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Fischbachau's outlook for 2024: Mayor hopes for major projects


Highlights: Fischbachau's outlook for 2024: Mayor hopes for major projects. Uncertainties remain regarding financing. Mayor Stefan Deingruber (CSU) says: "There is a lot that is opaque when it comes to federal and state funding." Many major projects are expected to be completed this year. The mayor expects the greatest financial uncertainty to be the subject of village renewal on the village renewal site in Elbach. In the case of the Leonhardi Chapel in Hundham, the municipality is faced with the decision of whether it should commission a 40,000 euro report.

Status: 04.01.2024, 19:00 PM

By: Jonas Napiletzki

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Dark clouds are gathering: It is still unclear whether the municipality will receive funding for the renovation of the Leonhardi Chapel in Hundham. But there are definitely new shingles for the roof this year. © Stefan Schweihofer

The challenges of 2024 in Fischbachau are set. Uncertainties remain regarding financing. The mayor is sticking to a plan.

Fischbachau – The big topics for the new year are actually set in the municipality of Fischbachau. But whether everything is really as feasible as presented in the citizens' assembly, among other things, is of course not quite certain. Above all, the tight budget situation of the federal government is fuelling doubts in some places: Will subsidies for municipalities be cut? How does the economy affect the upcoming projects? "A crystal ball would be nice," says Mayor Stefan Deingruber (CSU). "There is a lot that is opaque when it comes to federal and state funding." In an outlook for 2024, Deingruber can nevertheless make predominantly positive forecasts. Many major projects are expected to be completed this year.

Tunnels Deisenried

The mayor has not yet revealed what exactly this looks like underground in the Deisenried show gallery. But one thing is already clear: the opening is definitely planned for 2024. As reported, Leader funding is also linked to punctual accessibility. In addition to the interior fittings, only the ticket office and the toilet house have to be set up beforehand.

Pump track

The same applies to the pump track, which will go into operation this year. "Of course, I've already thought about how we can celebrate the inauguration," says Deingruber when asked. However, there is no date or details yet. After all, the mayor first wants to talk to the initiators of the crowdfunding. And the planner of the plant, Andi Wittmann, certainly has one or two ideas, says Deingruber. However, children and young people should definitely come to the inauguration. "The new pump track is about to be put into operation."

Photo points and boards

Also immediately visible is the construction of the new photo points, which are being set up or are already in place at several locations in all parts of the municipality. The missing locations will be stocked this winter, says Deingruber. The same applies to the new town entrance signs (we reported).


Just in time for the season, the new beer garden in the Klosterstüberl will also open in Fischbachau. "In the spring, the pavement will still be done," says the mayor. In addition, the conversion of the toilet facilities is pending, which also seems to be secured. The financial situation does not affect this project, at least as of the end of December.

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Elementary school

However, the municipality of Fischbachau is dependent on higher funding for the primary school in Elbach, which is known to be expanded. "In 2024, the preliminary planning and the basic determination will take place," Deingruber announces. Since the funds are funds from the Free State and the funding notice has already arrived at the town hall, there is no threat of cuts here for the time being.

Warm outdoor pool

Hidden from the eyes of the bathers, but no less important, are the new filter systems that will be installed in the warm outdoor pool over the winter. "This is essential in order to maintain operations," says Deingruber.


The mayor expects the greatest financial uncertainty factor to be on the subject of village renewal. "It is unclear how the subsidies will develop in the next few years." Specifically, this also affects the renovation of the Leonhardi Chapel in Hundham. In this case, the municipality is faced with the decision of whether it should commission a 40,000 euro report in order to receive funding later, or whether it should waive the expert opinion – and thus also all subsidies. Both variants are a risk, as Deingruber explains. Deingruber fears that subsidies could be cancelled despite expert opinions. "Then it would make more sense to go straight through the carpenter." Either way, the mayor emphasizes, something will be done to the chapel in 2024. "The roof alone is manageable for us," says Deingruber. As reported, among other things, the shingles are to be renewed.


Despite the uncertainties, Deingruber is "not completely anxious" about the new year. After all, there is no point in worrying out of the blue. "The Leitzachtaler is a person who is there for others," emphasizes the mayor. For 2024, he hopes that this cohesion will remain.

About this series

The turn of the year offers an opportunity for an outlook: Which projects will be tackled or implemented in the municipalities of the district in 2024? Where might the cutbacks need to be made? We'll give you an overview.

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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-01-04

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