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What happens if I put my feet in salt water: the unknown benefits for the body


Highlights: What happens if I put my feet in salt water: the unknown benefits for the body. Foot baths with warm water and salt don't just help relaxation. When to do it and how to get better results. Why do many people put their feet in warm salt water? For years we have been able to see this practice passed from generation to generation as a home remedy. But without knowing for sure what the goal is, it's critical to see a doctor instead of relying solely on this home remedies.

Foot baths with warm water and salt don't just help relaxation. When to do it and how to get better results

Why do many people put their feet in warm salt water? For years we have been able to see this practice passed from generation to generation as a home remedy, but without knowing for sure what the goal is.

Soaking your feet in salt water (especially sea or coarse salt) can be a relaxing ritual, but it's not a magic bullet for orthopedic problems, specialists warn.

However, beyond releasing tension and relieving the stress accumulated during the day, it can take many improvements and benefits to capitalize on when it comes to taking care of your health.

One of the most common myths is that it can remove toxins from the body. However, this claim lacks scientific backing. The body has internal systems, such as the liver and kidneys, that are responsible for eliminating toxins. .

That's why if an orthopedic problem arises, such as plantar fasciitis or heel spurs, it's critical to see a doctor instead of relying solely on this home remedy.

That said, if there is no cause that requires intervention, you can resort to an anti-inflammatory solution of natural origin such as water with salt for the feet.

Why I have swelling in my feet

"Painless swelling of the feet is a common problem, particularly among older people," summarizes MedlinePlus, the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Swollen feet, pain, swelling

And they add: "Abnormal fluid accumulation in ankles, feet, and legs can cause swelling. And it's known as edema."

Other related factors listed on AS's Better with Health site are the following:

  • Wearing stockings that are too tight
  • Wearing high heels
  • Poor posture when walking or exercising
  • Being sedentary, overweight, or obese
  • Consuming too much salt and sugar
  • Having autoimmune diseases

Diabetes can be linked to swelling of the feet. Photo: Shutterstock

  • Having diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol
  • Suffering injuries or infections in the feet and legs
  • Hormonal changes

Benefits of Warm Salt Water for Swollen Feet

Warm water treatment with coarse salt is an age-old solution even to lessen body aches and pains that affect movement and physical abilities.

For centuries it was used to reduce swelling and tiredness of the feet, because it contains nutrients that stimulate muscle relaxation.

  • Salt minerals. They are easily absorbed through the skin, providing a strong sensation of relief from inflammatory and circulatory problems.
  • Refreshes and revitalizes. Ideal for after a long and tiring day.
  • Ally against calluses and fungi. It is precisely because these are factors that can deteriorate the health of the feet.
  • Exfoliating. Salt has this property that removes dead skin cells to keep the skin soft.

Soak your feet in water and salt to reduce swelling. Photo: Getty Images

  • Anti-stress effect. The combination of hot water and salt reduces muscle tension and relieves tension.
  • Less pain. It decreases the sensation of pain when the swelling is caused by an injury.

What To Do To Relieve Swollen Feet

Painless swelling in the feet or ankles is common and can happen for a variety of reasons. Causes of swollen feet may include:

Here are some tips from the Healthline site to avoid this problem:

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. When the body doesn't hydrate enough, it retains the fluids it has. This contributes to swelling.

Wear compression stockings. Orthopedic products can be purchased in a pharmacy or store.

Elevate your feet above the level of your heart. Prop your feet up on cushions, folded blankets, or whatever at bedtime.

Avoid standing for long periods of time. Spending prolonged periods of time standing still does not go in the same direction as swollen feet.

Physical activity or even walking during work helps your feet.

Stay active. Move around a little every hour even if you're sitting at work, even if it's a walk back and forth. Bending your knees and ankles also helps.

Dietary changes. Reducing your sodium intake can help decrease swelling in your body, including your feet. And add foods that contain potassium, such as bananas, chicken, sweet potatoes, among others.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-12-24

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