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App and Green Label: Here's What Young People Decide What to Buy | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Gen Z is known for social awareness, pragmatism, individuality, and a very global worldview. They are digital natives - that is, they have matured with computers, smartphones, network connection and social networks. Gen Z prioritizes experiences over material possessions, looking for brands that offer unique and memorable experiences. To effectively engage Gen Z consumers, retailers and brands need to adapt their strategies to suit their unique preferences and behaviors, according to a report by the World Economic Forum (WEF)

If quality and price were once the only considerations, the generation that grew up with the internet in the palm of its hand is already looking at other things – such as whether the brand is available from the tiny screen, which celebrities work with it, and how many percent of the raw materials in recycled products

Born roughly between the mid-90s and early teens, Gen Z is known for social awareness, pragmatism, individuality, and a very global worldview. Above all, they are digital natives - that is, they have matured with computers, smartphones, network connection and social networks, so they do not know a reality in which the world is not available in their bag or pocket, with the information overload and e-commerce it includes. This unique education has shaped the buying habits of millennial heirs, turning them into a distinct and influential consumer group.

Key characteristics of Gen Z's shopping habits

· Digital First approach: Gen Z clearly prioritizes content that comes up first on digital media channels, including a preference for online shopping. Gen Z conducts extensive online research before making purchases, using social media platforms and influencer recommendations to gather information and make decisions.

Omnichannel experience: Sometimes Gen Z seamlessly integrates online and offline shopping experiences, i.e. researching products online and then purchasing them in-store, or vice versa. They expect a consistent and personalized experience across all channels.

Value conscious spending: Gen Z is budget-conscious and looks for deals and discounts before making purchases. They are also increasingly prioritizing sustainable and ethical brands, aligning their spending habits with their values.

Brand authenticity and transparency: Gen Z values brand authenticity and transparency, and looks for companies that align with their social and environmental values. They are also more likely to support brands that communicate with them on social media and respond to their concerns.

Experiences over materiality: Gen Z prioritizes experiences over material possessions, looking for brands that offer unique and memorable experiences. They are attracted to brands that foster a sense of community and belonging.

Implications for retailers and brands

To effectively engage Gen Z consumers, retailers and brands need to adapt their strategies to suit their unique preferences and behaviors. Here are some key considerations:

Adopt a digital strategy first: Invest in a strong e-commerce platform, and optimize your online presence to match Gen Z's approach of making your brand's online presence the first step toward acquisition.

Leverage social media and influencer marketing: Connect with Gen Z on social media platforms, collaborating with relevant influencers to reach and influence their purchasing decisions.

· Offer personalised experiences: Use analytics to personalize marketing messages, product recommendations, and in-store experiences.

Promote sustainable and ethical practices: Emphasize your brand's commitment to sustainability and other ethical practices to echo Gen Z's values.

Create memorable experiences: Design engaging in-store experiences and events that foster a sense of community and belonging among Gen Z consumers.

By understanding and responding to Gen Z's unique shopping habits, retailers and brands can effectively tap into this influential consumer group and ensure a competitive edge in the emerging market. Generation Z represents a significant opportunity for businesses that can adapt to their preferences and values, paving the way for long-term success in the coming years, when this generation will become the main consumer.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-28

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