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DIRECT. Immigration law: "The majority has united, the RN's manoeuvre has failed", says Élisabeth Borne


Highlights: Parliament gave final approval to the immigration law on Tuesday. Assembly voted for it with 349 votes in favour and 186 against, out of 573 voters. Elisabeth Borne is due to speak this Wednesday morning on France Inter. Emmanuel Macron is also due to speaking during the day, possibly on television. Health Minister Aurélien Rousseau submitted his resignation to the Prime Minister on Tuesday, without it being known during the night whether it had been accepted. Several ministers opposed to the text, such as Clément Beaune (Transport), Patrice Vergriete (Housing) and Sylvie Retailleau (Higher Education), were received in the evening in Matignon.

Parliament definitively approved the immigration law on Tuesday, a parliamentary victory for Emmanuel Macron who opens at the same time as the Immigration Act.

The Bottom Line

  • Parliament gave final approval to the immigration law on Tuesday,
  • The Assembly voted for it with 349 votes in favour and 186 against, out of 573 voters, with LR and RN joining their votes to that of the majority.
  • Elisabeth Borne is due to speak this Wednesday morning on France Inter, while Emmanuel Macron is also due to speak during the day, possibly on television.
  • The government is in the doldrums: Health Minister Aurélien Rousseau submitted his resignation to the Prime Minister on Tuesday, without it being known during the night whether it had been accepted.


Aurélien Rousseau has submitted his resignation

The slump is also affecting the government: Health Minister Aurélien Rousseau presented his resignation to the Prime Minister on Tuesday, without it being known during the night whether it had been accepted.

Several ministers opposed to the text, such as Clément Beaune (Transport), Patrice Vergriete (Housing) and Sylvie Retailleau (Higher Education), were received in the evening in Matignon.


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"The majority has united, the RN's manoeuvre has failed," Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said, appearing to ignore the defection of nearly a quarter of her deputies.

She must speak Wednesday morning on France Inter, while Emmanuel Macron must also speak during the day, possibly on television.



And welcome to this live stream dedicated to the immigration law and its political consequences.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-12-20

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