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Before the march, Cristina Kirchner resurfaced a video of Néstor with Mirtha Legrand with a message about the piqueteros


Highlights: Cristina Kirchner shared a video of her with Mirtha Legrand about the Pueyrredón Bridge blockade. In the video, the then-president talks about the need to enforce the Constitution. "The Constitution must be read in its entirety, I say," he says. The blockade will begin on Wednesday, when leftist groups will march on the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires to protest against the government's anti-picketing measures. The government says the blockade will protect the right to free movement of citizens.

He shared the response of the then President when the host asked him about a blockade on the Pueyrredón Bridge.This Wednesday, leftist organizations will march to Plaza de Mayo.

Hours before the first mobilization against Javier Milei and the announcement of the implementation of the anti-picketing protocol by the Ministry of Security led by Patricia Bullrich, former President Cristina Kirchner shared on her social networks a video in which Néstor Kirchner talks about picketing and compliance with the Constitution during a lunch with TV host Mirtha Legrand.

"A president who read the entire Constitution," Cristina Kirchner titled the video she shared on her social networks, in a clear allusion to the argument used by Milei's government that the anti-picketing protocol seeks to enforce the right to free movement of citizens and therefore will prevent street closures.

Néstor and Cristina Kirchner were having lunch with Mirtha Legrand when the host asked the then-president: "What are you going to do with the piqueteros, huh? At the moment, the Pueyrredón Bridge is closed. It's Bravo this. We must all abide by the Constitution."

The president replied that "we should not pit Argentines against Argentines" and, when the host blurted out that it was necessary to enforce the Constitution, he continued: "With everything, eh. With articles 14 and 14 bis of the Constitution as well. The right to work, the right to a decent income. The Constitution must be read in its entirety, I say."

And in that vein, he continued: "Because there are some who say that the Constitution must be complied with and they remember when this type of thing happens, but they do not remember that there are other articles of the Constitution that are basic laws, which is to guarantee those rights to the people who unfortunately are still not there today."

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-12-20

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