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Thomas' death in Crépol: the nine suspects are indicted


Highlights: Nine people suspected of having taken part in the punitive expedition on the evening of the village ball were indicted on Saturday evening. At this stage, the clarification of the facts is "not complete", says the public prosecutor of Valencia. Among them was 20-year-old Chaïd A., who is suspected of being the perpetrator of the fatal stabbing of Thomas. The native of Romans-sur-Isère has already been fined for receiving stolen goods and possession of a knife. He and six other suspects were arrested on Tuesday, November 21 in Toulouse.

After being brought before an investigating judge, the nine suspects were indicted, the Valencia prosecutor announced on Saturday evening.

A week after Thomas' murder in Crépol, in the Drôme, nine people suspected of having taken part in the punitive expedition on the evening of the village ball were indicted on Saturday evening. At this stage, the clarification of the facts is "not complete", says the public prosecutor of Valencia. After 96 hours in police custody, the nine suspects were brought before an investigating judge as part of the judicial investigation opened by the Valencia Public Prosecutor's Office for "murder" and "attempted murder by an organised gang".

Among them was 20-year-old Chaïd A., who is suspected of being the perpetrator of the fatal stabbing of Thomas. The native of Romans-sur-Isère has already been fined for receiving stolen goods and possession of a knife.

Chaïd A. and six other suspects from the Drôme region were arrested on Tuesday, November 21 in Toulouse. They had fled Crepol after the fatal attack at the village festival. "Very close surveillance" had been put in place the day after the events, said the public prosecutor, Laurent de Caigny. Two other suspects were also arrested on the same day, about <> kilometres from the scene of the crime, in Romans-sur-Isère.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-11-25

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