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"It's a change from pasta": at Gustave-Roussy, a Michelin-starred chef's meal for young cancer patients


Highlights: The Princess Margot association has launched the Repas Toqué culinary program at the Gustave-Roussy Institute in Villejuif. The program aims to improve the well-being of children and teenagers. Chef Irwin Durand, head of Guy Savoy's restaurant Le Chiberta in Paris, and pastry chef Tessa Ponzo cooked Naïla, 16, a young cancer patient at the institute. On the menu: burger with a runny heart of cheese in the steak, accompanied by sweet potato fries, then milk chocolate mousse with oven-roasted pecan praline.

The Princess Margot association has launched the Repas Toqué culinary program at the institute to improve the well-being of children and teenagers

There's not a crumb left on his lunch tray. Naïla, 16 years old, enjoyed the first Toqué meal served at the Gustave-Roussy Institute in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne), where she is being treated for her cancer. "It was so good!" smiles the young girl from Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis). It must be said that his lunch was cooked by Michelin-starred chef Irwin Durand, head of Guy Savoy's restaurant Le Chiberta in Paris, and his pastry chef Tessa Ponzo.

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On the menu: burger with a runny heart of cheese in the steak, accompanied by sweet potato fries, then milk chocolate mousse with oven-roasted pecan praline.

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Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-12-21

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