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A dangerous card: The hostage crisis raises concerns that Marwan Barghouti will be a candidate for release in the deal | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Marwan Barghouti is serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison for murdering Israelis in terror attacks during the second intifada. Parts of the Palestinian public think that his name should be included in a prisoner exchange deal between Israel and Hamas. Mahmoud Abbas prefers him in prison rather than as a freed hero who will create political chaos - which will strengthen Hamas. His son, who is one of the architects of terrorism, clarifies that his father "supports any kind of struggle"

Barghouti's son, who is one of the architects of terrorism, clarifies that his father "supports any kind of struggle" • Mahmoud Abbas prefers him in prison rather than as a freed hero who will create political chaos - which will strengthen Hamas

The war with Hamas has reopened the Barghouti dossier. Parts of the Palestinian public think that the name of Marwan Barghouti, who is serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison for murdering Israelis in terror attacks during the second intifada, should be included in a prisoner exchange deal between Israel and Hamas.

According to poll: Palestinians prefer Barghouti to Mahmoud Abbas // Reuters

While Barghouti's associates see this as an opportunity to free the man considered one of the strongest leaders in Fatah, those close to Abbas have so far not been enthusiastic about this possibility. Once because Barghouti is a threat to the incumbent leadership because of his popularity on the Palestinian street, and the second because he fears that Hamas will take credit for his release, thereby strengthening the status of the terrorist organization within the Palestinian system.

According to opinion polls, the Palestinian public prefers Barghouti as "the Rais" to Mahmoud Abbas. He is considered popular on the street precisely because he is a prisoner held in prison for his involvement in arming Fatah terrorists who carried out attacks, and also because many see him as an alternative to the veteran PA leadership, which is perceived as failed and corrupt.

An alternative to the PA leadership. Marwan Barghouti, Photo: Reuters

In the race for the last elections in 2021 – which have since been canceled – Barghouti even teamed up with one of Abbas' political rivals, Nasser al-Qadwa, and the two ran together on an independent list, causing pressure inside the beehive of the PA chairman in Ramallah. Since his arrest, his wife, lawyer Fadwa Barghouti, has been campaigning for his release. She travels the world and holds meetings with foreign ministers.

"My father has been leading in the polls for 21 years, I'm not surprised," his son, Qassam Barghouti, told Israel Hayom. "From the age of 17 he was arrested. He comes from a village in the West Bank, from a family that lives in a simple way, and maintains public support, partly because his name is not associated with corruption – he actually fights it. The people also support him because they are in favor of Palestinian unity and have the ability to see to it an end to the schism. It will benefit everyone, both Palestinians and Israelis."

In the past, Barghouti expressed his intention to run against Mahmoud Abbas from prison if elections were held, but at the last minute he was persuaded to withdraw his candidacy in order to prevent a situation of a "president leader from prison," claiming that this would paralyze the PA.

Barghouti expressed his intention to run from prison against Mahmoud Abbas, Photo: AP

"Will increase division"

It is important to note that to date we have not heard an explicit statement from him that he is willing to cease supporting terrorism. Qassam: "He (Marwan) is in favor of all types and ways of struggle. One way of struggle can be good for one period, and for another period the way of struggle can change according to reality and what is happening. It is the right of the people to choose the best means of their struggle."

"Barghouti can make Fatah strong," Qassam says, "he will strengthen the power of the movement within the Palestinian people. We hope he will be released, the time has come." However, in Ramallah there are those who think otherwise. Barghouti's release, they say, will increase camping, division, and even intensify succession battles to the point of deteriorating the internal situation into political chaos. It should be noted that Barghouti's supporters have claimed in recent years that Mahmoud Abbas and his associates are allegedly pressuring Israel not to release him from prison, which was vehemently denied in Ramallah.

Not surprised. Son Qassem Barghouti, photo: None

Sources in opposition to Mahmoud Abbas' rule noted that "Barghouti is one of the few Fatah figures capable of providing an alternative to the existing leadership. A lot of people support Hamas not because they really believe in Hamas, but because they simply don't have an alternative to represent them, and Marwan can do that."

According to Palestinian sources, representatives of Western countries expressed support for Barghouti's candidacy, saying, "Dozens of diplomats and consuls said they were convinced that Barghouti should have a part in the solution in order to open a political horizon."

One of the beats in the abductees' deal, photo: AP

Israel has so far resisted including Barghouti in any prisoner or abductee exchange deal. From the messages coming to him from the Americans and Europeans, the 88-year-old Abbas understands that the time has come for changes. If Barghouti is released, the PA chairman will find himself, having no choice, to head the blessings.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-25

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