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The IDF took control of a terrorist and other intelligence stronghold where senior Hamas figures had previously stayed; Terrorist Gives Significant Information | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The IDF took control of a terrorist and other intelligence stronghold where senior Hamas figures had previously stayed. Terrorist Gives Significant Information | Israel Hayom. More details immediately. Battle in the tunnels, a bunker belonging to members of Hamas' military-terrorist wing, and an intelligence compound of 37 buildings destroyed: new documentation from IDF activity in the Gaza Strip. The fighters raided the main building of the Eastern Post, a strategic Hamas center in the city. Inside the compound - operations rooms were discovered to manage the fighting in the entire Gaza strip.

More details immediately

Battle in the tunnels, a bunker belonging to members of Hamas' military-terrorist wing, and an intelligence compound of 37 buildings destroyed: new documentation from IDF activity in the Gaza Strip. Today (Tuesday), the commander of the 401st Brigade, Col. Benny Aharon, held a briefing in which he spoke about documentation of the takeover of Hamas' intelligence and control stronghold in Gaza City by fighters of the brigade's combat team, in cooperation with Shaldag and Yahalam units. He also revealed that during the IDF's activity in the tunnels he was taken prisoner by a Hamas terrorist who assisted in digging them and provided significant information.

Hamas' underground control bunker exposed | IDF Spokesperson

The fighters raided the main building of the Eastern Post, a strategic Hamas center in the city. Inside the compound - operations rooms were discovered to manage the fighting in the entire Gaza Strip. The Stronghold of Terror includes 37 buildings located in the heart of the civilian population, in the vicinity of residential buildings, schools and hospitals. Inside the building were laboratories and a communications wing, conference rooms and a war room.

Activity of the 401st IDF forces in the area of the eastern outpost | IDF Spokesperson

The fighters also uncovered an underground Hamas control bunker, from which the organization's commanders conducted the fighting in the Gaza Strip. The underground compound is about 20 meters deep and includes a large operations room and long-term living spaces, including toilets, showers and work rooms belonging to commanders of Hamas' military-terrorist wing. During searches of the area, many weapons and media were found.

Shaldag Unit Activity in the Eastern Outpost | IDF Spokesperson

In the area of the outpost, fighters from the 401st Brigade's combat team located five central shafts that included elevators and stairs tens of meters deep that were connected to each other, creating an extensive tunnel route that allows entry to the control pit and underground space. Through one of them, Shaldag Unit fighters entered the tunnel and fought Hamas operatives underground. At the end of the fighting, all the terrorists were eliminated. The 601st Engineer Battalion and the Yahalam Unit destroyed the entire route of the tunnels. In addition, a man who assisted in digging tunnels in the area for years and provided the IDF with extensive intelligence information was taken prisoner. The route of the tunnels was connected, among other things, to Rantisi Hospital in the Gaza Strip. During the activity in the tunnel, the fighters located body parts of a soldier who was murdered on October <> but was never defined as abducted.

Commander of Battalion 601, Lieutenant Colonel Shimon | IDF Spokesperson

The combat team of the 52nd Battalion also operated in the area, where the fighters identified an enemy building and raided it. During the raid, fierce exchanges of fire took place from the upper floors of the building, the fighters strove for contact while evacuating the wounded and returned fire at the terrorists. Subsequently, the encounter expanded to other buildings

Later, the encounter expanded to other buildings in the area of the post. Battalion fighters and forces from the Shaldag unit eliminated the terrorist squad. Capt. Yaron Eliezer Chitz z"l, Staff Sergeant Ephraim Yachman z"l and Staff Sergeant Itai Botton z"l fell.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2024-01-02

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