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"The Battalion's Spearhead": After falling in battle - Major (Res.) Evyatar Cohen is laid to rest | Israel Hayom


Highlights: "The Battalion's Spearhead": After falling in battle - Major (Res.) Evyatar Cohen is laid to rest. Thousands came to the military cemetery in Kfar Saba to accompany the training officer killed in an encounter at a school in the southern Gaza Strip to eternal rest. Cohen left behind his wife Tammy and four children - Daniel, who is expected to enlist in the coming days, Hadas, who returned from Miami, where she is doing national service, Eitan and Yuval.

Thousands came to the military cemetery in Kfar Saba to accompany the training officer killed in an encounter at a school in the southern Gaza Strip to eternal rest

Thousands came to the military cemetery in Kfar Saba to accompany Major Evyatar Cohen (42), who was killed in the Gaza Strip, to eternal rest. Evyatar left behind his wife Tammy and four children - Daniel, who is expected to enlist in the coming days, Hadas, who returned from Miami, where she is doing national service, Eitan and Yuval.

Cohen's family eulogized him in tears. Avitar's parents, Yaffa and Israel: "How do parents eulogize a son? They didn't prepare us to bury a son. Throughout your 42 years of life, you have radiated love for others and for the State of Israel. How symbolic that you are our fourth son and we received the message on the fourth candle. You continued the heroism of the Hasmoneans. Go upstairs and beg G-d that the people of Israel be united and not divided. Our hearts are with all the families of the fallen. You were the best of the best. We are saying goodbye but we will not forget you forever."

His wife Tammy spoke about his unique character: "I received you as a gift on the second candle of Hanukkah. The fourth candle of Chanukah was taken from me. Each and every one has his own personal Aviatar. You learned how to touch and reach everyone who knows you. I won my Aviatar, my best friend. My great love. Amazing dad. I thank You, G-d, that I have received such love. It's too early for me to return this gift, but I understand you, God, that you want your Evyatar."

Lt. Col. Ariel Glassner spoke on behalf of the IDF: "Our Evyatar. I'll be smiling no matter how hard it is all around. Heart of Gold They called him the guys. He did everything quietly and modestly. He was dedicated in everything he did. I have no doubt that he continues to take care of us from above. He was a spearhead soldier in the battalion. The Cohen family raised a heroic son for the State of Israel. Fortification, I promise you that the battalion will envelop your family."

On Monday, it was cleared for publication that Cohen from Kfar Saba fell in battle in the Gaza Strip. He served as a training officer in Battalion 8111, 5th Brigade and fell in an encounter with terrorists near a school in the southern Gaza Strip.

Major (res.) Evyatar Cohen z"l, photo: uncredited

During the incident, fighters of Battalion 8111, under the 4th Brigade's combat team, began a raid on a terrorist infrastructure compound in the school area from which the forces were shot at in the southern Gaza Strip. In addition to Cohen, four other fighters were killed in the operation: Maj. (res.) Eviatar Cohen, Maj. (res.) Roman Bronstein, Capt. (res.) Eliya Janovsky, Maj. (res.) Itai Perry and Maj. (res.) Ari Yechiel Zenilman. Their families were notified.

Ashi Engelman, Evyatar's close friend, spoke sadly about him: "He was my friend from the age of 16. A humble and humble man. Doing everything quietly but with endless loyalty. He understood everything he did, possessed tremendous wisdom. He was a mechanical engineer and project manager for the Coca-Cola Company. He was a true friend, one who is always there when you need him."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-12

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