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Despicable organization: It's time for us to quit the UN | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Israel must take an exceptional, bold and original step. The nations of the world abuse us because we cooperate, try to explain, find grace, maybe behind the scenes. This is my condemnation-evacuation plan. We will pack our flags, say goodbye to our few friends, and leave this building that has become our torture chamber. Let them decide what they want, let them defend until they don't distinguish between Aror Haman and Baruch Mordechai, they're not very good at it anyway. Until then, we will save the sorrow and money.

In a toxic victim-victim relationship, there is a moment when you have to set a limit, get up and go The 300,<> reservists serving in Gaza are the elite that will lead Israel on its new path And the world is looking for us, we must take into account how things look from the outside

UN Shmum

How long will the punching bag of the nations of the world be in the abominable institution called the United Nations? What exactly are they united in other than hatred of Israel? Anything. Nothing. UN Shmum. How are we repeatedly condemned for no fault of our own, and how have our incessant condemnations become the only activity of this rotten institution? Where necessary they are not there, where there is to intervene there is no trace of the blue uniforms, but in our cauldron they stir endlessly.

What surprises me time and time again is that even our friends don't support us at the UN. Maximum avoidance under pressure. Time and time again we find ourselves supported by the United States and joined by islands from the Pacific Ocean with 300 inhabitants on a good day. This situation must change.

I'm not a big proponent of transferring ostracized children to another school. To me, this is a weak step. But in our case there is no choice. The nations of the world abuse us because we cooperate, try to explain, find grace, maybe behind the scenes, maybe behind the scenes. But it doesn't work now. Therefore, the State of Israel must take an exceptional, bold and original step.

Please inform Gilad Erdan, our successful ambassador to the UN (except for the yellow star, which was a serious mishap in my view) of the suspension of Israel's membership in the UN. He will stand on the podium, list all the organization's crimes against us, and at the end of the speech he will tear up his membership card. He will also announce at this time that Israel demands that the UN immediately withdraw from all Israeli territory, and in particular to evacuate Armon Hanatziv, the property that was appropriated by the UN for no reason and held by it without any purpose. This is where the residence of the future prime minister will move, facing an ancient landscape and in a beautiful building to admire.

In a toxic victim-victim relationship, there is a moment when you have to set a limit, get up and go. What does our membership in this empty organization want if all its activity is repeated harm to us? We will pack our flags, say goodbye to our few friends, and leave this building that has become our torture chamber. Let them decide what they want, let them defend until they don't distinguish between Aror Haman and Baruch Mordechai, they're not very good at it anyway. One day we might come back, when the conditions are ripe. Until then, we will save the sorrow and money. This is my condemnation-evacuation plan. Like if you support. If not, feel free to condemn.

People's Army

Something is happening now, something big that will change the face of Israeli society the day after. There are currently about 300,<> enlisted reservists. They've been together for two months. Some fight, some prepare for fighting, all sit for many hours day and night together and talk.

Another coffee, and another cigarette, and another candy, and all the issues come up. Everything we fought about until the disaster, and the path we choose to follow when Sinwar hangs on a pillar in Zion Square. And I hear from many reservists that a new understanding is born there, beyond the lines, that this is not how you continue. When the fighters and their supporters speak and talk, she needs the understanding that on most issues there is broad agreement. And whatever you disagree on, you can put aside for now and concentrate on the main thing.

Somewhere in the reserves, something else happens. A new Israeli elite is being created. So many people who were not supposed to enlist and volunteered, and who have been serving for two months, and who are desperate, and give up their businesses, and are far from their families, understand that the day after all the unservable, the useless, the small businessmen, the dodgers, the mice of political power, will not be able to lead the country in its new way. Only people who stood up and took action, risked their lives, and showed that they care to the point of putting everything they have in tangible and immediate danger, only these will be able to tell the Israeli public - follow us.

Reservists. Only these will be able to tell the Israeli public - after us, Photo: IDF Spokesperson

Soon enough, when it ends for the better, all the reservists will return home. If we take an average of four people per reservist, an ordinary family in Israel, then we are talking about the order of 2 million civilians. It's a power hook. And this will be the force that will change politics in this country, returning it to those who first give and then ask, and rip it out of the hands of those who take it without giving anything in return. From all sectors.

And until they return safely, and until they bring about an orderly democratic coup, the public in the country must take care of all their needs. We can't keep reading and seeing articles about ridiculous sums people receive that don't meet the needs of their families when they're on the front lines. And the spouses of the servants must be wrapped up, and lavished with all the best - with money, help at home, care for their children, tax relief, maintenance of their livelihood.

In the past I wrote here about the need for a professional army. Wrong. There is no substitute for the people's army. And what kind of people do we have, and what army, and from its ranks will come our next leadership, and it will be a kind of military coup, but in its good sense. And if in the past there was a convention that only suckers serve in the reserves, this war has made it clear that the reserves are the nuclear reactor of the State of Israel.

Restraint and satisfaction

Between the two or three that lives and Harbo-Darbo – which are two of the hits of this war – there is one line: both glorify destruction and raise carnage. This is understandable under these circumstances, but a serious mistake. In today's world, songs don't stay within the borders of the country, they leak into the world. And there words have a different meaning. There they are supposedly proof of the blood thirst of the Zionist monster.

The world is now looking at us with a million eyes, looking for any sign that we are worse than our enemies. These days, the word "Amalek," which appears in one of these refrains, has become an academic thesis proving how we intend to wipe out the miserable Palestinian people beneath the surface of heaven, as we commanded Amalek. Every such statement, every innocent refrain that expresses a simple and just feeling of revenge, becomes another indictment against us. And there is no shortage of them now.

There are sights that are good for us to spread around the world. A truck with naked nukhs is good. In the Arab world, this arouses respect. Too bad, but it's like that. The appearance of Avihu Pinchasov with naked soldiers carrying weapons is bad - it is crossing a border that is absolutely forbidden to cross.

What is the limit? The line between aggression and aggression. When a person is harmed, he must respond forcefully. What is validity? Use of force to the right extent without any joy at the use of this violence. Exert power because you should, not because it's fun. Because this is a decree of fate, not a cause for celebration. The Jewish people have never been eager for battle, we have never rejoiced in killing and destruction.

There is nothing to rejoice when souls are taken, when property is destroyed. Everything is a creation of the Creator. And if you have to hurt her, it's out of humility and standing tall together. Not boast and death desire. Aggression is the measure of our enemies. They enjoy exercising power. Sometimes it seems that this is their only pleasure in life. Take a life. What a poor culture.

The same thing in the management of the campaign - what needs to be blown up. Tunnels, buildings belonging to terrorists, terrorist infrastructure. Harbo-darbo. But the Hall of Justice? WIZO Club Gaza? Why blow up? It looks like someone is having too much fun booby-trapping buildings and pushing the button. It makes a terrible impression on the outside, and greatly increases the pressure on us to finish the campaign without a clear victory.

Restraint is not weakness. Restraint is not restraint. Restraint in the use of force, in songs and explosions, keeps the focus on what matters. Restraint sets us apart from living in the forest around us. The monster of anti-Semitism must not be fed inaccuracies for immediate gratification. Before satisfaction - restraint.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-12

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