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Israel-Gaza War, Live | Israel lowers death toll in Oct. 1 attack to around 200,7


Highlights: Israel revises down death toll from Gaza attack to around 1,200, two hundred fewer than yesterday. Latest data provided by the Gazan Ministry of Health, in the hands of Hamas, put the death toll at 11,078, 266 more than yesterday; of which 4,506 are minors. Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman condemns Israel's "violations of international law" in Gaza. Qatar accuses Israel of having the "clear intention" to commit massacre at Al Shifa hospital.

The death toll in the Gaza Strip exceeds 11,000, according to the enclave's authorities | Bombardment in Gaza hits three hospitals and a school, Palestinian sources say | Between 25 and 50 killed in school, according to Palestinian authorities

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Israel on Friday sharply revised downwards the death toll from the Hamas attack on October 7: the official figure is now around 1,200, two hundred fewer than yesterday. Meanwhile, in Gaza, the death toll continues to rise: the latest data provided by the Gazan Ministry of Health, in the hands of Hamas, put the death toll at 11,078, 266 more than yesterday; of which 4,506 are minors. Israeli airstrikes hit three hospitals and a school in Gaza on Friday, Palestinian sources told Reuters. Regarding the school, the director of Al Shifa hospital, Mohammad Abu Salmiya, told Agence France Press (AFP) that the death toll has risen to 50. Other authorities put the figure at between 25 and 50. The Israeli army has so far not commented on its involvement in this operation. "Israeli tanks fired on the hospital," said the hospital's director, Dr. Mohammad Abou Salmiya. .

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Mohammed bin Salman calls for an end to the war, condemns Israel's "violations" in Gaza

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Friday called for an "end" to the war in the Gaza Strip and condemned Israel's "violations of international law" in the enclave, on the eve of an emergency summit of Arab heads of state in Riyadh. "We insist on the need to end this war and the forced displacement of Palestinians," bin Salman said at the opening of a Saudi-African economic summit in Riyadh on Friday.

The crown prince and de facto ruler of the wealthy Persian Gulf country also condemned the "military assault, attacks on civilians and violations of international law by the Israeli occupation authorities." Bin Salman made the remarks as preparations are being finalized for an emergency summit of the Arab League at the level of heads of state, which will take place in Riyadh on Saturday and will be attended by numerous leaders of the member countries of the pan-Arab body.

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 06:04


Qatar accuses Israel of having the "clear intention" to commit massacre at Al Shifa hospital

Qatar's Foreign Ministry warned on Friday that Israel has "the clear intention" to "commit a new massacre" at the Gaza Strip's main hospital, the Al Shifa compound, which this morning was bombed that killed at least 13 people and injured several dozen. Qatar considers the recent attacks in the vicinity and on a building with hospital clinics to be "the prelude to an attack" on the Al Shifa, a facility with a large number of patients in which around 60,000 people displaced by the bombings are also taking refuge.

Israel says the main military and command center of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas is in the basement of this hospital, where the Israeli military has said there is heavy fighting these days as troops move into Gaza City. Qatar has called on the international community to intervene urgently to "put pressure" on Israel and prevent a massacre like those that have already occurred in recent days in other medical centers and camps for displaced people. "The delay in pressuring the occupation to stop this crime and not condemn its attacks ... will be interpreted as a signal to advance the attack on the medical complex and other buildings," the note said.

Last week, an Israeli attack off al-Shifa killed about fifteen people. A large number of hospitals in the Gaza Strip have suffered material damage and damage from the attacks, while 18 of some 35 hospitals are out of service due to lack of fuel, a resource that Israel prevents from accessing the enclave for fear that it will fall into the hands of Hamas.

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 05:29


Lebanon denounces the fall of an Israeli shell in one of its hospitals in the south

The Lebanese government denounced that an Israeli artillery shell hit one of its hospitals in the south of the country on Friday, which, although it did not explode, caused injuries to a health worker and material damage amid the crossfire in the border areas. The shell landed on Mays al-Jabal Hospital, injuring one person and damaging the emergency department, Lebanon's Public Health Ministry said in a statement, calling the attack a "flagrant breach of all international laws."

"The Ministry of Public Health declares the Israeli authorities fully responsible for this unjustified action, which would have resulted in catastrophic results if the artillery shell that hit the hospital had exploded," the statement added. The government department recalled that attacks on health facilities and their employees constitute a "serious violation" of humanitarian law, while urging the international community to "fulfill its duties" so that such incidents do not happen again.

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 04:59


New day of reduced entry of aid into Gaza and transfer of wounded to Egypt

A total of 35 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip today, which in recent days has been experiencing a reduction in the arrival of assistance, while another 16 wounded were transferred to Egypt for treatment. Humanitarian sources told EFE that 35 trucks transported water, food and medical supplies to the enclave, which continues to receive no fuel, which is extremely necessary for the operation of hospitals, bakeries and water purification plants.

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 04:29


Israel demolishes two homes, arrests at least 40 Palestinians in West Bank

Israeli forces today arrested at least 41 people in military raids in several parts of the West Bank and demolished the family homes of two Palestinian attackers in the Hebron area who months ago killed an Israeli settler. "Overnight, the army, the Israel Border Police and engineering forces carried out anti-terror activities in the city of Hebron," a military spokesman said. According to him, the troops "demolished two residences of Hamas terrorists Muhammad Shantir and Saker Shantir, who on August 2, 21, carried out a shooting attack" that killed an Israeli woman living in a nearby settlement.

These practices, which Israel defends as a form of deterrence, are branded as "collective punishment" by human rights NGOs. At the same time, the troops carried out "an anti-terrorist operation" in the same city of Hebron, where they "closed a printing press" and took away equipment "used to print incendiary materials for the Hamas terrorist organization." On the other hand, soldiers carried out raids on al-Aroub refugee camps in Hebron governorate, as well as Deheisha and Aida camps in Bethlehem, where they "interrogated many suspects, searched buildings" and confiscated weapons. In all, among the more than 40 arrested today, at least 14 of them are linked to Hamas.

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 04:02


Hezbollah claims responsibility for a three-drone attack on another day of intense crossfire

The Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah claimed responsibility on Friday for a simultaneous attack with three drones on military targets in northern Israel, one of several actions perpetrated throughout a new day of intense crossfire across the border between the two countries. "Offensive" drones this afternoon attacked the Yiftah Kaddish base and a recently established concentration point in the Hatzor HaGlitit area, both targets located in Israeli-held areas disputed by Lebanon, the Shiite movement said in a statement.

The dispatch of three simultaneous drones to the other side of the divide represents a new level in the escalation that the parties have been leading since October 8 and that has been intensifying over the weeks, both in its frequency and in the use of weapons or the geographical radius. Hezbollah also claimed responsibility for four missile launches against different groups of Israeli soldiers in the north of the country on Friday, as well as another attack on a military post for which it used unspecified "suitable weapons," according to a series of notes issued by the group.

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 03:29

El País

HRW denounces that the videos of the abductees released by Hamas constitute a war crime

Human Rights Watch denounces the videos of Israeli abductees released by Hamas as a war crime because they are "an outrage against the dignity of the people."

"Hamas and Islamic Jihad not only illegally hold civilians hostage, including children, but also disseminate to the world images of hostages in their most vulnerable state," said Omar Shakir, the NGO's director for Israel and Palestine, who insisted that "instead of filming a child under duress, groups should release him safely and with his family."

HRW recalled holding hostages and abusing them is against international humanitarian law. "Hamas and Islamic Jihad must immediately and unconditionally release all civilians in their custody and allow those still held to communicate with their families by private means and receive visits from an impartial humanitarian agency," the statement said.

Yesterday, al-Quds, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, said it was ready to release two of the hostages still in its possession, a child and an elderly woman. The armed group had previously released a video showing the abductees calling for their release from Israel.

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 03:02

El País

Macron calls on Israel to "stop the bombing of civilians in Gaza"

French President Emmanuel Macron urged Israel to stop the bombardment of civilians in Gaza. He made the statement in an interview with the BBC reported by the newspaper Le Monde. In it, the French head of state assured that there was no other solution in Gaza than a humanitarian pause.

The conclusion was made the day before when several governments and agencies met in Paris at a humanitarian aid conference on the war in the Gaza Strip. "De facto, civilians are being bombed today. These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. Therefore, this has neither reason nor legitimacy. Therefore, we urge Israel to cease," he said.

Last Thursday, Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), acknowledged the importance of the event that took place in Paris and assured that he sees Macron committed to making progress.

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 02:53

El País

WHO accuses Israel of attacking 250 Palestinian hospitals, health centers or ambulances

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was invited to the United Nations Security Council to discuss the situation of the health sector in Gaza. Ghebreyesus warned that after a month of war, among the more than 11,000 dead in Gaza, there are a large number of women and children. "Every 36 minutes a child dies in Gaza," he said.

In addition, he highlighted the risk that among the 48.<> million displaced Gazans and refugees in tiny places "the risk of diarrhoea, respiratory diseases and skin infections will grow". The official reported that half of the <> hospitals in Gaza and two-thirds of the primary health centers are already out of service, which he specified that in the last <> hours alone four hospitals have been disabled. This is how he described the situation: "Hospital corridors crowded with wounded, sick or dying; overcrowded morgues; operations without anesthesia and tens of thousands of displaced Gazans and refugees in hospitals."

Despite the WHO's denunciations, Israel's ambassador to the UN made serious accusations against employees of the UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA), accusing "many" of being members of Hamas. For his part, in a more conciliatory tone, the US ambassador, Robert Wood, called for the hospitals to be respected, but repeated many of Israel's accusations by saying that Hamas "cynically uses civilians as human shields by storing its ammunition and weaponry in those same hospitals that are being talked about here."

ACT.11 NOV 2023 - 01:40

El País

Israel lowers death toll in Oct. 1 attack to around 200,7

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has lowered the death toll in the Hamas attack on October 1 to around 200,7. Until now, Israeli authorities had put the death toll at about 1,400, but this new estimate was reported in a ministry statement in which Israel criticizes a UNESCO resolution. The statement was published by the spokesperson of this department, Lior Haiat, on the social network X (formerly Twitter). In response to questions from journalists, the Foreign Ministry confirmed that, according to the latest Israeli review, the victims are about 1,200.

ACT.10 NOV 2023 - 21:13

Source: elparis

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