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In Honor of Farmers: Yossi Shitrit's Recipes Straight from the Fields Near Gaza | Israel Hayom


Highlights: In the area surrounding Gaza, in areas adjacent to the border, hundreds of dunams of agricultural produce were grown for the entire country. Since Black Saturday, there have been almost no people in the envelope. There remains a very small nucleus, consisting of representatives of families and a few Thais. There are people and soldiers who volunteered, but the situation is still difficult. So get two recipes with lots of vegetables from the wrap, and pray for better days for all of us, says Yossi Shitrit.

Those who, despite everything, remained in the Gaza envelope, and who guard alongside the soldiers and some Thais what is left • Get two recipes, straight from the fields

In the area surrounding Gaza, in areas adjacent to the border, hundreds of dunams of agricultural produce were grown for the entire country: potatoes, carrots, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes and more.

Since Black Saturday, there have been almost no people in the envelope: the families and Thais who survived were evacuated, and those who remained were mainly busy guarding the community alongside the IDF. Because of what happened, we will soon be short of vegetables and milk, because the largest cowsheds in Israel are also located in the envelope.

The dough shell. Roll and flour, photo: Assaf Carla

But the farmers in the envelope are special people, who fight for the land just as our soldiers fight for home. They don't give up, and certainly don't give up. They are currently working in an emergency format. There remains a very small nucleus, consisting of representatives of families and a few Thais. There are people and soldiers who volunteered, but the situation is still difficult.

So get two recipes with lots of vegetables from the wrap, and pray for better days for all of us.

Cherry tomato tarte tatan

The tart. Extracting and flipping over, photo: Assaf Carla


√ puff pastry

√ 1 onion halved and thinly sliced

√ 10 cloves of garlic, peeled and halved

√ 1/2 kg cherry tomatoes

√ 1 handful of basil leaves

√ salt and pepper

√ olive oil

Photo: Assaf Carla,

How to prepare:

1. Fry the onions, garlic and tomatoes in olive oil until lightly browned in a pan or flat saucepan that can fit in the oven.

2. Add salt and pepper, sprinkle over basil leaves and turn off the fire.

3. Flour the puff pastry and work surface and roll out the dough to the size of the pan or pot.

4. Place the dough over the tomatoes, compress in the edges and quickly put in the oven at 200ºC for 20 minutes, until browned. It is important to quickly put in the oven so that the dough receives a "blow" of high heat and swells nicely.

5. After removing from the oven, give the pastry a few minutes rest and turn over on the serving plate, so that the dough is down and the tomatoes are on top.

Glatt spinach, meat and colorful tomatoes

The Glatt. The secret is in the dough, photo: Assaf Carla


√ 4 sliced Maggie tomatoes

√ 1 handful of colorful cherry tomatoes

√ coarse salt

√ ground black pepper

√ 1/2 tsp. dry oregano

√ 6 basil leaves

√ 1 beaten egg

For the crunchy dough:

√ 150 g flour

√ 80 grams of cold butter cut into cubes

√ 1 beaten egg

√ 1/2 tsp. salt

√ 1/4 tsp. sugar


√ 1 chopped onion

√ 250g ground beef

√ 5 chopped garlic cloves

√ 1 chopped red chili pepper

√ salt

√ black pepper

√ 1 heaping teaspoon of sweet paprika

√ 3 handfuls of coarsely chopped Turkish spinach

Photo: Assaf Carla,

How to prepare the crunchy dough:

1. Put the flour, salt and sugar in the mixer and mix at low speed.

2. Add the butter and continue mixing.

3. Add egg and continue stirring until you get a crumb dough. If the dough is dry, add a little cold water, and if it is sticky, add a little flour.

4. When the dough is uniform, form a ball out of it, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour.

How to prepare the filling:

1. Fry the onion until browned, add the meat and crumble with the help of a spoon.

2. Add the rest of the filling ingredients and continue frying for another 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

How to prepare the dish:

1. Grease a pan with olive oil, roll out the dough to the size of the pan and spread it out.

2. Sprinkle the filling in the center of the dough, making sure to leave a relatively wide edge.

3. Arrange the tomatoes and basil leaves over the filling, and fold the edges in.

4. Brush the dough with egg and sprinkle over coarse salt, black pepper and oregano.

5. Bake in the oven at 180ºC for 20 minutes, until the dough is brown.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-09

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