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Want a second date? These are the topics you shouldn't talk about on the first date | Israel Hayom


Highlights: If you can't help but talk about your ex, it's probably too early for you to date. Your ex, work, family, religion, politics, health, and more are topics you should stay away from on a first date if you want more dates. By avoiding topics off limits, you can keep the conversation light, fun, and flowing. And who knows, maybe you'll get a second date! If you find a mistake in the article, please share with us! We'll fix it!

Your ex, work, family, religion, politics, health, and more are topics you should stay away from on a first date if you want more dates

So you're excited for a first date. We hope it will be successful. Let there be connection and chemistry. Imagine a flowing conversation, lots of laughs, a pleasant and positive atmosphere, and a desire to meet again soon. All of this can happen – if you just avoid topics of conversation that are off-limits and can lead to silence, embarrassment and discomfort. Bard helped us come up with a list of topics to avoid on a first date:

1. Your
ex is Big No-No. No one wants to hear about your ex, especially on a first date (especially if his name is Eric). It's a surefire way to make the other party feel uncomfortable and insecure. If you can't help but talk about your ex, it's probably too early for you to date.

2. Money
Talking about money is always a sensitive topic. You don't want to make your date feel uncomfortable or as if for you this is a preliminary criterion when choosing a relationship.

3. Religion
Religion can be a controversial topic. You don't want to get into a heated argument with your date, especially if you have different perceptions about, say, keeping Shabbat. Leave it to a second or third date.

4. Politics
Politics is another controversial topic. You don't want to start an argument with your date about who should or shouldn't be prime minister right now and why.

5. Your
Health Talking about your health can create discomfort. You don't want to make your date feel like you're taking advantage of him as an emotional therapist.

6. Your family Your
family may be a case of TMI (too much information) for someone you've just met. It's best to keep the conversation light and airy on a first date. Less interesting at the moment is your passive-aggressive relationship with your mother.

7. Your
body Talking about your body can be embarrassing. You don't want to make your date feel like you're interested or uninterested in them just because of their physical appearance.

8. Your
jobTalking about your work can be boring. You don't want to dominate the conversation, or come across as a workaholic, or make your date feel like they've arrived at a work meeting.

9. Just talking about yourself
Talking too much about yourself can be boring, and it's best to make sure you also ask your date questions about himself. You don't want to come across as self-absorbed, or as if you don't really want to get to know the person in front of you.

10. Your plans for the future Talking about your plans for the future
can be too stressful, and it's best to avoid it on a first date. You don't want to scare your date by making them feel like you're already planning a wedding.

Remember, the goal of a first date is to get to know each other and see if there's chemistry. By avoiding topics off limits, you can keep the conversation light, fun, and flowing. And who knows, maybe you'll get a second date! In addition to avoiding 'dangerous' topics, there are a few other things you can do to increase your chances of a second date:

· Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. Your date will appreciate authenticity.
· Be good listeners. Pay attention to what your date says and ask follow-up questions.
· Be respectful. Do not make rude or inappropriate comments.
· Be positive. Keep a good attitude and make the date enjoyable for both parties.

Good luck!

Wrong? We'll fix it! If you find a mistake in the article, please share with us

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-27

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