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The Chief-of-Staff's office has been updated: The State Comptroller will open an examination of the IDF's conduct on October 7 - voila! news


Highlights: The Chief-of-Staff's office has been updated: The State Comptroller will open an examination of the IDF's conduct on October 7. It was learned that Halevy's office received a letter from the Comptroller's Office stating that Engelman was also beginning the audit within the IDF. Engelman also sought to examine the issue of the readiness of the alert squads in the various cities in Israel. This is in order to enable the IDF to focus on the fighting at this time and to act until victory over the enemy.

Lavala! It was learned that Halevy's office received a letter from the Comptroller's Office stating that Engelman was also beginning the audit within the IDF, following the letter sent to Galant stating that the audit of the defense establishment would also begin. "The audit will be carried out while supporting the fighting, and without interfering with the IDF's fulfillment of its missions."

In the video: Comptroller Engelman publishes a special report of the Ombudsman: "The government failed to deal with the home front"/State Comptroller's Office

The chief of staff's office was informed Monday night that the state comptroller will open an audit of the events of the October 7 massacre, also within the IDF, Walla has learned. In a letter received in the office of Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, Director of the Audit Division in the State Comptroller's Office for Audit of the Defense Establishment, Brig. Gen. (Res.) Eitan Dahan, it was clarified that the audit would be carried out while supporting the fighting and without interfering with the IDF's fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it by the government with regard to methods of combat.

The letter was sent to the chief of staff's office a few days after State Comptroller Matanyahu Engelman sent a letter to Defense Minister Yoav Galant informing him that he intended to examine the defense establishment. Engelman also sought to examine the issue of the readiness of the alert squads in the various cities in Israel.

Will carry out an audit in the midst of the war. State Comptroller Matanyahu Engelman / Documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

As far as the law is concerned, the State Comptroller was given the authority to audit the IDF, by virtue of the Basic Law of the State Comptroller, which grants him a fairly broad authority to audit government bodies in the state: "The State Comptroller shall conduct an audit of the economy, assets, finances, liabilities and administration of the State, of government ministries, of any enterprise, institution or corporation of the State, of local authorities and of other bodies or institutions that have been made available by law for audit by the State Comptroller."

The State Comptroller's Office said: "As stated by Comptroller Engelman, in letters he sent to government ministers and in his public remarks, the audit of the war began, after the Comptroller detailed the issues that his office had begun to examine, and emphasized that the audit would touch on all layers of failures and deficiencies before 7.10, during and after the day of the massacre."

"The immediate audit begun by the State Comptroller's Office touches on all civilian issues and some security issues, such as alert squads and more. Reviews of the failures that preceded the 7.10 massacre and the army's actions that day and thereafter will be carried out according to the development of the war. This is in order to enable the IDF to focus on the fighting at this time and to act until victory over the enemy. As the comptroller has already made clear: 'As long as a commission of inquiry is established, boundaries will be set in relation to the issues that will be examined.'"

  • More on the subject:
  • State Comptroller
  • Matanya Engelman
  • Herzi Halevy
  • Gaza War
  • Iron Sword War

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-01-09

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