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Maariv Poll: Most Israelis Support Ceasefire for Return of Abductees - Walla! news


Highlights: Maariv Poll: Most Israelis Support Ceasefire for Return of Abductees - Walla! news. Almost 60% of Israelis believe that Israel should stop the fighting in order to allow the return of the hostages from Hamas captivity, compared to 30% who oppose a ceasefire under any circumstances. A record figure for Gantz in the rate of suitability for prime minister: 52% for the chairman of the state camp - compared to only 26% for Netanyahu. Another trend that continues is the erosion of Netanyahu's support among Likud voters in the 2022 elections.

Almost 60% of Israelis believe that Israel should stop the fighting in order to allow the return of the hostages from Hamas captivity, compared to 30% who oppose a ceasefire under any circumstances. A record figure for Gantz in the rate of suitability for prime minister: 52% for the chairman of the state camp - compared to only 26% for Netanyahu

Givati soldiers take over Hamas Post 17 in Gaza/Photo: Report

A Maariv poll shows that a majority of Israelis support a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza – only for the return of all or some of the abductees.

According to the survey, 59% of Israelis conditionally support a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, with the condition related to the return of hostages. 39% would agree to a ceasefire only after the return of all the hostages, and 16% would agree for at least some of the abductees. 30% oppose a ceasefire regardless of the abductees. 3% call for an unconditional ceasefire and 8% do not know.

Even among the Arab population, the prevailing opinion is to condition the humanitarian ceasefire on measures relating to abductees – with about 41% of the respondents. In addition, 21% of them support an unconditional ceasefire, 6% oppose a ceasefire under any circumstances, and 32% of Arab respondents have no opinion on the issue.

IDF forces operating in the Gaza Strip, this week/IDF Spokesperson

On the issue of the fate of the Gaza Strip after Hamas' decision, 41% support the withdrawal, with most conditional on transferring it to international control (33%) and only 8% supporting transferring control to the Palestinian Authority. 44% want Israel to remain in control of the Gaza Strip, half of them in favor of security control only, and half in favor of establishing civilian communities in Gaza.

In the internal division of Jewish respondents, the highest level of support for remaining in the Gaza Strip, including the establishment of civilian settlements, came from religious and ultra-Orthodox respondents. Among the Arab respondents, 37% responded that they have no opinion on the issue. Only 15% support Israel remaining in Gaza, while 31% support transferring control to an international entity.

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Record figure for Gantz vs. Netanyahu

On the political issue, there are only slight changes in the map of seats, and the status of the blocs remains stable with 77 seats for the opposition parties, compared to 43 for the coalition that formed the government. The figures are identical to last week's poll, except that Meretz is down by two seats and Yesh Atid by one, while the State Camp, Yisrael Beiteinu and Shas are each strengthening by one mandate.

And if the elections were held today, the State Camp would win 40 seats (39 in the previous poll), the Likud in 18 (18), Yesh Atid in 14 (15), Yisrael Beiteinu in 9 (8), Shas in 9 (8), Yehadut HaTorah in 7 (7), Otzma Yehudit in 5 (5), Hadash-Ta'al in 5 (5), Ra'am in 5 (5), Meretz in 4 (6), National Religious Religious Party in 4 (4). Labor receives 1.1% of the votes and Balad 1%, far from the electoral threshold.

The gap is widening. Gantz and Netanyahu/official website, Tal Shahar

On the question of suitability for prime minister, Benny Gantz reaches a record 52% against only 26% for Netanyahu, with 22% unable to decide. Another trend that continues is the erosion of Netanyahu's support among Likud voters in the 2022 elections. Now, only 53% of them would still choose Netanyahu, compared to 24% who see Gantz as more suitable for the post of prime minister.

In a survey conducted on November 9-8 by Lazar Studies, headed by Dr. Menachem Lazar and in collaboration with Panel4All, 515 respondents, representing a representative sample of the adult population in Israel, aged 18 and over, Jews and Arabs, participated. The poll's maximum margin of error is 4.3%.

  • More on the subject:
  • survey
  • Maariv
  • Benny Gantz

Source: walla

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