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The Israeli Left's Identity Crisis vis-à-vis Its Friends in the World | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The Israeli left is shocked, because the day after the massacre it discovered that the Western world left had abandoned it in a round. The so-called shared values, say, against infanticide, against rape, against burning people, turned out to be very flexible for the Western left. The same progressive trolling that has taken over the left is also part of the same global problem. It's hard to follow millionaires who take down towers, or monsters who rape Yazidi women and sell them as slaves in Mosul.

Those who despised nationalism, who saw it as a tool of enslavement, who thought they were part of a globalized world, now discover with shock and pain that their friends on the global left have turned their backs on them

The Israeli left is shocked, because the day after the massacre it discovered that the Western world left had abandoned it in a round. The so-called shared values, say, against infanticide, against rape, against burning people, turned out to be very flexible for the Western left, and within a week also became aggressive positions against the very right of the State of Israel to exist. If it wasn't sad - it would be entertaining.

The global left has proven to be very progressive in its anti-Semitism. Haaretz, for example, was really offended. Lots of columns with leftist views disappointed by the betrayal of the global left. Suddenly, they discovered that Western universities were a poison swamp of insane incitement against Jews in the name of universal justice.

Which leads us to the most watched skit in the history of "Wonderful Country," the skit about queer students from Columbia University demonstrating with a Palestinian flag wrapped in a pride flag. A skit that looks like something they did in Latma a decade ago.

Police disperse pro-Palestinian demonstration in Paris

After I saw the sketch, I tweeted that if a month and a half ago I had appeared in a monologue on television with an LGBT and Palestinian flag, I would have been slaughtered. The truth is that it's frustrating. No matter how many texts we wrote about the sick wok culture, no matter how many synchs we brought about the destruction of the progressive mutation and campuses indulged in anti-Western theories, they continued to call us fascists, messianics, homophobes, etc.

Then someone from the same camp comes along and curses us, the progressive Molly Segev, and says the same things we said, and doesn't admit to sailing that it's actually part of the same global problem. The same progressive trolling that has taken over the left. In Operation Cast Lead, "Wonderful Land" awarded IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi the Phosphorus Globe Award for killing children. If Israel's flagship program said this, what do you want from ignorant students in LA?

In order to understand why Israeli leftists are confused today by the conduct of their counterparts in the West, in order to understand why Harvard students are Hamas supporters who blame Israel for the massacre of Israelis, and how this relates to transgender people, we must go back to the history of ideas, or more precisely, to Marxism, in its various incarnations.

If "Wonderful Land" awarded the chief of staff the "Phosphorus Globe" award for killing children, what do you want from ignorant students in Los Angeles?

In the beginning was the French Revolution, which promised freedom, equality and fraternity – and sustained blood, murder and terror. Then will come Marx, communism and class struggle. According to the thesis, the working class, the Western proletariat, will be the subject of the revolution. It is he who will overthrow the bourgeois democracies. It didn't work. Already in World War I, the British working class did not see the German working class as a "class brother", but as a bitter enemy. Nationalism won the class struggle.

Jabotinsky understood this very well in his parable about the human orchestra. "Each instrument has its own tone, and each nation has its own special spiritual structure. These tones of nationalities must be cherished, perfected, and situations should not be allowed in which the violin will be played as a trombone - and the Czech will be similar to the French. Life doesn't mean a one-size-fits-all haircut, but diversity and harmony for countless people of individual character, who are not alike. Nationalism is an expression of the individuality of peoples." So if there is no working class ready for class war to save the world from capitalist oppression, what will Marxist thinkers do? They will replace subject.

Here we jump into the 50s and 60s, with Herbert Marcuse and the Frankfurt School (Jews, of course) entering the picture. In a nutshell, they made a switch. The oppressed Western working class, which was not eager for class struggle, was replaced by the ultimate "oppressed," the Third World in all its "weakened" forms. This is where the argument was born that the weak and the poor and the are always right, even when they commit horrific crimes.

But after September 11, after al-Qaeda and ISIS, that line of thinking weakened. It's hard to follow millionaires who take down towers, or monsters who rape Yazidi women and sell them as slaves in a market in Mosul.

Don't worry, another wing of the Marxist dynasty, postmodernism, has come to the rescue. From now on, liberation from oppressive Western democracy is achieved through a personal and physical journey. Not just ethnic identity politics, but gender identity politics.

I'm talking about the inflationary increase in gender adjustments in the Western world over the past decade and a half, and the fact that the progressive academic establishment encourages all the trolling around, including re-education for the unruly who won't abolish nature and early childhood sex education.

Today it is the symbol of the Enlightenment, but in fact it carries within it the virus of the Marxist revolution, which seeks to dismantle the West.

But then came the October 7 massacre, and suddenly the scenes came together. The red and pink met Hamas's green, and the global left joined – and not for the first time – into the bosom of bestial anti-Semitism in its most monstrous form. For ignorant students, whose moral and cognitive roots lie in the poison swamp of Qatari-funded universities, supporting Hamas is like bullying Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro. A revolutionary act.

Nor is it surprising that the number of Jews exists. It is impossible not to recall Berl Katzenelson's May 1, 1936 speech: "As long as it is possible for a Jewish child to come to the Land of Israel, a child nurtured by the suffering of generations and the burden of the soul of generations, and here the germs of hatred for himself, of 'slavery within the revolution,' will infect him and devour his mind to such an extent that he will see the social redemption of the Palestinian Nazis, who succeeded in concentrating here in Israel the zoological anti-Semitism of Europe with the lust of the dagger in the East, let not our conscience be quiet."

But I'm optimistic because of Europe. Government support for Israel suggests that perhaps Europe is finally waking up from the progressive dream. The West is beginning to understand that an ideology that seeks to create a world without identities, nationalities, language or historical contexts will collapse into itself.

The ideology of choice, praised by thinkers such as Sartre and Foucault, turned out to be an illusion. We don't choose our name, our native language, or the words we sing during the anthem at the end of the ceremony. Human beings are born into contexts of identity – historical, national and familial – from which they make their choices.
Huge demonstrations in European capitals by Islamists who support infanticide and rape of women are alarming Europe's sane citizens. The jungle inside a villa is so frightening that it is enough to overcome even traditional anti-Semitism.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-09

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