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"It Came Out Cheap": The Post of the Policeman Shot by Thieves in Florencio Varela


Highlights: Police officer Nicola Albite and his brother, Agustin Albite, were shot in Florencio Varela. Their mother, Cecilia Zambrano, told Clarín that both "are out of danger" Nicolas Albite received two bullets, in one arm he has fractured bone in several places and is waiting for a prosthesis, they are going to put screws in it. Cecilia said that both on the street of her house and in her neighborhood, there are no lights.

He and his brother are recovering from bullets they received from robbers in a robbery at their home. Their mother said they feel helpless because of the lack of security in the neighborhood.

Police officer Nicola Albite (20), and his brother, Agustin Albite (19), are recovering favorably after the bullets they received for the fierce entrader in their house where a kiosk also operates.

"It came out cheap," the 20-year-old who works in the local police of Lomas de Zamora managed to summarize on his social networks, after the violent event that occurred around 10:30 a.m. at the intersection of Nicolás Rodríguez Peña and Monteverde Avenue, in Florencio Varela.

Their mother, Cecilia Zambrano, told Clarín that both "are out of danger." "Agustín, who had a bullet in his stomach, is fine, but in a reserved state. Doctors are waiting to drain it. He's already had surgery and the bullet was removed," he said.

As for the Varel officer, he had received two bullets, one in each of his arms. "This wasn't just a scare, this was very serious. My son Nicolas received two bullets, in one arm he has fractured bone in several places and is waiting for a prosthesis, they are going to put screws in it. It wasn't something minor that happened," Cecilia said.

As for what happened, Cecilia said that "it was not a few shots, it was a rain of many bullets" At that time, there was also her youngest son who managed to dodge the shootings.

"It came out cheap," Nicolas Albite wrote on his social networks, hours after the entradera.

It all happened when his partner, Marcelo Albite, was entering merchandise through the garage, it was at that moment when two armed robbers got out of a Fiat Qubo truck and forced the man to enter the house. "We are workers, we live from day to day with the kiosk. My life was ruined by these criminals. My house is small, humble, and they destroyed my little house. I hope that the prosecutor finds them, because it could and can continue to happen to anyone," he told this newspaper.

As for the security of the area, Cecilia explained that both on the street of her house and in her neighborhood, there are no lights. "It's no man's land and at night we are, so to speak, 'naked'. Even around the corner of my house, there are bushes and trees where thieves hide, surprise you and rob you. The streets too, we only have an improved one," he said. "We got it cheap, but they ruined the lives of my children and everyone as a family," Cecilia said at the end.

What happened

It was around 10:30 a.m. at the intersection of Nicolás Rodríguez Peña and Monteverde Avenue, in Florencio Varela. According to police sources, the owner of the store, Marcelo Albite, was bringing merchandise through the garage. At that moment, a Fiat Qubo truck stopped meters from the kiosk and two armed robbers got out of it and forced the man to enter the house.

Marcelo was not alone. Inside were Augustine and Nicholas. Realizing the situation, his eldest son began to struggle with the assailants, grabbed his service weapon and began a shootout.

In Florencio Varela, a fierce shootout took place after criminals tried to rob a house where a kiosk was operating. Photo: Maps.

Two robbers were shot and killed instantly. At the scene, the police seized a 9-millimeter pistol, magazine and shell casings that were used by one of the assailants. According to sources in the case, two of the robbers escaped and are on the run.

Investigators suspect that one of the dead robbers was shot in the back of the head by an accomplice, Telam news agency reported. In this regard, the prosecutor in the case, Dario Provisionato, ordered that the corresponding autopsies be carried out in the next few hours

The head of the decentralized Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 1 in Florencio Varela also ordered the forensic examination of the firearms that were seized at the scene by the Scientific Police.

"In the area you are always robbed on a motorbike, you can't go out on the street anymore. It's the first time something this big has happened in this part of the neighborhood," a neighbor of the family told Clarín.

"They are a family member, very good, and with an excellent education. They never messed with anybody. I've known the guys for years. What happened was a real tragedy," he said at the end.


Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-12-08

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