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Games and happy, as children should be: Ohad Monder's friends visited him in the hospital - voila! news


Highlights: Ohad Munder's friends came to visit him at the hospital. The friends played together, ate pizzas and ice cream, and also heard from Ohad how those terrible days in Hamas captivity passed. 13 days ago nine-year-old Ohad Dor, a friend of Ohad Monder-Zakari, was interviewed by Walla! And told of the anticipation of his return. "He told us the whole story. How he was kidnapped and how he was released. I couldn't believe it would happen so fast."

The good friends of Ohad Munder, who was released yesterday from Hamas captivity in Gaza, came to visit him at the hospital. The friends played together, ate pizzas and ice cream, and also heard from Ohad how those terrible days in Hamas captivity passed. "He said he kept a diary, but his mother threw it out because she was afraid it would endanger them."

13 days ago nine-year-old Romi Dor, a friend of Ohad Monder-Zakari, was interviewed by Walla! And told of the anticipation of his return. On Saturday, he came to visit him at the hospital with six other friends. The friends came to the hospital where Ohad was found, played with him, enjoyed pizza and ice cream, and were mostly happy to see him back. "He told us the whole story. How he was kidnapped and how he was released. I couldn't believe it would happen so fast."

Ohad Munder's friends visit him in the hospital/documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

"It was exciting. Yesterday, my mother woke me up at 12 p.m. because a fan wanted to talk to me on a video call and invited me to come visit him, Romi said. We played games, hide and seek with him, ate pizza and he told us the whole story. How he was kidnapped and how he was released. He said that while he was kidnapped they brought him other children he played with, and he kept a diary, but his mother realized it could endanger them and threw the diary with you."

Romy recalled his previous conversation with Walla. "When we spoke, I didn't believe it would happen so quickly. I never imagined he would be in some of the beats. We already want him to get back to normal."

Eating ice cream, Ohad Munder meets with his friends/documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

In Romi's conversation with Walla, before his friend returned home, he spoke about his fear for Ohad's safety. "I'm sad and miss him. If I had known he was okay I might have been less sad, but I'm not - so I'm afraid. I don't want anything to happen to him," Romi said, adding: "I would like to tell him that we love and miss him, that he should be strong and think positive thoughts, so that maybe he will be released and rescued."

Romi went on to talk about October 7, and the moment he found out his best friend had been kidnapped. "At first I sent him a message, and he didn't get to see it but he didn't answer me anymore. I know he travels a lot to family in the envelope and it was a holiday so I thought maybe he was there. I knew he was looking at his phone at least 30 times a day, so I was worried and realized something had happened. On the Tuesday after October 7, my mother wrote to me that they said he had been kidnapped."

  • More on the subject:
  • Abductees
  • Children
  • hospital
  • Hamas
  • Gaza Strip
  • Iron Sword War

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-11-25

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