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Ben-Gvir on the death of the late Castelman: "A case that needs to be investigated to the fullest" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Ben-Gvir on the death of the late Castelman: "A case that needs to be investigated to the fullest" | Israel Hayom. The case of Yuval HaGibor is not 'life', but a warning sign that requires lessons to be learned that will save lives in the future. The police announced yesterday that one of the two soldiers who neutralized the terrorists suspected that Castleman was another terrorist and shot him. Footage circulating on social media of the incident shows Castleman being shot while lying on the road, raising his hands and removing an item of clothing.

After the uproar that arose following the death of the civilian who neutralized terrorists in an attack in Jerusalem, and after the prime minister said that "this is life," the minister of national security said: "His heroism proves that civilian weapons in the streets, in the hands of those who are entitled to possess them, are critical and save lives."

After the uproar over the death of Yuval Doron Castleman, the man who helped kill the terrorists who carried out the deadly shooting attack in Jerusalem last week, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called on Sunday to investigate the case "to the fullest, professionally and sensitively – and I believe that this will be done by the investigative authorities."

In a statement, Ben-Gvir's office said he spoke with Moshe, Castelman's father, "and expressed his condolences over his tragic death. He praised his act of heroism, which prevented a heavier disaster." The minister himself said: "Yuval Castleman z"l is a hero of Israel. Thanks to his personal weapon, with which he neutralized the vile terrorists, many lives were saved. Yuval's heroism proves that civilian weapons on the streets, in the hands of those who are entitled to possess them, are critical and save lives. There is no doubt that his tragic death must be fully investigated, professionally and sensitively – and I believe that this will be done by the investigating authorities."

Moshe, father of the late Castelman: "The prime minister spoke without knowing and hurt my son's memory" // Photo: Michel Dot Com

The police announced yesterday that a preliminary investigation of the incident revealed that one of the two soldiers who neutralized the terrorists suspected that Castleman was another terrorist and shot him. Footage circulating on social media of the incident shows Castleman being shot while lying on the road, raising his hands and removing an item of clothing to show he was not carrying a bomb. The IDF initially announced that the incident would be investigated by the police and the Shin Bet, but later, after public criticism, announced that the DIP would also take part in the investigation of the incident.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu caused a great stir when he addressed the issue when, in a question to an Israel Hayom reporter, he said: "The presence of armed civilians saves lives and prevents a major disaster many times. In the current situation, we must continue with this policy. We may pay a price for it, that's life."

Netanyahu to Israel Hayom's question: "We must continue the policy of distributing arms, we will pay a price for it - this is life" // Photo: GPO

In response to his remarks, Minister Benny Gantz wrote on his X account (formerly Twitter): "Yuval Castleman, z"l, who neutralized the terrorist in Jerusalem and was shot dead, is a national hero. He didn't hesitate – and stormed in to save lives. Israeli society as a whole owes him deep gratitude. We all embrace the family. The scene of an attack is almost always complex, and I am sure that the soldier who shot Yuval did so by mistake, a mistake that cost a heavy price."

He added: "Alongside the necessary investigation of the tragic incident by the relevant IDF and police officials, a comprehensive investigation of the circumstances that led to it, the procedures and the strict adherence to the purity of arms is required. This is our commitment to Yuval, his family and Israeli society as a whole. The case of Yuval HaGibor is not 'life', but a warning sign that requires lessons to be learned that will save lives in the future. May his memory be blessed.

Itamar Ben-Gvir at the scene of the shooting attack in Jerusalem last week,

Castleman's family also reacted to Netanyahu's remarks, with his brother Shaked telling the morning program on Keshet 12: "As a veteran of Sayeret Matkal himself, I think that the prime minister, who knows events and understands weapons, if he had seen the video – he would not have said what he said. The story is not a two-sided incident. Whoever was on the other side didn't do things the right way." His sister Noga added: "What else could he have done to convey the message to that soldier?"

His father, Moshe, told Galatz: "He was a hero. The incident was over, and then suddenly he realized he was being shot. He did everything necessary to make them recognize that he was not a terrorist, and they still fired at him. Whoever did it carried out an execution, simply murder. How can you think he's a terrorist? It's incomprehensible."

Documentation of the attack in Jerusalem: Terrorists get out of a car and fire at a busy hitchhiking station // Photo: 27A

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-03

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