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The King praises the military as defenders of the "framework of coexistence democratically chosen by the Spanish people"


Highlights: The King praises the military as defenders of the "framework of coexistence democratically chosen by the Spanish people". On Military Easter, the Minister of Defence calls for "an immediate permanent ceasefire" in Gaza. "As parents, you can feel satisfied with the work that the Princess of Asturias is doing", says the King. The heir to the Crown has been the centre of attention of the main military event of the year, which she has attended for the first time. With her hair tied back and uniformed as a lady cadet in the Army, Leonor de Borbón wore the golden fleece and the collar of the Order of Charles III.

On Military Easter, the Minister of Defence calls for "an immediate permanent ceasefire" in Gaza and praises the military career of Leonor de Borbón before the King and Queen of Spain: "As parents, you can feel satisfied with the work that the Princess of Asturias is doing"

The King on Saturday praised the military for their "defence of the framework of coexistence democratically chosen by the Spanish people" when they approved the Constitution 45 years ago. "During this almost half century, the Armed Forces have fulfilled their mission of helping to guarantee the necessary security conditions so that Spaniards can enjoy our rights and freedoms," he said in his Military Easter speech, the tenth he has delivered since he came to the throne.

Felipe VI recalled that on 31 October, when she came of age, the Princess of Asturias swore the Constitution before the Spanish Parliament, "thus renewing the Crown's commitment to that path and to all the values, principles and rights that it establishes and since then have governed the lives of all Spaniards".

The heir to the Crown has been the centre of attention of the main military event of the year, which she has attended for the first time. With her hair tied back and uniformed as a lady cadet in the Army, Leonor de Borbón wore the golden fleece and the collar of the Order of Charles III, with a light blue sash, the two decorations imposed on her by her father in 2018 and in October. In the hand-kissing ceremony prior to the speeches, the heiress greeted the military commanders with the phrase: "At your command!"

Felipe VI, wearing the uniform of a captain general of the Navy so as not to coincide with that of the Army worn by the Princess of Asturias, has expressed the "enormous pride" that both he and the Queen feel since their eldest daughter took the oath of allegiance to the flag of Spain, on October 7, and became part of the "great military family". "We know that, in addition to the great demands it entails, it has been very well received and, sincerely, we thank you very much," he told the uniformed officers. "The camaraderie, nobility and loyalty" of the military, he added, are the best incentive for a military training that, when it concludes its studies at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza in June, will take the heiress to the Naval School of Marín (Pontevedra), first; and to the Air Academy in San Javier (Murcia), later.

Princess Leonor, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, this Saturday at the Royal Palace, during the celebration of Military Easter.Borja Sánchez-trillo (EFE)

King Felipe VI shakes hands with a member of the Navy, during the reception, this Saturday at the Royal Palace.Borja Sanchez-trillo (EFE)

King Felipe VI during his speech at the reception at the Royal Palace, this Saturday at the Royal Palace.Borja Sanchez-trillo (EFE)

Princess Leonor, with Queen Letizia, during the reception this Saturday at the Royal Palace, on the occasion of Military Easter.Zipi Aragón (EFE)

Princess Leonor, Queen Letizia, and King Felipe VI during the reception, this Saturday at the Royal Palace on the occasion of Military Easter.Zipi Aragón (EFE)

King Felipe VI and Princess Leonor arrive at the Royal Palace, on the occasion of Military Easter.Alejandro Martínez Vélez (Europa Press)

Princess Leonor, Queen Letizia, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, and the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, this Saturday in the Armoury Square of the Royal Palace, during the Military Easter ceremony this Saturday. Borja Sánchez-Trillo (EFE)

Princess Leonor with King Felipe VI, this Saturday in the Armoury Square of the Royal Palace during the Military Easter ceremony.

Princess Leonor, King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grandes-Marlaska, and the Chief of the Defence Staff (Jemad), Admiral Teodoro López Calderón, this Saturday. ZIPI ARAGON (EFE)

King Felipe VI reviews the Royal Guard this Saturday, after their arrival at the Plaza de la Armería of the Royal Palace during the Military Easter ceremony.

The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, also referred in her speech prior to the military training of Leonor de Borbón, of whom she highlighted her "unquestionable dedication and effort" and recalled that she is called to exercise the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces in the future, as her father now does. "As parents, you can feel satisfied with the work that the Princess of Asturias is doing at the Zaragoza Military Academy, as her teachers and colleagues tell us," he told the King and Queen of Spain.

The monarch stressed that "the armies and the Civil Guard must be in constant evolution to anticipate the needs that the international strategic panorama may raise, but without ceasing to be impeccably respectful of national traditions and customs, assuming a fundamental role in the preservation of Spain's historical identity", he added.

He also made a special mention "of the 3,000 men and women deployed in the 17 missions abroad, who with their effort and sacrifice not only contribute to creating a more stable and secure world, but also become an example of the values" of Spanish society and of Spain's "commitment to international peace and security". However, he only referred in passing to the war in Ukraine, which was the focus of his speech last year, recalling his visit to the Zaragoza Hospital, where 90 Ukrainian soldiers wounded in combat have been treated, as a "notable example" of Spain's effort to "help Ukraine in its defence against Russian aggression". And he did not mention the war in Gaza, which he has not referred to since he did so on 20 October, at the Princess of Asturias Awards ceremony in Oviedo, when he lamented the "heartbreaking suffering" caused by the conflict.

The one who has done so has been the Minister of Defence, who has been categorical in her speech. "We condemn and will condemn the violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza and call in all our strongest terms for an immediate permanent ceasefire," he said. He also referred to the Spanish soldiers deployed in southern Lebanon, between the Israeli Army and the pro-Iranian militia Hezbollah, of whom he highlighted their closeness to the local population and the "very high efficiency and professionalism" with which they carry out a mission "with so much risk".

At a time when Western countries' support for Ukraine is beginning to falter, Robles assured that Spain will continue to support Kiev's right to self-defence in the face of Russia's "unjust and cruel invasion", which will be two years old. He has promised that both the shipment of military equipment and humanitarian aid will continue, as well as the training of Ukrainian soldiers, of which 3,000 have already passed through the Toledo training center.

Robles boasted of the significant investments in Defence approved by the left-wing government, which has pledged to reach 2% of military spending by 2029, and has assured that the increase in his department's budget serves to "strengthen peace and security; to create a significant number of jobs, to invest in the innovation of advanced technical skills and to give a strong boost to the national industry. We will continue to do so in 2024," he added.

He went on to say that 18 new military programmes will be approved over the course of this year, with special attention to cybersecurity and space, and that the increase in investment in Defence will serve to "improve the living and working conditions" of members of the Armed Forces. "They are our best asset," he acknowledged, although he did not specify whether this will translate into an increase in their salaries to bring them into line with the state security forces.

At a time when Queen Letizia, who was present at the event, is under attack by a sector of public opinion linked to the far right, the Minister of Defence wanted to give her a nod and included in her speech a phrase to thank "Her Majesty the Queen for her daily dedication and willingness to serve".

For the first time, the 200 guests at the Military Easter – the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the Ministers of Defence and Interior and commanders of the Armed Forces, the Civil Guard and the National Intelligence Centre – followed the speeches seated instead of standing. The Throne Room has been filled with chairs and the King's House has chosen to take out the press, who have had to follow the event through a screen.

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Source: elparis

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