nylon, all the maps were "noilnu" and did not fit in the bag. In the 70s, this bag became a fashionable item, and for some reason earned the nickname "Mind Bag". Bottom: Another item that was lost over time, the TADL - a road bag for the fighter.

Another signal

Photo: Courtesy of the Ben-Gurion Ten Museum,

After each war, a letter was designed that symbolized its character with colors. They all wore war badges on their military shirts. Over the years, many gave up.

About the knife

Photo: Nostalgia Online,

A "soldier's dish" for personal hygiene was provided at Shekam four times a year. The item that was most popular - razors.

The Can Age

Photo: Photo Schwartz Archive, Photo,

Photo: IDF website,

Photo: Wolfensohn Family Album,

Masting had two aluminum lunch cans, patented cutlery that allowed all items to be put together, and a plastic mug. The name "Messing" was due to a corruption of the English term "Mess Tin". Indeed, the name is no coincidence: when food was distributed to soldiers in the past, everything went in and mixed together - the meat, the side dishes, the bread and everything else served. The product gave rise to the familiar phrase "We ate from the same masting", which expresses the friendship of the soul and the brotherhood between soldiers. The masting was replaced by catering, eliminating the tedious need to stand with the masting at the tap after eating and clean it with sand.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-04

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