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"Kodkod Golani, here the navy - ready on your artery": documentation of naval support to ground forces in Gaza - voila! news


Highlights: For more than a week, vessels have been accompanying ground operations deep in the Gaza Strip with fire cover, observations and guidance. In some cases, threats were posed from the sea by the maneuvering forces within 30 seconds. Since the beginning of the war, the Israeli Navy has eliminated about 200 terrorists at sea and on land, including many of Hamas' naval commandos. "Kodkod Golani is here the Navy. I'm eyes on the ground, isolated to the north, ready here on your artery," says Golani.

For more than a week, vessels have been accompanying ground operations deep in the Gaza Strip with fire cover, observations and guidance. In some cases, threats were posed from the sea by the maneuvering forces within 30 seconds. Since the beginning of the war, the Israeli Navy has eliminated about 200 terrorists at sea and on land, including many of Hamas' naval commandos

Video: Israeli naval cover attacks in Gaza and the encounter with Golani forces/Photo: IDF Spokesperson

The IDF has been operating inside the Gaza Strip for more than a week, and with the expansion of the fighting, the multi-branch cooperation in support of the ground forces has also been expanded. The naval forces participate in support and cover by fire-support attacks and attacks on targets directed by ground forces. Footage released today (Tuesday) by the IDF Spokesperson shows the activity of naval support to the ground forces. "Kodkod Golani is here the Navy. I'm eyes on the ground, isolated to the north, ready here on your artery."

As part of the multi-branch cooperation effort, senior officers from the ground brigades were stationed at the control posts of the southern naval theater, and together led precise attacks directed by infantry and armored forces.

Missile ships of the Israeli Navy Arm/IDF Spokesperson

In addition, the vessels accompany the ground operations with fire cover, observations and guidance. The forces are in direct contact in real time and operate in coordination that serves as a force multiplier for ground operations. In some cases, threats were made from the sea to the maneuvering forces within 30 seconds, in short work circles that led to the elimination of terrorists and the protection of the ground forces.

Since the beginning of the fighting, the Israeli Navy has operated in the southern naval arena in defense, offensive and support efforts. Vessels attacked hundreds of terrorist targets, including observation posts, anti-tank squads, naval vessels, outposts and military infrastructure. So far, the forces have eliminated about 200 terrorists at sea and on land, including many terrorists from Hamas' naval commandos. In addition, special operations and raids were carried out by Shayetet 13 forces in the Gaza Strip.

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Bee ship along the Gaza Strip / Amir Bohbut

"The Navy Arm has been working in full cooperation with the maneuvering forces since the ground incursion into the Gaza Strip," says Ashdod CBS Col. Eitan Paz. "Each of the maneuvering divisions has a force team of bees, missile boats and fighters from Shayetet 13, which enables the forces to provide fire support and observation. The cooperation led us to close circles of fire within minutes and to attack many terrorist targets. This is in parallel with hundreds of attacks to destroy terrorist infrastructure carried out by the naval forces since the beginning of the war."

Lt. Col. Matan, commander of Company 916: "In the past month, naval forces thwarted dozens of terrorists and attacked terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. We are focused on three efforts: the defense effort, our motto is 'iron wall in defense' to make sure that nothing penetrates us through the sea. The second effort, the offensive effort, is that the naval forces continuously attack terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip and endanger Hamas operatives and their senior figures in the Gaza Strip. The third effort, this is the maneuver support effort, we operate 24/7, escorting the maneuvering forces from the sea and assisting both in observation and fire. We are prepared, we are determined and we will win."

  • More on the subject:
  • Iron Sword War
  • Gaza War
  • Gaza

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-11-07

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