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Shannen Doherty Drama: The Beverly Hills 90210 Actress Found Out Her Husband Was Cheating On Just Before He Had Brain Surgery


Highlights: Beverly Hills 90210 actress Shannen Doherty found out about her husband's infidelity before he had brain surgery. She says she felt "shattered" and "betrayed" by Kurt Iswarienko. The 52-year-old actress says she feels like she has "failed three times in marriage" But she still believes in love: "I don't think I'll be single forever, I'm convinced I'll meet someone... And I hope it will be soon"

She had been married to Kurt Iswarienko for 14 years, and he had been in a clandestine relationship for two years. She says she still believes in love.

Last June, actress Shannen Doherty confessed to her followers that she had metastases in her brain and that she had already undergone several sessions of radiotherapy, in addition to surgery. The unforgettable Brenda Walsh of Beverly Hills 90210 took to her social networks to tell how she had lived this terrifying moment, being claustrophobic and taking into account that "a lot of things were happening in her life".

Months later, we know what he meant. She herself wanted to explain what was happening in her life at that already delicate moment, and they certainly show her strength: the actress underwent brain surgery shortly after learning of the infidelity of her husband of more than a decade, Kurt Iswarienko.

"I went for the operation early in the morning and when it was about to start I found out that my marriage was basically over, that my husband had been cheating on me for two years. I felt very betrayed."

This is revealed by the actress herself on her podcast, explaining the reason for her divorce from Iswarienko, which she announced last April.

Speaking for the first time about the details of their split since announcing her divorce from her husband of 11 years, the actress says she felt totally "shattered" at the time.

Iswarienko did not accompany her in that operation, even though he wanted to be there, but she did not feel strong enough for him to be there.

"I couldn't have surgery knowing he was there, I felt very betrayed. In the end, I felt incredibly unloved by someone who had been with me for 14 years, someone I loved with all my heart."

I had the suspicions

Shannen Doherty recounted her drama on her own podcast. But he still says he believes in love. Photo: AP

The operation, as the Sorceress star revealed at the beginning of the summer, was carried out in January at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. At that very moment, she separated from her husband.

Shannen Doherty confesses that she suspected something was going on in her marriage, but no one told her the truth because of her state of health.

Shannen Doherty and her husband Kurt Iswarienko.

"After 14 years together, if you cheat, doesn't the other person deserve the whole truth no matter what harm it might do to them?" asks the 52-year-old actress, who admits that she even contacted her husband's lover in search of the truth. Something she herself admits "was embarrassing."

Kurt Iswarienko was the actress' third husband, having previously been married to actor Ashley Hamilton (1993-1994) and poker player Rick Salomon (2002-2003).

However, even though she feels like she has "failed three times in marriage," she still believes in love. "I don't think I'll be single forever, I'm convinced I'll meet someone... And I hope it will be soon."

Luke Perry and Shannen Doherty were a couple on the series "Beverly Hills 90210"

Source : La Vanguardia

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-12-08

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