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UAV is not UFO: What UAVs does the IDF use? | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Israel has been operating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to assist in combat on the ground and in intelligence gathering. The activity has evolved over the years and has created a means that is not only a tool for obtaining intelligence, but also enables a new form of warfare. Examples of this warfare activity were seen in the IDF's previous operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and today such weapons also participate in the fighting against Hamas forces in the south and Hezbollah in the north. Here is an overview of some of these sophisticated weapons, which significantly assist our forces.

They look innocent - but their damage can also be severe and effective as a weapon, not just as a tool for gathering intelligence • A review of the flying aircraft that have changed the campaign in recent years

Since the early 70s, Israel has been operating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to assist in combat on the ground and in intelligence gathering, and its reputation precedes it as a real pioneer in this field. The activity has evolved over the years and has created a means that is not only a tool for obtaining intelligence, but also actually enables a new form of warfare in the various combat arenas, inter alia as a means of hitting various targets surgically, without endangering IDF soldiers.

Examples of this warfare activity were seen in the IDF's previous operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and today such weapons also participate in the fighting against Hamas forces in the south and Hezbollah forces in the north.

An active partner in the campaign. UAV. Photo: Archive, Photo: AFP

Here is an overview of some of these sophisticated weapons, which significantly assist our forces - it should be noted that some of the tools were developed by Israel's defense industries, but have not yet been purchased by the IDF.

Hermes-450 - 'Zik'

A tactical aircraft used for extended stays in the air. The tool is intended for the division and corps echelons for use in attack, reconnaissance and intelligence gathering missions. The vessel can carry a dedicated payload weighing 150 kg, and remain in the air for 20 hours at altitudes of up to 18,000 feet. The main mode of flight of the system is autonomous, without the need for active flight, but the system can also be flown manually.

It can be equipped with air-to-ground missiles, a dedicated electro-optical/infrared payload, and a synthetic key radar (SAR) system, which enable the production of imaging even at night and in bad weather. In addition to contractual intelligence gathering systems, the Hermes-450 can also be equipped with signals intelligence gathering systems (SIGINT).
The tool is in service with the IDF and is known there as 'Zik'.

Hermes-900 - 'Star'

A tactical tool for prolonged stays in the air. Intended for operational use at the brigade and corps levels, mainly for reconnaissance and intelligence gathering missions, but also for attack missions. The vehicle is capable of carrying a payload (payload) for various missions, and can be equipped, among other things, with an electro-optical payload for day and night photography, a SAR radar payload, a laser indicator, facilities for signals intelligence missions (SIGINT), and armament for attack and targeted killing operations.

The Hermes-900 is an expansion and improvement of the Hermes-450 and contains many systems of the early model, is in service with the IDF's Air and Space Arm and is operationally nicknamed "Kochav".


A tactical UAV designed for battalion and brigade echelons. The aircraft can carry a dedicated payload weighing 32 kg and remain in the air for more than 10 hours at altitudes of up to 15,000 feet. Dedicated payloads that the Hermes-180 can carry include an electro-optical/infrared sensor for day and night observation with a laser indicator, and relay equipment for tactical contact. Officially, it is not known whether the IDF operates this aircraft.


A UAV designed for the corps and command ranks. Defined as MALE - Medium Altitude Long Endurance, the largest vehicle in the Hermes family of UAVs. Capable of carrying a payload weighing 350 kg, and staying in the air for more than 24 hours at altitudes of up to 30,000 feet. Dedicated payloads that the Hermes-1500 can carry include an electro-optical/infrared sensor for day and night observation, synthetic key radar (SAR), relay equipment and others.

According to various publications, Hermes-1500's customers are South Africa, Argentina and Singapore, as well as citizen science organizations.

Heron-1 - 'Trail'/'Crush-1'

During the flight tests, a continuous flight of 52 hours was performed, but the real time spent in the air in an operational configuration is smaller, due to the weight of the cargo. Can carry a variety of dedicated payloads: electro-optical sensor, synthetic key radar (SAR), maritime reconnaissance radar (MPR), signals intelligence gathering equipment, relay equipment and others. Capable of operating four sensors simultaneously.


Based on Heron-1 and has a wider and stronger physique, allowing it to carry more weight without changing its own weight. It has an improved engine and flight capability and standoff capability - that is, the ability to collect intelligence on a target from a long distance, thanks to its ability to carry large and improved sensors.

Heron-TP - 'Eitan'

(also known as Heron-2 and Arrow-2) is a remotely manned aerial vehicle (UAV). The Eitan structure is similar to that of the Heron-1, but four times larger. According to the military magazine, Jaynes has the ability to attack from the air and destroy ballistic missiles during the acceleration phase.

Skylark-1 - Sky Rider

Tactical UAV for reconnaissance and intelligence gathering missions at short range ("over the hill"). The Skylark-1 can be launched by a single person manually. The aircraft is capable of flying autonomously and transmitting to its operator in real time the image received by our sensor, which can be a CCD sensor for shooting during the day or an infrared sensor for shooting at night. It is used by the IDF's ground forces, and is known as the Sky Rider.


Tactical aircraft for reconnaissance and intelligence gathering missions. The Skylark-2 is an enlarged and enhanced version of the Skylark-1 mini-UAV, powered by an electric motor, thus enabling stealthy mission execution. It can fly autonomously according to a predefined flight path, and transmit to its operators in real time the data, video image and system data received by its sensors. The sensors equipped with Skylark-2 are a CCD sensor for daytime photography and an infrared sensor for night photography, as well as instrument sensors that enable the flight to be performed autonomously. In addition, it is equipped with a laser indicator that can be used to indicate targets for laser-guided weapons.
The range of operation of the system is about 50 km and it is designed to serve the brigade level. Today, the vessel is officially used by the South Korean military.

Orbiter-4 - 'Shining'

A tactical vehicle from the Orbiter family, capable of carrying two payloads simultaneously. Capable of staying in the air for about 25 hours continuously. Its relatively small dimensions (wingspan of 5.4 meters) make it difficult to locate and intercept it over hostile territory. Can simultaneously carry a combination of electro-optical payload with SAR radar, MPR maritime reconnaissance radar or other sensors, expanding its ISTAR capabilities. It is part of the "storm clouds" system that will be established in the IDF and is shared by the Air Arm and the Ground Arm. In the IDF, the drone is called 'Nitsot'.Were we wrong? We'll fix it! If you find a mistake in the article, please share with us

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-05

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