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The golden basket, the ideal plant to beautify your walls


Highlights: Golden basket is a perennial plant species that spreads in graceful carpets on low walls. It is a creeping-growing perennial, characterized by its spring blooms. The best time to sow the golden basket is in the spring, while the fall season is the best time for transplanting it successfully. The golden basket has some drought tolerance, but regular watering during periods of active growth is beneficial to its growth. The flowering period extends throughout the months of April, May and June, giving it a special charm.

The golden basket, also known as the alysse, is a perennial plant species that spreads in graceful carpets on low walls

Plant ID card

Botanical NameAlyssum saxatile.
Common NameGolden Basket.
FamilyBrassicaceae (formerly cruciferous).
OriginCentral and South-Eastern Europe.
SizeHeight from 15 to 40 cm.
FoliagePersistent, silvery green.
FloweringApril, May, June.
GroundOrdinary, well-drained.
RusticityDown to -30°C.

The golden basket is a creeping-growing perennial, characterized by its spring blooms. This plant, known as a rocky perennial, gives birth to a sumptuous golden cushion when its yellow flowers bloom. Its robustness is remarkable, and it thrives naturally in stony terrain without specific maintenance.

Varieties of Golden Basket

The golden basket is a creeping-growing perennial, characterized by its spring blooms. Copyright (c) 2023 meunierd/Shutterstock. No use without permission.

The golden basket (Aurinia saxatilis) is a perennial plant that has several varieties, each with its own characteristics and attributes. Here are some of the most well-known varieties of the golden basket:

  • Aurinia saxatilis 'Compacta': This variety stands out for its compact habit and abundant flowering. Its clusters of bright yellow flowers create a striking effect, reminiscent of a veritable basket of gold. It is appreciated for its dense appearance and its ability to fill spaces with brilliance;
  • Aurinia saxatilis 'Summit': Known for its elegance, this strain is characterized by a generous and spectacular flowering. The bright yellow flowers create a striking contrast with the dark green foliage, adding a touch of sophistication to any furnishing;
  • Aurinia saxatilis 'Gold Ball': This variety is distinguished by its compact, rounded habit, forming an attractive golden ball of flowers. Its compact appearance makes it a popular choice for rock gardens and borders;
  • Aurinia saxatilis 'Sulphurea': In contrast to the bright yellow flowers of the other varieties, 'Sulphurea' has softer, almost creamy yellow flowers. This more subtle shade brings a particular elegance to the whole;
  • Aurinia saxatilis 'Citronette': This variety is distinguished by its light green leaves and bright yellow flowers. It adds a bright and vibrant touch to gardens and landscaping;
  • Aurinia saxatilis 'Lemon Queen': With a flower color reminiscent of lemon, this variety offers a unique appeal with its bright yellow flowers. It can be used to brighten up shady corners and to create contrasts in arrangements;
  • Aurinia saxatilis 'Citrina': Another variety with a lemon flower hue, 'Citrina' stands out for its silvery green foliage. It brings a touch of freshness and brightness to any space.

When to plant the golden basket?

The best time to sow the golden basket is in the spring, while the fall season is the best time to transplant it successfully. For specimens acquired in the form of young plants in pots, it is essential to plant them between the months of March and April, excluding the frost period.

When does the golden basket bloom?

The flowering period extends throughout the months of April, May and June. During this period, the clump of the plant metamorphoses into dazzling baskets of golden flowers. This floral bloom gives the golden basket a special charm that makes it an ideal choice for the decoration of walls and walls, the decoration of rock gardens, and even for the development of carefully selected planters. It is the ideal plant for blooming dry gardens.

How do you care for the gold basket?

The golden basket bloom period extends throughout the months of April, May, and June. Copyright (c) 2018 Manfred Ruckszio/Shutterstock. No use without permission.

The Golden Basket requires little attention, showing remarkable resistance. Here are some tips to maintain its glow:

  • Removal of faded flowers: After the flowering period, it is recommended to remove faded flowers regularly. This practice, called "deadheading," allows the plant to focus its energy on producing new shoots and future flowers;
  • Pruning the Golden Basket After Flowering: At the end of the blooming season, perform light pruning to encourage denser, bushy growth. This pruning also helps prevent crowding and maintain the overall shape of the plant;
  • Moderate watering for alyssus: The golden basket has some drought tolerance once established, but regular watering during periods of active growth is beneficial. Be careful not to overwater it, as consistently wet soil can be detrimental to its roots.
  • Well-draining soil: Be sure to plant the Golden Basket in well-draining soil. It prefers slightly sandy or stony soils that ensure rapid evacuation of excess water;
  • Moderate fertilization: The golden basket does not need excessive fertilization. A light and balanced fertilizer in the spring may be enough to encourage healthy growth.

How do you make golden basket cuttings?

The propagation of Corbeilles d'Or can be carried out during the summer period by using herbaceous cuttings. To do this, remove the leaves from the bottom of each cutting before rooting them in a substrate consisting of 4/5 sand and <>/<> potting soil. Dividing the mother plant is a second viable technique: it is done in early spring. It is advisable to renew the specimens every <> to <> years, as over time the base of the stems forming the cushion tends to become bald.

Source: leparis

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