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Don't create the following default | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Don't create the following default | Israel Hayom. If the State of Israel mistakenly goes back to October 6 because too many political actors are busy looking for real and alternative culprits, it will be a cry for generations. There is enough blame for everyone. All we need now is to destroy Hamas, everywhere, and bring back hostages. Who knew and who gave a warning in time - all these will become clear the day after. No one will escape responsibility because of a political campaign on social media.

If the State of Israel mistakenly goes back to October 6 because too many political actors are busy looking for real and alternative culprits, it will be a cry for generations

Stop the political campaigns now. You have no right. These words are intended for those who, under the auspices of the ceasefire, have once again confused the main and the important. The question of who was to blame first is not important for achieving the goals of the war.

There is enough blame for everyone. All we need now is to destroy Hamas, everywhere, and bring back hostages. Who knew and who gave a warning in time - all these will become clear the day after. I, and tens of thousands of other Israelis, will not give up the sunlight and the exposure of the truth the day after, but how on earth does this help us win the war now?

What does it help to attack serving officers, to give a sense of unevenness? Everyone at the senior level must understand that he will not remain in office after the war. That's the truth. All that remains for him now is to do good for the State of Israel, to do the right thing. Such a thought would free everyone from the cacophony that took place this week in the blame game. It's as if we've gone back and what manages us are spokespeople, journalists and social networks.

Gantz: "I will not put down the stretcher"

Make no mistake – this war is built solely on the righteousness of the people, not on political leadership. The State of Israel was in a huge internal crisis on 6 October, and on 7 October entered an external crisis the likes of which we have never known before. The first crisis stemmed from a national eclipse. An entire country was preoccupied with the selection committee of judges instead of defending the homeland and destroying the enemy. On a fateful question about funding politicians' legal expenses instead of tank brigades. If there is a definition of dealing with care over the main thing - this is what it looks like, in an extreme way.

The second crisis stemmed from a long-standing concept, surrounded by words like "quiet" and "containment" and boastful words about a strong right. We have forgotten where we are, who the enemy is and what is needed in this country. October 6 and 7 were two reality-changing days in the fate of a nation.

There are those who are to blame for the situation we reached last Yom Kippur, and there are many who are to blame for the situation we reached on Simchat Torah. Those were the terrible days and a terrible year. No one will escape responsibility because of a political campaign on social media. It won't change anything the day after, it can only produce damage in the present. In general, the people of Israel are not looking for blame now – they are looking for leaders who will lead them through difficult times. All that is required now on the part of the political leadership is to strengthen with all its might the sense of mutual responsibility that exists on the ground. This is their only mission, apart from the obvious – to let the IDF win.

The sense of personal security has been damaged, there is only security in the people. If that's not clear enough to all the hate-mongers, they can be sent for a spin at the front. They will walk around the envelope, enter the Gaza Strip under the auspices of the IDF Spokesperson, and see Israelis in uniform risking their lives so that the State of Israel will no longer be in danger. So that the State of Israel will no longer reach such a social crisis.

Returning to plow the lands of Kibbutz Be'eri, photo: Dvir Hecker, Be'eri agriculture

In the envelope, they will meet Israeli citizens en masse who come to volunteer in many different initiatives. Farmers who insist on plowing fields despite countless anti-tank threats, they will see the tears and excitement on every soul in Israel who get to save it and bring it home. This is the State of Israel, and nothing else. Whoever sees with his eyes cannot remain indifferent to what is happening here. He can't go home and deal with the campaign of who's to blame the day after.

This is not only cynicism and a huge disgrace of values, it is also a real blow to the war effort. Why? Because the greatest danger to achieving victory is the disintegration of faith. Not religious faith, but faith in our enormous power to unite in moments of crisis. And no, I'm not worried about the attack dissolving the day after the ceasefire. The reservists I meet here have been closing for two months and are ready for many more months, as long as the situation does not return to normal. The reality is very clear in the south, as are the goals and possibilities.

The attack on Hamas will continue, because it is impossible not to continue the ground maneuver and destroy Hamas. It just can't happen. I am very concerned about the dissolution of social solidarity. This is our strength now, our central ability to fight.

If the State of Israel accidentally goes back to October 6 because too many political actors are busy searching for real and alternative culprits, it will be a cry for generations. Here October 7th exists. Every day, every hour. The unprecedented mobilization, the realization that there is an enemy to the people of Israel that does not distinguish between religious and secular, left and right. The realization that what was must never be repeated.

No one has the right to hurt it because of personal fear for their career. It's over. We have no greater weapons and power, we have no other alternative. The ceasefire will end, the attack will begin. The Israeli home front must be strong. Do not disturb it, do not create the next default.

The answer to hatred

One of the old-new problems is anti-Semitism. If in the past it was pure hatred against Jews or an excuse against Zionism, today it is institutionalized.

This week, tens of thousands of bots "raided" my social networks with PLO flags, anti-Semitic slogans and support for Hamas. It's a well-funded business, it's not a random phenomenon. I'm in favor of them raiding social media – and we're going to raid their homes, but the insight from this attack is that war allows a lot of scoundrels to raise their heads.

There is already a marked increase in attacks on Jews, anti-Israel activity on campuses, and insane hypocrisy on the part of international organizations and institutions. The simplest solution is first of all a call for aliyah, without stuttering. Not because of anti-Semitism, but because it is the home of the Jewish people.

Then – turn social networks, which are a problem now, into a solution. There the fighting will take place the day after, with similar resources and the mobilization of reserves of those who are trained in the subject. Israel must destroy the enemy here. Be strong militarily and clear enough in her language. If it doesn't help Israel-haters, it will at least make it clear to them what the price is.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-01

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