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Aid to Romania as a Herculean task - "Poverty is just as pronounced in many neighbourhoods as it was 25 years ago"


Highlights: Aid to Romania as a Herculean task - "Poverty is just as pronounced in many neighbourhoods as it was 25 years ago".. Status: 20.12.2023, 12:00 p.m.CommentsPrint ShareHias Unsin, nicknamed "Hercules", in the mother-and-child home in Zagujeni. For more than 30 years, the Romanian Aid Denklingen/Altenstadt has been in existence. Numerous donations went to Caransebes again this year.

Status: 20.12.2023, 12:00 p.m.

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Hias Unsin, nicknamed "Hercules", in the mother-and-child home in Zagujeni. © Private

For more than 30 years, the Romanian Aid Denklingen/Altenstadt has been in existence. Numerous donations went to Caransebes again this year.

Dienhausen – Aid to Romania is a Herculean task for all helpers. This is especially true for Matthäus Unsin from Dienhausen, who has been the driving force behind 38 aid missions since the early <>s. Together with Beppo Miller from Altenstadt, Mike Kögel from Schwabsoien and Hermann Hartmann from Bernbeuren, he was on site again this year in Caransebes and in the children's home Zagujeni.

In May and December, two transports with donations in kind went to Romania. These include firefighters' helmets, lamps on helmets, more than 1000 disposable gowns. In addition, there are mattresses, tools, a wood stove, wheelchairs and toilet chairs. Most recently, more than 300 Christmas parcels were loaded – from the Schwabsoien primary school, the Penzberg secondary school, the Schwabsoien and Schwabbruck parish councils as well as from numerous private donors from near and far. They are intended for the children from the poorest backgrounds in the soup kitchen, the kindergarten, but also within the parish and, for the third time, for the 30 recipients of "Meals on Wheels".

"Poverty is just as pronounced in many neighbourhoods as it was 25 years ago"

"Poverty is just as pronounced in many neighbourhoods as it was 25 years ago," says Unsin, summing up his impressions of his last visit to Caransebes. The small Romanian town is slightly larger than Schongau and has just under 20,000 inhabitants. The point of contact for Romanian aid is always Caritas in Caransebes, where the long-time director Ludovic Mleziwa, whom they call Ludwig, is the contact person.

Over the past twelve months, 22,000 euros in donations have been received for Romanian aid. The largest amount (9400 euros) was used for the soup kitchen in the 2022/2023 school year. The donation of 4500 euros in food to Caritas is also remarkable, because its own income is falling, as Beppo Miller describes. 3000 euros were intended for food parcels at Meals on Wheels.

Lecture on Romania held in schools

In the run-up to the parcel campaign, the helpers at the participating schools had informed about the living situation of the poor population in a short lecture, supplemented by a five-minute film and photos. If you are also interested in this, e.g. in an association, you can contact Beppo Miller, under the telephone number 08861/20220.

On the first day, the four drove from the Schongau region with Caritas director Mleziwa to the village of Garana, 40 kilometers away. There, Marga lives in modest circumstances. The woman had developed MS at the age of 25, shortly after the birth of her son. Due to poor medical care, this disease was not recognized for a long time; it now has to endure its long-term consequences.

Her son came back from Germany years ago to take care of her. He carries her to the couch in the morning, comes home from work at noon to check on her. The 60-year-old wanted new slippers. The visitors from Bavaria handed over their money for it – and a subsidy for firewood in winter.


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Children's home and school visited in Romania

Another stop was the former children's home in Zagujeni. Six mothers with 22 children are cared for by 22 part-time employees. Unsin was in his element. Some of the little children he lifted up with one hand (just like a Hercules; hence his nickname), and the children's shrieks were certain to him. Only 14-year-old Mariana sat shyly at the end of the table. The guests were shocked when they learned that the teenager was about to give birth to her child. Her parents had sent her to the home because they didn't want to take care of a grandchild as well.

The soup kitchen also offers homework help for 30 children. © Private

"The next day we went to school in Caransebes," says Beppo Miller. In autumn 2022, an entire van full of discarded school furniture from the Landsberg district was brought there. Director Gabriela Pfeiffer expressed her gratitude for the generous donation. A school class sang a Romanian song in thanksgiving.

This was followed by a meeting with Mayor Felix Borcean. The men of Romania Aid were particularly interested in the current deterioration in the quality of life of the poor population. The consequences of Corona and the war in neighbouring Ukraine are partly responsible, he said.

Coincidentally, the conversation also offered the opportunity to talk to clinic director Adrain Dumbrava. He worked in Bremen for several years and was able to compare the situation in both countries very well. While hospitals in Germany have to close, Romania wants to build up nationwide care. But ten percent of Romanians are currently without health insurance as a result of poverty. In the case of treatment, the clinic receives only a small expense allowance.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-12-20

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