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They created a project to earn money traveling and now make a living from what they are passionate about: "We want to inspire others"


Highlights: Sofia and Pablo are an Argentinean couple who travel the world with their two daughters. The couple started a blog to share their experiences with the world. "We are very happy, we love to see our daughters grow up," says Sofia. 'We want to turn the world into a potential opportunity for all of us,' says Pablo. 'The world is the limit' is a project of the couple to help other families to travel the globe with their children in a safe and fun way.

Their names are Sofía and Pablo, they are 39 and 42 years old and they reveal their life story to Clarín. "We are very happy," they say.

They dreamed of experiencing new destinations, getting to know different cultures and starting a family. What they didn't imagine was that ten years later they would be fulfilling their dreams.

"At the end of the day, we're not going to highlight how much money we made, but all the places we visited and themoments we treasured," Sofía Collongues, an Argentinian whoopted for an atypical lifestyle, told Clarín.

The 39-year-old, a native of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, made the decision to travel the world with her partner Pablo Argento -42- in 2013.

They hadthe goal of building memories that will last forever, in their words. "We do what we are passionate about and the reward is wonderful," says Sofia.

"Together, the impossible became a reality"

Sofia, a graduate in Business Administration, and her partner used to live more than 200 kilometers apart, but a coincidence brought them together.

Pablo, from Pergamino, a city located in the north of the Province of Buenos Aires, provided consulting services on an outsourced basis for the company where his current wife worked.

In this way, in 2012, the graduate in Public Accounting exchanged glances with the woman who years later would become his other half.

The Argentines on their first trip as a couple. Photo: @elmundoesellimite, Instagram.

"We met at a work project and started dating a few months later. The wonderful thing is that we became a great team and I'm sure it wouldn't have been possible to carry on the life I have without her," says the man.

After a while, they went to live together in the Palermo neighborhood and made their first trip as a couple, which was a turning point for them. "Australia was incredible, it made us reflect on the immensity of the world and the infinity of views that exist. Traveling for us educates," Sofia clarifies.

Impressed by their adventure in the Southern Hemisphere, they looked for ways to vacation as often as possible to enjoy different locations. "Being together, the impossible became a reality," explains the young Argentinean.

In 2016, after exploring several destinations, they started a project on socialnetworks called "The world is the limit": through this medium they are dedicated to creating content about tourism with useful information for those who want to travel.

Argentinian family on vacation in Vietnam. Photo: @elmundoesellimite, Instagram.

In 2017, Catalina, the couple's first daughter, was born. With it, the focus of the SME created by them changed. "We focus on showing families that it is possible to travel with young children," Sofia explains.

An adventurous family

What started as a hobby ended up being his job. "We were spending more and more time on the blog and providing the best advice possible. Meanwhile, in the middle of the pandemic, Olivia was born, who is now 3 years old and is our new traveling companion," says Pablo.

Her arrival in the world reconsidered Sofia's priorities, who decided to quit her job in order to dedicate herself 100% to her entrepreneurship. I could earn more money with my profession, but I wouldn't have the same time I drive to be with my family," says the Argentinean.

Because she devoted most of her time to the project, the business became more important and had a great impact, which allowed them to explore the world with greater profits. "We started providing services to hotels, tours and tourism agencies. To do this, we spend a lot of money on technology and video editing courses with the idea of perfecting ourselves in the digital world," says Sofía.

Currently, the couple visited a total of 55 countries and maintain an average of approximately 4 trips per year. "We want our daughters tobe empathetic people who are not afraid of the unknown," says Pablo.

Family. The couple with their children in Asia. Photo: @elmundoesellimite.

Some of its most prominentdestinations were Mongolia, Iceland, Norway, the Galapagos Islands, and the west coast of the United States.

"We are very happy, we love to see our daughters grow up and explore different customs. We do what we are passionate about and the giving back is fascinating," says the entrepreneur.

On the other hand, they want to promote tourism in Argentina. "We love our country and we want to turn it into a potential opportunityfor foreigners," the Argentinian couple declares with emotion.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-12-22

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