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Argentina Elections 2023: The Second Round of the Presidential Elections Live | Argentina's Electoral Chamber Calls Claims of Fraud "Unfounded"


Highlights: Argentina's National Electoral Chamber (CNE) said on Saturday that "absolutely unfounded versions" are the presentations about alleged fraud in the elections. On Sunday, voters will elect the president for the next four years between Peronist minister Sergio Massa and far-right economist Javier Milei. Polling stations will open Sunday from <> a.m. to <> p.m., in a country that bans exit polls. The candidate who obtains the most valid votes wins.

On Sunday, voters will elect the president for the next four years between Peronist minister Sergio Massa and far-right economist Javier Milei

Argentina's electorate — some 35.8 million people — is called to vote on Sunday to elect the president for the next four years between Economy Minister Sergio Massa, 51, who almost reached 37% in the first round, and far-right libertarian economist Javier Milei, 53, who came close to 30%. The average of the last 15 polls leaves an open result with a slight advantage for Milei. The candidate who obtains the most valid votes wins. Although voting is compulsory between the ages of 18 and 69, the percentage of undecided voters is still enormous. A blank ballot does not count for the count. Polling stations will open Sunday from <> a.m. to <> p.m. in a country that bans exit polls. The first provisional results will begin to be released at nine o'clock in the evening.

  • Sergio Massa, the incombustible politician
  • Milei, a mix of messianic preacher and rock star

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Catalina OquendoBuenos Aires (ARGENTINA)

Argentina's Electoral Chamber Calls Second-Round Fraud Claims "Unfounded"

Argentina's National Electoral Chamber (CNE) said on Saturday that "absolutely unfounded versions" are the presentations about alleged fraud in the elections carried out by Javier Milei's party, La Libertad Avanza (LLA), ahead of this Sunday's presidential runoff, in which it will face Peronist Sergio Massa.

The secretary of electoral action of the CNE, Sebastián Schimmel, told local media that "they are absolutely unfounded versions, because not even in the networks they accompany them with arguments, but they generate this climate that tries to be one of mistrust."

For several days, Milei's party has been agitating about the existence of a "colossal fraud" but has not presented the evidence in court. There is no complaint, no fact that justifies that concern," Schimmel tried to clarify about the suspicions of fraud.

Precisely for this reason, one day before the election, the National Electoral Chamber summoned the representatives of both parties to reduce the tension. The meeting ended after 2 p.m., Argentina time and, according to the Telam agency, it was a "cordial meeting" and on good terms, but as it was informal they did not leave minutes and agreed not to give more information about it.

With information from EFE

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 19:26

Segio Massa thanked the support for the threats his family received

A day before the historic election in Argentina, Peronist candidate Sergio Massa thanked, through X, formerly Twitter, the support received after the telephone threats against him and his family. "Children are the most valuable thing you have in life," she wrote on the social network.

At the beginning of November, his phone number went viral on TikTok and the family began receiving death threats that forced the justice system to place the candidate, his wife Malena Galmarini and their two children, aged 18 and 21, in police custody. On Friday, the authorities arrested several people who allegedly participated in the intimidation.

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 17:53

Isabella Cota


Video Analysis | Massa and Milei's proposals for the Argentine economy

Isabella Cota

The Peronist candidate hopes that a sharp growth in revenues will help him find a balance in the fiscal deficit. His rival proposes dollarization as an antidote to inflation

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 17:18

'The Word Argentina', by Martín Caparrós

There are words that can be deceiving. Or, better: they all deceive, only some do it from the beginning, from its root; Its very origin is a deception, its content is a deception. The word Argentina is one of the most false words: about the lie that beyond there was that which never was, that will never be there either.

Read the full column at this link.

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 15:46


Sergio Massa, the incombustible politician

In 1994, the Argentinian trade unionist Luis Barrionuevo received Sergio Massa, then a young militant of the Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD), a party of the liberal right, at his home. Massa was 22 years old and was about to change his skin for the first time. "In politics I have all the Indians I need, what I need is someone who can put on a jacket [an American jacket] and a tie," said Barrionuevo, who anointed him as a full member of Peronism. Massa came from the middle class of San Martín, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, had studied at a private school and his father was a builder. He donned a jacket and tie and launched himself with conviction into an unstoppable upward career. At the age of 51, he will try this Sunday to become president of Argentina facing the ultra Javier Milei in the second round.

Read Federico Rivas's full profile here.

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 14:36

Football enters the campaign set on fire by a proposal from Milei

Argentine football plunged into the campaign after a proposal by the ultra Javier Milei to transform the clubs into public limited companies. Teams affiliated with the Argentine Football Association (AFA) openly came out against the libertarian candidate. In the case of the players, virtually all of them have opted for silence. Unlike what happened in Brazil, where in 2022 Neymar, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo and other Brazilian stars announced their preferences for Jair Bolsonaro or Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, only one first-division player, Juan Cruz Komar, of Rosario Central, has publicly spoken out in favor of a candidate.

Read Andrés Burgo's report at this link

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 13:54

Guillermo AltaresJournalist EL PAÍSMadrid (SPAIN)


ESMA and Rwanda: the horror of the 20th century makes its way into UNESCO's World Heritage Site

Guillermo Altares

The idea of dismantling the Esma — the largest torture center of the Argentine dictatorship — aired by Victoria Villarruel, candidate of the ultra Javier Milei for the vice-presidency of Argentina, has shaken the electoral campaign in the country, which goes to the polls this Sunday. But this centre, which has been converted into a Museum of Memory and which Milei's candidacy aims to turn into a school, has been, since last September, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. That designation was not an isolated event: it is part of an effort by the United Nations body for culture to protect and disseminate the memory of the horrors of the 2023th and 1979st centuries. Until 1996, only two sites related to the wars of the present day had received the highest recognition that an international monument can opt for: the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau, in <>, and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, in <>.

However, this year, at the meeting of the World Heritage Committee, held in Riyadh in September, three sites linked to the first major conflict of the 20th century, as well as crimes against humanity and genocide, were designated: "Esma Museum and Site of Memory - Former Clandestine Center for Detention, Torture and Extermination", in Argentina; "Genocide Memorial Sites: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero" in Rwanda; and "The Burial and Memorial Sites of the First World War (Western Front)", from Belgium and France. And this is just the beginning of a much broader movement that aims to influence the memory of the recent past to try to curb the horrors of the present.

Read the full information here.

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 13:06

Naiara Galarraga GortázarBuenos Aires (ARGENTINA)

Massa, family lunch and visit to the campaign headquarters

This Saturday, with Argentina in a period of reflection with a ban on rallies, polls and propaganda, the ruling party candidate and Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, plans to have lunch with his family before visiting the headquarters of his electoral campaign. The Peronist will have lunch with his wife, his two children and his parents, according to the newspaper La Nación. They will meet at the home of the candidate and his family in Tigre, a city next to Buenos Aires where Massa was mayor for two terms.

In the afternoon, the Peronist candidate plans to go to the so-called Massa bunker, the center of operations of his electoral campaign. The plan is to meet there with the young militants who on Sunday will receive the data from the so-called witness tables, which will help the coalition to have its own internal projections before the elections with the most uncertain outcome in the last four decades.

Massa will vote on Sunday in Tigre.
(The Nation)

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 12:10

Naiara Galarraga Gortázar

The artistic director of the Colón Theater criticizes "the intolerance" towards Milei

The general and artistic director of the Colón Theater, the most prestigious in Argentina, has criticized this Saturday on social networks the booing suffered last night by the far-right candidate Javier Milei, during the performance of the opera Madame Butterfly, by Puccini.
Jorge Telerman has repudiated "the expressions of intolerance" expressed by those present in the theater upon discovering that the candidate for the Presidency in this Sunday's elections, which is disputed with the Peronist Sergio Massa, was in one of the boxes with his partner, the comedian Fátima Flórez.
Part of the audience shouted "Never again," the emblematic proclamation against the Argentine dictatorship, and "Milei, garbage, you are the dictatorship," according to videos recorded by the public and that went viral.

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 11:28

Mar CenteneraBuenos Aires (ARGENTINA)


Milei, a mix of messianic preacher and rock star

Mar Centenera

In the second half of the match towards the Presidency of Argentina, Javier Gerardo Milei became one of those professional politicians that he hated so much. The Lion, as he is nicknamed, stopped roaring. This ultra-liberal economist, known for his insults and outbursts of anger in front of the cameras, remained calm even when contradicted. He hugged the caste he was going to kick in the ass. Did he also begin to hide his thoughts? "We're not going to privatize healthcare. We are not going to privatize education. We're not going to privatise football. We are not going to allow the unrestricted carrying of weapons," he promises in his latest election announcement. Until a few months ago, the candidate of the far-right La Libertad Avanza party said the opposite. The deregulation of the arms market and the privatization of education through a voucher system are proposals written in his electoral platform, but since they are not very popular, he now exhibits others. Milei aspires to conquer power next Sunday against the official candidate, Economy Minister Sergio Massa.

La transformación de quien durante dos años fue visto como un outsider extravagante en la Cámara de Diputados hace pensar en una de las frases más célebres atribuidas al expresidente Carlos Menem: “Si hubiera dicho lo que iba a hacer, no me votaba nadie”. Pero Milei dice y después se desdice, como pasó con su apoyo a la venta de órganos, a la venta de niños o las denuncias de fraude electoral. Sus innumerables contradicciones obligan a los argentinos a elegir a cuál de dos versiones del candidato creer. Si gana, su verdadero rostro comenzará a desvelarse a partir del 10 de diciembre, cuando el próximo presidente tome posesión.

Milei nació en Buenos Aires el 22 de octubre de 1970 en un hogar de clase media. Hijo de Norberto, un conductor de autobús que terminó siendo dueño de una empresa de transporte y de Alicia, una ama de casa. Milei contó que fue criado entre golpes, humillaciones y abusos verbales.

Lee aquí el perfil completo.

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 17:17

Constanza LambertucciBuenos Aires (ARGENTINA)

elecciones en argentina

Radiografía de la economía que asfixia al votante argentino

Constanza Lambertucci

Argentina llega a las elecciones presidenciales de este domingo con una economía que cae en picado. El Producto Interno Bruto no creció en los últimos tres meses. La inflación superó el 142% interanual. Uno de cada cuatro argentinos vive en la pobreza y dos salarios mínimos no alcanzan para cubrir la canasta básica de un hogar con cuatro miembros. En el mercado cambiario, conviven más de una decena de cotizaciones para el dólar. Las reservas brutas del Banco Central han caído a la mitad en los últimos cuatro años y las netas están en rojo. El Estado, además, debe saldar un endeudamiento de 44.000 millones de dólares con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI). Los argentinos esperan que quien llegue a la Casa Rosada termine con la agonía. Las opciones son dos y dispares: un economista que promete un shock brutal y el actual ministro de Economía.

El candidato peronista, Sergio Massa, ha tenido a su cargo la gestión económica durante el último año y muchos se preguntan qué hará diferente si llega a la Presidencia. Su coalición achaca el agravamiento de la crisis a una sequía histórica que dejó pérdidas por 20.000 millones de dólares, al impacto de la pandemia y al crédito que tomó el Gobierno de Mauricio Macri con el FMI. El ultraliberal Javier Milei, en cambio, responsabiliza de la crisis a “la estafa” de la emisión monetaria y propone dolarizar la economía para deshacerse de la inflación galopante, además de reducir al mínimo el gasto público, ideas que economistas de todo el mundo han calificado de peligrosas. Esta es una radiografía de los indicadores que asfixian a los argentinos.

Lee la noticia completa.

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 09:50

Naiara Galarraga GortázarBuenos Aires (ARGENTINA)

The Electoral Chamber urgently summons the representatives of Massa and Milei

Argentina's Electoral Chamber has urgently summoned this Saturday the representatives of the coalition of Sergio Massa, United for the Fatherland, and Javier Milei, Freedom Advances. The meeting is aimed at de-escalating tensions amid allegations of alleged fraud stirred up by the far-right candidate and his team. Argentina celebrates this Sunday the closest and most atypical elections in four decades of democracy.

It is not immediately known where and at what time the meeting will be held. The Libertarian candidate's team on Friday retracted the complaint for an alleged "colossal fraud" filed on Thursday with the authorities who ensure the cleanliness of the voting process.

(The Nation)

ACT.18 NOV 2023 - 09:11

The traditional Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires repudiates Milei to the cry of "Nunca más"

Javier Milei was booed tonight at the traditional Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires. "Milei, garbage, you are the dictatorship," the audience sang to the ultra candidate, who had gone to one of the theater's boxes to see an opera while the electoral ban prior to election day is in force.

"Never again," the audience shouted at Milei, in reference to the historic phrase of prosecutor Julio Strassera in the trial of the Military Juntas, which became the most famous slogan in repudiation of the crimes of the military dictatorship.

According to several videos that went viral on social media, Milei responded with a smile from his seat next to his partner, comedian Fátima Flórez.

Jumping to Milei's defense was his last ally, the former candidate of the traditional right, Patricia Bullrich. "The Teatro Colón is a showcase of Argentina in the world. Today, part of the audience and a minority of the orchestra and choir tried to sing the Peronist march, scrutinizing Milei. A sign of the reigning decadence and the same intolerance as always," Bullrich wrote on his social networks. "On Sunday, change is inevitable."

ACT.17 NOV 2023 - 23:33

El País

"We all chose the same thing: to continue living in a democracy"

Economists, politicians, artists, intellectuals, scientists... During the electoral campaign, which has lasted more than half a year, leaders from different fields have shown their support for one or the other of the candidates, the Peronist Sergio Massa or the far-right Javier Milei. This Friday, when the electoral ban is already in force, the Fundar center, dedicated to the study, research and design of public policies, shared a video in which personalities such as Nora Cortiñas, co-founder of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, the filmmaker Santiago Mitre, the judge Ricardo Gil Lavedra or the artist Marta Minujín ask for "the same thing": "Continue to live in a democracy." The elections are being held as Argentina commemorates 40 years of democracy after the end of the last dictatorship and when the country is also facing the emergence of the far right, which has attacked basic consensuses built over the last four decades.

ACT.17 NOV 2023 - 23:15

Elections in Argentina

Can Argentina's democracy die?


Democracy in Argentina is at a crossroads. At a time when it celebrates 40 years of democracy, the longest period of democracy that this country has ever experienced, it is facing the concrete danger of electing Javier Milei as president, a candidate whose behaviors and proposals are explicitly anti-democratic and, in some cases, openly authoritarian.

Read the full column here.

ACT.17 NOV 2023 - 22:15

Elections in Argentina

Blank Vote: How It Works and What Its Role Will Be in the Second Round of Argentine Elections

Juliet Sanguino

Voters may abstain from electing a candidate, thereby expressing their disagreement with the proposals. According to the National Electoral Chamber (CNE), blank votes are valid, that is, they represent an electoral option if you do not agree with the proposals or the candidates to be elected, but they are not affirmative votes, that is, they are not counted in the percentage obtained by the candidates during the elections.

Read the full information here.

ACT.17 NOV 2023 - 20:54

Constanza Lambertucci

The candidates' proposals

On Sunday, Argentines will choose between two candidates with ideas at the opposite end of the spectrum. The far-right Javier Milei proposes reducing the state to a minimum and is confident that the market alone will solve the problems thanks to the development of trade and exports. It also proposes a revision of the values of equality and social justice that have structured Argentine society since the beginning of the last century. During the end of the campaign, he has qualified his most controversial ideas, such as the free carrying of weapons, the end of social plans or the free sale of organs. Peronist Sergio Massa, the current economy minister, on the other hand, defends a strong state that is the engine of the economy. It stands as a guarantor of those values that Milei promises to destroy, such as education and public health. In addition, Massa is open to having more trading partners and more markets to attract foreign currency to the country, and intends to maintain the claim of sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands.

Read here the proposals of each of the Argentine candidates for the Presidency on economy, security, foreign policy, health, education and human rights.

ACT.17 NOV 2023 - 19:58


The team of the far-right Milei retracts its accusation of "colossal fraud"

Naiara Galarraga Gortázar

The extremist candidate for the Presidency of Argentina, Javier Milei, has taken 24 hours to disavow the complaint of "colossal fraud" that his team presented the day before and which pointed to an alleged theft of votes by the Gendarmerie, no less, in the first round of elections to harm him and favor his rival. The retraction comes two days before the electorate decides whether to hand over the helm for the next four years to the far-right Milei or the Peronist Sergio Massa. The representatives of the La Libertad Avanza party were summoned to court on Friday by an electoral prosecutor to ratify the complaint filed on Thursday — the first official one after several that only went to the media — and present the evidence in their possession, reports the newspaper La Nación.

Read Naiara Galarraga Gortázar's full article here.

ACT.17 NOV 2023 - 19:00

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2023-11-18

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