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"Twenty cows", the main hypothesis of the prosecutor investigating the triple crime of Chascomús


Highlights: "Twenty cows", the main hypothesis of the prosecutor investigating the triple crime of Chascomús. The information further complicates Francisco Reddy (20), the only one charged with the murder of his father, the couple and his brother, 12. Ballistics tests on the carbine seized from the white Chevrolet S10 truck of the arrested police officer are awaited to determine if it was the weapon used in the incident. According to statements made by the prosecutor to TN, both the woman and the child had holes compatible with a piece of projectile from a.22 caliber.

The information further complicates Francisco Reddy (20), the only one charged with the murder of his father, the couple and his brother, 12.

The Chascomús massacre took an unexpected turn hours before New Year's Eve with the arrest of Francisco Reddy (20) as the only suspect. But this Saturday added a new chapter with the revelation of the prosecutor of the case, which implicates the only defendant for the triple crime of Diego Reddy, María Eugenia Suárez and Ignacio Reddy. The man in charge of the investigation gave details of the main hypothesis about the motive. Everything would have been done to hide the irregular saleof "twenty cows".

This was slipped by the prosecutor Jonatan Robert, when he recognized that the economic motive is the main hypothesis. The judicial official said that the defendant sold 20 of his father's animals in black and without his consent and slipped that the crime could have been committed so that he would not know about that transaction.

Francisco Reddy is still being held for the murder of his father, Diego Reddy, his partner and his 12-year-old brother in the field where the victims lived as caretakers, in the district of Chascomús, a few kilometers from Highway 2.

"In the last few hours we were able to collect testimonies that showed that Francisco Reddy, the day before the homicides took place, would have carried out the sale of twenty cows, cows that were owned by his father, in principle, and this sale that in principle would have been carried out in the black," the prosecutor said in a radio interview with Del Plata.

And in that sense, he added that "the truck used on the day of the event, the white Chevrolet S10 double cab truck, was acquired that same day, hours before the fact." The vehicle was exchanged for the private car (Suzuki Fun) used by Francisco Reddy, "in addition to a promise to deliver five more cows to whoever was the seller of that truck."

Diego Reddy, his partner and their youngest son were murdered in Chascomús.

In addition, Robert said that, according to the investigation, "the negotiation for the purchase of this truck begins between December 8 and 10. The first offer made by Francisco Reddy is to exchange the truck, as it is commonly said, hand in hand for fifteen cows. But all those cows were not the property of Francisco Reddy, all those cows belonged to his father and the family context," he continued.

One of the tasks that keeps the prosecutor busy is counting cows to check for that shortage. "They're not counted every day, but they're counted every 10 or 15 days. I am now going back in time to determine the amount of cattle that Diego Reddy had within the field where these cattle that his son sold him were located, because this homicide could have occurred as a consequence, perhaps so that it would not be discovered," the prosecutor warned.

According to what he was able to gather as information so far, Francisco's father "would not be aware in principle of this sale of the hacienda that the son was carrying out without his permission, and obviously in the black."

"I wouldn't be surprised if as the days go by, as the investigation continues, this economic motive could gain more strength," Robert concluded.

What crimes is Francisco Reddy accused of for the triple crime of Chascomús?

Francisco refused to testify before the prosecutor, who charged him with the crimes of "aggravated homicide by treachery" with respect to the woman, "homicide aggravated by the bond" in the case of his father and "simple homicide" for the crime of his brother.

Meanwhile, the results of the ballistics tests on the carbine seized from the white Chevrolet S10 truck of the arrested police officer are awaited to determine if it was the weapon used in the incident.

According to statements made by the prosecutor to TN, both the woman and the child had holes compatible with a .22 caliber, while in one of the two impacts on Diego Reddy's body, a piece of projectile was extracted that could also have come from that caliber.

At the beginning of the investigation, when only the bodies of Suárez and Ignacio had been found, Diego Reddy had been pointed out as the main suspect. An operation had been launched to find him, as he was missing. Eventually, he was found dead.


He murdered his father, the couple and his brother in Chascomús. The word of the prosecutor in the case.

The triple crime was committed on December 29 at the "Los Pinos" ranch. When police arrived at the scene, they found Suarez's body in the kitchen, while his son was seriously injured in a shed, both with gunshot wounds. The 12-year-old boy was rushed to St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, where he underwent surgery, but eventually died from gunshot wounds.

A camera near the premises captured the moment in which Francisco Reddy was seen entering and then leaving the place. As prosecutor Robert explained to C5N, "at 17:31 p.m. the camera takes the exit of the Chevrolet S10 truck in the direction of Route 2; 17.59 The camera captures the van entering, heading towards the field, and takes it again at 19.43, which is when the van leaves again towards Route 2 and does not enter again".

"There are two employees who were working that afternoon in the rural establishment, who at approximately 18:30 p.m. seem to have heard a rumble similar to a gunshot," the prosecutor recalled.

He then added that the movements of the family group's cell phones revealed that "Francisco Reddy's phone was activated at the antenna at kilometer 139 of Chascomús, that is, just near the field."

On the other hand, the prosecutor indicated that a relative of the Reddys stated that "he had lent a carbine to the defendant on the day of the event at noon," since he needed it "to go hunting," which "may eventually account for premeditation."

With information from Télam


Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-06

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