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Prosecutors analyze other contracts by Chiara Ferragni - News


Highlights: Prosecutors analyze other contracts by Chiara Ferragni - News. After pandoro and eggs, new investigations. And we are thinking of an ad hoc law (ANSA). Other fronts could open up in the investigation of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office on Chiara Ferrari and her companies. The prime minister has already asked for a report on the subject, with a view to legislation that would require those who claim to do charity to disclose those figures. And to do so by going into detail to the detriment of good taste, which has become a general rule.

After pandoro and eggs, new investigations. And we are thinking of an ad hoc law (ANSA)

Other fronts could open up in the investigation of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office on Chiara Ferragni and her companies. After the case of Balocco's pandoro and Easter eggs produced by Dolci Preziosi, the in-depth analysis will also cover similar cases in which the sale of the product on duty with the brand was proposed by the well-known influencer with solidarity purposes.

Among these there should also be the one exhumed in recent days by the media of the Trudi doll.

While the Milanese deputy prosecutor Eugenio Fusco is waiting for next week for the initial results of the analysis of the mountain of papers collected by the Economic and Financial Police Unit of the Gdf in the offices of the Antitrust Authority as part of the proceedings that led to a maxi fine for the entrepreneur and for the Cuneo company that baked the "Pink Christmas" pandoro, It is not excluded that the Milanese investigation could expand.

To learn more, ANSA Agency Coca Cola stops the commercial with Chiara Ferragni - News - New tile for the influencer after the Balocco case (ANSA)

And this, since, as it has filtered out, the intention is to review all the contracts in which the word charity essentially appears and which have, in some way, common points with those on which a spotlight has already been lit following the complaints presented in Italy by Codacons. But before that, the file, still against unknown persons and without a criminal record, will plumb the story of the Christmas and Easter sweets. With regard to the former, a meeting will be held as early as Monday between prosecutors and investigators to take stock of the situation and understand how to proceed, what crime, if any, to contest - probably fraud in commerce - and whether or not to make entries in the register of suspects. Once this chapter is closed, it will be time to examine the one relating to eggs and then others more or less similar and which in any case have been advertised by the influencer with a specific purpose: that of doing good.

These would also include the Trudi doll initiative. "Everything took place totally in line with what was published on the Instagram channel - specifies Tbs crew Srl, a company controlled by Chiara Ferragni - The revenues from the sales of this doll through the e-commerce The Blonde Salad, net of the sales commissions paid by Tbs to the external provider that managed the platform, were donated to the Stomp Out Bullying association in July 2019". While waiting for judicial developments, an ad hoc rule is being put in the pipeline that someone in the corridors between Montecitorio and Palazzo Chigi has already baptized with the influencer's surname. In essence, it would be the intention of Giorgia Meloni and her party, the aim is to bring order to the 'wild west' of charity. And above all, to prevent unfair commercial practices and allusive marketing campaigns to promote causes that, on balance, risk having very little of benefit. The prime minister has already asked for a report on the subject, with a view to legislation that would require those who claim to do charity to disclose those figures. And to do so by going into detail to the detriment of good taste, which has become a general rule and transmitted by voice, not to appear or rattle off figures when doing good.

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Source: ansa

All news articles on 2024-01-06

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