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When Jewish children are murdered: There is no other option but the destruction of Hamas | Israel Hayom


Highlights: After a great failure of all the systems on that accursed Shabbat, the State of Israel is succeeding. So militarily, and more importantly, internally. You can't fight and win without the backing of your home. The people need international maneuvering in order to reach its goals without restraint. More military aggression to reach the finish line is not an option. Our message is that we have to convince ourselves and Arab countries surrounding us that there is no choice. We are at a stage in life of life where there is the life of the nation.

The message to the international community must be simple: the war can be ended quickly and the cycle of bloodshed can be stopped • The conditions: All the abductees are released and the Gaza Strip is demilitarized of weapons and rockets

We are at the most complicated stage of the war. After a great failure of all the systems on that accursed Shabbat, the State of Israel is succeeding. There are achievements. So militarily, and more importantly, internally. You can't fight and win without the backing of your home. You can't keep a month and a half in reserve duty in the field without your family, risking your life, when you don't feel like you're part of something bigger.

Everyone who is here will attest to this, every one of the wonderful reservists I meet here. It is true that there are other needs as well, but military means – from the ceramic vest to night vision devices to the tank – are only part of the tactical need. The strategic need is the feeling that we are doing something that changes reality, the sense of protecting our home and connecting to the people. This is the basis and engine for the national machine, which has been operating for so long.

Song of Hope on Gaza's Beach

The basic assumption in the IDF for years has been that a fighter charges forward in the face of fire because of his friends, and because of his commander's call "follow me." In the State of Israel before the war, not everyone charged forward, and certainly not everyone set a personal example and shouted "follow me." In the army it worked, a small island of old values. Outside - no.

Since the beginning of the war, this has changed. The people have become so, the wisdom of the masses has prevailed over recent years, even if politics have remained in the same place. The famous brotherhood of warriors expanded beyond the army, because there was no choice. The mighty machine of hundreds of thousands of Israelis needed ideological fuel.

The Great Void

In the regulated reservoirs of politics there was nothing. Zero constructive ideology. Just chaos, division and engaging in nonsense. Just think that in the previous life there was a debate about who was in favor of Bibi and the legal reform. Israelis argued with complete seriousness and great passion about the Judicial Selection Committee, rather than about strengthening the State of Israel and national security. Deal here with who is a leftist instead of who enlists and can possess weapons during an emergency.

One day it will be the most important issue in the commission of inquiry, this drugging of an entire nation. How an entire nation woke up, and on its own, without leadership and a call of "after me," decided and did. He volunteered, enlisted, fought and allowed those living in Jerusalem to reset their direction and military need. There will also be a great legacy and pride in this examination. To the people, not to the leadership.

I know that there are those who aspire to return to the negative part of the days before. To where we curse each other on social media. For him, the day after the war looked the same. The same politics, the same argument, the same preoccupation, the same hatred. I also know that whoever is here won't let him. This poison comes from those who don't feel a part, those who don't serve, volunteer or do something. Those who don't know such family members or friends. I feel sorry for them. Living in the State of Israel, hearing daily about the dangers, the threats and the list of fallen and not finding optimism - it's sad. Without the Great Spirit there is a great void.

Still, I appreciate that those stuck there aren't important enough. They do not affect the State of Israel now, and they will not affect Israel in the future after the war. We are at the most complicated stage in the war, because now the great spirit of the people is required for words and direction. It's not just taking a weapon or a crate of food and storming. The people need internal maneuvering, and the State of Israel needs international maneuvering in order to reach its goals without restraint. More importantly, it requires military aggression to reach the finish line.

There is now a great deal of preoccupation with advocacy, precisely because of this stage. Because of internal and diplomatic necessity. In my opinion, the best basis for advocacy at this stage is weapons. Our best message is military force. Hasbara is not only in the corridors of the UN and foreign television channels, it is first and foremost here in the Middle East. Enemy.

We are at a stage in the life of the nation where there is no choice. For too long we have been engaged in a struggle for narrative, convincing the world of every harsh picture or stupid statement by a government minister. Now we have to convince ourselves and the surrounding Arab countries that there is no such thing as attacking Jews.

We must not stop without Hamas being destroyed. Not only because of what is happening in Gaza, but because of what is happening in the rest of the world. What Israel is doing in Gaza affects Lebanon and Syria, as well as anti-Semitism in European countries. No one likes strong Jewish sovereignty, but without it we will not survive. The most important narrative, also for the international community, is that Hamas chose to massacre Jews and the State of Israel was taken by surprise – but the price is such that never again.

War is hell. Innocent people are hurt in Gaza. Not intentionally, but because Hamas uses them as human shields. There is no other option but to fight and destroy the Hamas infrastructure when Jewish children are murdered and kidnapped. The State of Israel is not taking revenge – it is defending itself.

The message to the world

The message to the international community must be simple: the war can be ended quickly and the cycle of bloodshed stopped, but the conditions must be that all the abductees are released and that the Gaza Strip is demilitarized of weapons and rockets. It is possible to get a humanitarian ceasefire for a few hours if all the hostages are released. IDF forces can be stopped if Hamas leaders emerge from the tunnels and surrender or leave Gaza. It is possible to reach agreements and compromises – but none of them can endanger the lives of Israelis anymore.

The harsh images from the massacre and the kibbutzim must be accompanied by pictures of the paradise that was enveloped just before. The assembly areas and routes of the divisions inside should be accompanied by pictures of blooming and green fields, a moment beforehand. The avocado and banana plantations, which became a military target during the war, were intended to provide food and livelihood. By the way, workers from Gaza also worked there.

The areas turned into dusty powder were hiking areas and blooming forests. The demolitions in the Gaza Strip are the result of the construction of a terrorist infrastructure and tunnels underneath. There is no military action here for no reason, there is only common sense, a search for life and the future. If the world wants to prevent bloodshed, it needs to help destroy Hamas. If the world is looking to promote liberal values, it should engage in strengthening Israel. And if the allegations against Israel are part of history, that's okay too, we'll do what needs to be done.

Israel is looking for prosperity, homes full of light and children playing. We are not a country that got on uniforms and weapons on a whim to gain more territory or resources. We will not rebuild Gush Katif, despite the heavy price we paid. You can stop this babble. But we will definitely tear the ligament, dissect it, if that is what will allow for complete security. This is a war of no choice. Every military step taken is that there are no other options. If the demand is that only Israel stop, there is no real desire to stop the war.

The war will end sooner or later. In order to return to flowering, to deep plowing, in order for people to live normally, military force is now needed. In the end, we will win, because we have no other choice.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-09

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