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After being suspended for inciting posts: Sara Netanyahu's office manager resigns - Walla! news


Highlights: After being suspended for inciting posts, Sara Netanyahu's office manager resigns. Tzipi Navon was suspended for 14 days by the Director General of the Prime Minister's Office Yossi Shelly. In a series of posts published during the first week of the war, Navon attacked the left, protesters, news channels and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. In another post, she wrote: "The day is not far off when all those who conspired in the government coup will be brought to justice"

At the request of the Civil Service Commission, Navon was suspended for 14 days by the Director General of the Prime Minister's Office Yossi Shelly for inciting posts she published on Facebook - and has now submitted a letter of resignation

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara at the start of meeting with entrepreneur Elon Musk, September 18, 2023/Avi Ohayon, Roy Avraham, Yehezkel Kandil - Government Press Office

Tzipi Navon, director of the office of Prime Minister Sara Netanyahu's wife, submitted a letter of resignation from her position on Thursday. This was against the background of the disciplinary investigation opened against her by the Civil Service Commission due to inciting posts she wrote at the beginning of the war. At the Commission's request, Navon was suspended for 14 days by the Director General of the Prime Minister's Office, Yossi Shelly, and has now submitted a letter of resignation from the position.

Navon blamed the protest against Netanyahu for the massacre carried out by Hamas. In a series of posts published during the first week of the war, Navon attacked the left, protesters, news channels 11-12-13, journalists and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. After she began to receive condemnation, she deleted some of them. In light of this, she was suspended and the Civil Service Commission announced that she would face disciplinary action.

Tzipi Navon / Official website, Tzipi Navon Facebook page

Among other things, Navon wrote: "The robots of protests from the left, insensitive scum full of hatred and poison, do not stop demonstrating and inciting even in this difficult time." Enough rotten creatures like you, you've destroyed us! You destroyed the country. To hell with you, at least in these terrible days, let us mourn in peace."

"We have not finished burying our dead yet, we are only at the beginning of a war and the traitors from the left continue their incitement. Let's close the page for them! Report en masse to Facebook! This time they fight back and protect our prime minister!" (Proofreading errors in the original), Navon wrote alongside a picture of anti-Netanyahu demonstrators.

In another post, Navon wrote: "The day is not far off when all those who conspired in the government coup will be brought to justice," and published photos of News 12 journalist Amnon Abramovich alongside pictures of Ben Caspit, Raviv Drucker, Sefi Ovadia and others. In another post, she wrote: "Don't watch channels 12 and 13. Watch only Channel 14, a channel of values."

Tzipi Navon has been employed in the civil service for 30 years and was already convicted in January 2022 of disciplinary offenses due to inciting and defamatory posts she published, then against Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and against Knesset members. The previous sentence ended with a severe reprimand, confiscation of half of the salary deducted in 6 installments, and demotion for eight months.

  • More on the subject:
  • Sarah Netanyahu

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-11-09

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