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Toulouse: parents file a complaint after poisoning in a nursery


Highlights: Six children attending a nursery in Toulouse were hospitalized in November, some in serious condition. Ministry of Health said in mid-December that their condition, linked to E. coli poisoning, was no longer a cause for concern. Raw milk cheeses, made in the Jura by the company Route des Terroirs, were identified as the source of the poisoning. Both complaints were registered before 15 December, according to the prosecutor's office, and others have followed since. The company has been banned from producing new cheeses.

Six children attending a nursery in Toulouse were hospitalized in November. E. coli poisoning had been detected

Six children had to be hospitalized. Two complaints have been filed by families, after poisonings in November in a nursery in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), revealed France Bleu Occitanie Monday evening. Both complaints were registered before 15 December, according to the prosecutor's office, and others have followed since.

Six children attending a nursery in Toulouse were hospitalized in November, some in serious condition. The Ministry of Health said in a statement in mid-December that their condition, linked to E. coli poisoning, was no longer a cause for concern.

Raw milk cheeses at the origin of poisoning

Analyses had made it possible to identify the source of the poisoning: raw milk cheeses, made in the Jura by the company Route des Terroirs. "Converging epidemiological, microbiological and traceability elements, linking at least some of these cases of HUS [haemolytic uremic syndrome] and Morbier cheeses produced by the Route des Terroirs company" had thus been highlighted, according to a press release.

"Without being able at this stage to exclude other sources of contamination", the authorities then requested the withdrawal of several cheeses produced by this company and recommended that people who possess them not to consume them. The health approval of the Route des Terroirs had also been suspended, prohibiting the company from producing new cheeses.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-12-18

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