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Wearing uniforms: Jewish boys from around the world come to Israel to enlist | Israel Hayom


Highlights: 100 young Jews from the Diaspora come to Israel to enlist in the IDF. "People sacrificed their lives so that we could live here safely," says Udi Dror from the Social Security Division of the Ministry of Defense. The program takes place at the absorption center in Karmiel, at a time when the security threat to northern Israel is palpable. The young people will undergo physical and mental preparation for enlistment, improving the Hebrew language, getting to know Israeli society and providing tools for their integration into military service.

In our difficult hour, in the middle of the war, 100 young Jews from the Diaspora come to Israel to enlist • Esther from Mexico, Solel from France and Avraham from the United States will soon put on uniforms to defend a country they did not grow up in • "People sacrificed their lives so that we could live here safely" • Udi Dror from the Social Security Division of the Ministry of Defense: "This is not self-evident and exciting" • Global strengthening

At the height of the war, some 100 young men and women who arrived in Israel from various countries around the world began a preparatory program earlier this week for their enlistment in the IDF.

In a month they will be in uniform, but even before the chain of service in the military service, they arrived at the preparatory program in Israel as part of the Machal (Overseas Volunteers) track of the Social Security Division of the Ministry of Defense. The program takes place at the absorption center in Karmiel, at a time when the security threat to northern Israel is palpable. The program will last four weeks, during which the young people will undergo physical and mental preparation for enlistment, improving the Hebrew language, getting to know the country, getting to know Israeli society and providing tools for their optimal integration into military service.

The parliament building in Gaza was blown up // Arab networks

"About 100 Jewish youth from the Diaspora chose to leave their families, friends and occupations, and came to Israel to volunteer for the IDF as part of the Machal track," says Udi Dror, head of the division for recruiting unique and Torah tracks in the Social Security Division of the Ministry of Defense. "They do it during combat, all in order to take part in defending the country. It's not self-evident and it's exciting. We, in the Social Security Division of the Ministry of Defense, accompanied them on their arrival in Israel, absorbed them into the preparation program for enlistment and will continue to accompany them throughout their military service."

"The people in Israel make me feel not alone"

It's hard to miss the joy in Esther Brown's voice (18) when she talks about the wonderful people she met in Israel. "The first thing I love about Israel is the people: they're warm, and even if they scream at you, it's with love. I love the views, the food, and especially the way everyone makes you feel like you're not alone. I'm really happy to be here."

Esther Brown (19), came from Mexico City, Mexico, photo: None

Brown was born and raised in Mexico and has two sisters. She said she knew from an early age that she wanted to live in Israel. "I've always wanted to help Israel, and certainly at this time and in the current situation, it's increasing," she says. "I came to Israel in July, and when the war broke out in October, I had the option of flying back to Mexico and not joining the program. I thought about it a lot, my parents initially wanted me to come back, but I decided to stay despite the difficulty. Now? Much more than they care about me, they are proud of me."

She shares that she also has concerns. "On October 7, I was really scared, and even now there is fear, but my top priority is to make Israel a better place, to contribute. Many people have sacrificed their lives so that I can live here safely, and I want to give of myself for others. As part of the preparatory program, we met a bereaved mother who lost her son, it was very emotional and I connected to the story."

Esther still doesn't know where she'll enlist: "I want to serve in a combat unit, and if possible – to go to the canine unit (Oketz) or a rescue company. Another option is military service in the Foreign Relations Unit, because I feel I can really help with Israeli advocacy."

"I want to be a combat soldier in the Golani"

Next month, Solel Tibi, a 19-year-old from Paris, will be in uniform. When asked which unit he most wants to enlist in, he replies without thinking twice: "Golani." This is a unit that during the Iron Sword War lost many of its fighters and suffered a severe blow. At the same time, the Golanchiks are leading the complex fighting in Gaza and are achieving impressive achievements.

Solel Tibi (19), came from Paris, France, photo: None

Solel has two brothers and a sister, and most of his family still lives in Paris. He studied for a while in Israel, and that's what lit the spark in him. "Ever since I was little, I thought I'd come to Israel, but I didn't think it would happen at the age of 17, and my parents didn't really like the idea either. In France, I met friends who told me about Israel, school and the army. As a result, I decided to study in Israel and came to Mikveh Israel in Holon. In the youth village I met friends who had to enlist in the IDF, I also had friends from older classes who were already soldiers - and they excited me about enlisting in the IDF. Although I am not obligated to enlist, I decided that I wanted to enlist in the IDF and be in a combat role. I really want to go to Golani."

As mentioned, Solel returned to Paris for a time, and when the war broke out on Black Saturday, he decided to come to Israel and fulfill his dream. "I spoke with my friends who had already enlisted and went out to fight, and it only strengthened my desire to join the IDF, defend the country and live here in Israel. My family was very worried and told me that it was dangerous in Israel these days, but they understood that this was my desire and supported me in the end. Moreover, these days are difficult in Paris in terms of anti-Semitism, and this is felt on a daily level."

"The story of Masada convinced me to enlist"

"Iron Sword War only motivated me to enlist in the IDF," says Avraham Matt, 20, who came from New Jersey. He was born and raised in the United States, has five siblings. He arrived in Israel two years ago, managed to study in two yeshivas and then flew back to the United States. Now he has returned to Israel to enlist in the IDF. "I will start at the Alon Brigade [a base of the Education Corps for basic training, training and studies in the Lower Galilee], and I want to enlist in the Sayeret Matkal - I intend to reach as high and strong as possible."

Abraham Matt (20) came from New Jersey, USA, photo: None

When asked what sharpened his desire to enlist, he answers: "Last year we visited Masada, the tour guide told us the story of the place, that it was the last refuge of the Jews and that they had nowhere to run. At that point, I realized that in order for this to never happen again, we had to volunteer and contribute. The State of Israel is the state of Jews from all over the world - from the United States, France, Russia - this is our home."

"I heard about the events of October 7 when I was visiting the United States. I got the pictures on my phone, and it was a real disaster. At first, I didn't believe such a thing could happen. But after I saw and understood, my motivation to enlist increased. I feel that fighting is really sacred work, that the people of Israel must be united and defeat Hamas."

On life in Israel, he says: "When I'm here, I like to meet new people. Here it's not like in the US - in Israel people help you, you feel the warmth and the community. Here in the program there are people who came from all over the world, and despite that, we have a common language."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-16

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