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Netanyahu on Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee: Gaza's Reconstruction Will Be Funded by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Netanyahu on Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee: Gaza's Reconstruction Will Be Funded by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The prime minister also said that Israel's plan for the Gaza Strip the day after the fighting would include a buffer zone between the Gaza envelope and the Gaza strip. Netanyahu rejected claims that he had surrendered to the dictates of the American administration regarding the conduct of the war. He reportedly described how he worked to influence American public opinion, but did not provide answers to questions about his coordination with U.S. dictates.

The prime minister also said that Israel's plan for the Gaza Strip the day after the fighting would include a buffer zone between the Gaza envelope and the Gaza Strip, but did not say exactly who would control it civilianly. He also said that he planned to expand the Abraham Accords the day after

The answer: What will happen in Gaza the day after the war? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday morning that funding for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip after an "iron sword" war will come from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. He made the remarks in response to MK Idan Roll Mish Atid, who expressed his opposition to bringing the Palestinian Authority into control of the Gaza Strip and asked Netanyahu to present his position on the issue. Netanyahu also said that according to the Israeli plan, the IDF would control the Philadelphi route, all the land crossings, and a buffer zone that would be created between the Gaza Strip and the envelope.

During the discussion, the prime minister said that he intends to expand the Abraham Accords "the day after" and to enlist the Gulf states that have agreements with Israel, including Saudi Arabia, to rebuild Gaza. When asked by Likud MK Amit Halevy who will be in charge of civilian control of the Gaza Strip, he did not provide an unequivocal answer, but said that "the NSC has been instructed to formulate the various options regarding civilian control of Gaza after the war."

During the discussion, Netanyahu said the war would "end with a knockout." He rejected criticism of strengthening the Hamas regime and said that throughout the years he had worked to weaken it in the rounds of fighting against it. According to him, the Qatari money was brought into the Gaza Strip because the Palestinian Authority refused to transfer it, and the failure to transfer the funds could have created a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, for which Israel would have been held responsible. MK Merav Michaeli (Labor) said in the debate that throughout the years she had called for the elimination of Hamas.

According to some of those present at the discussion, Netanyahu rejected claims that he had surrendered to the dictates of the American administration regarding the conduct of the war. He reportedly described how he worked to influence American public opinion, but did not provide answers to questions about his remarkably coordinated conduct with U.S. dictates. In the course of his remarks, he gave the example of David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, and described how he surrendered to Eisenhower's demand in 1956 for the return of occupied Egyptian territory within hours. While he himself did not surrender to American dictates. "They also didn't want us to enter the Gaza Strip on the ground," he told Knesset members.

In the face of allegations made against him regarding his engagement with the United States during the war by many Knesset members, from the coalition and the opposition, Netanyahu replied angrily: "Some of you don't understand what it means to win a war. War is won with munitions and international credit." In other words, he has been able to get these things from the Americans since the beginning of the war.

MK Yevgeny Sova of Yisrael Beiteinu refused Israel Hayom's request to elaborate on the content of the debate during the discussion on American pressure, but stressed that the debate on the humanitarian issue left more questions than answers. "If we want to change the concept, and for our enemies to understand that 'the landlord went crazy,' then we need to behave accordingly and understand where the line on humanitarian aid is. As long as we have abductees in Gaza, as far as we're concerned, we shouldn't even mention this issue."

As for the other threats to state security, Netanyahu told those present that Israel does not want to act in Lebanon before the end of the campaign in the Gaza Strip. As for the Houthis, he said, "I insist that this become an international issue" – meaning that here too Israel refrains from acting at the moment.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-11

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