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The Secretariat posted posts identifying with Gaza, was summoned to a hearing and reinstated | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The Secretariat posted posts identifying with Gaza, was summoned to a hearing and reinstated. A student revolt, a protest that deteriorated into a brawl and a huge deficit: Tel Aviv's 14th municipal administration caused a storm over her statements about the war. The parents demanded that she resign - the municipality responded: "In times of war, sensitivity is required, but we believe in freedom of expression" The battle is currently being waged over the future of the 14th Municipal School in north Tel Aviv.

A student revolt, a protest that deteriorated into a brawl and a huge deficit: Tel Aviv's 14th municipal administration caused a storm over her statements about the war • The parents demanded that she resign - the municipality responded: "In times of war, sensitivity is required, but we believe in freedom of expression"

Controversial publications by the principal about the war in Gaza, stormy demonstrations by students, a harsh response by the municipality, and a hearing that was followed by a battle currently being waged over the future of the 14th municipal school in north Tel Aviv.

When talking about a quiet and pastoral neighborhood, this is the place: the 1th municipal school, which has more than 200,<> students from seventh grade to twelfth grade. But inside, there is a storm. Focus: Director Yael Ayalon and her publications on political issues and her attitude to the war in Gaza.

Some parents are demanding her dismissal after seven years during which, they claim, the school deteriorated. According to one mother, those leading the demonstrations are the students, especially eighth and ninth grades, and not the parents. "It was one of the best institutions in the country, and it's only getting worse. We want her to free us, we can't continue this noise anymore."

The principal's tweet, photo: from Twitter

During the war, several people with ties to the institution fell and were murdered, one of them is the brother of an educator at the school, a DJ who was murdered at a party in Re'im (Nova) and himself a graduate of Ironi 14. He also fell in battle a Golani fighter who is the brother of a student from the school.

Over the past three months, principal Yael Ayalon has been posting various posts on her Facebook page related to the war, sharing the stories of the fallen, her sadness and concern, as well as the activities of the schoolchildren for the evacuees.

Protest and student "rebellion"

What provoked the parents' reaction was her references to the conflict and the war in Gaza. For example, a photo she shared read, "A people occupying another people will never be free," and in another post, she wrote, "There are women, children and the elderly in Gaza too."

These publications led to a flood of reactions against her from parents, students, and citizens, and as a result, she deleted them. "Those who know me know that I am busy 24/7 worrying about Ironi <> students, and more than that, helping the casualties in the Gaza envelope and our heroic soldiers. My heart is broken, just like everyone else's. Even in such a difficult time, I try to remember that there is a cruel enemy sentenced to death. And there are victims who did not commit a crime," she later wrote.

As mentioned, her remarks caused an uproar, and on one occasion students decided to "organize a rebellion" and not attend classes held on Zoom.

Her posts also sparked outrage among her parents, with some calling her behavior a "disgrace" in the WhatsApp group, along with those who accepted her apology. The events culminated in a demonstration against her remarks at the school, which ended in a violent brawl between the students.

The activity of the forces in the Gaza Strip, photo: IDF Spokesperson

The exceptional nature of the events that took place at the school can be seen from the response of the Tel Aviv municipality, an authority that usually backs its educators: "Following the exceptional incidents at the school and the loss of control over the school's management, the principal was summoned for a hearing and a decision will be made later."

After she was absent for several days and a hearing was held, it was decided to allow Ayalon to continue in her position with close professional guidance. Last week there was another student protest against her, in which objects were thrown at her. Following the serious incident, which must not happen regardless of her opinions, the students were disciplined.

"Poor judgment"

Alongside the political statements, the hearing held for the Secretariat also dealt with other problems. One of them is a budget deficit that, according to a parent of a student at the school, reached hundreds of thousands of shekels under her management.

Nevertheless, she worked to establish a cat shelter at a cost of several tens of thousands of shekels, an idea that the municipality shelved. "You can agree or disagree with political opinions, but there is poor judgment here. The school has a deficit of almost a million shekels, yet she chose to invest in establishing a cat shelter. This is the most chaotic year in school and in Israel, and is this what she's dealing with? Just delusional."

Tel Aviv Municipality, Photo: Gideon Markowitz

The Tel Aviv-Yafo municipality said in response: "The high school enjoys 95% matriculation eligibility, 98% recruitment of girls to the IDF and 97% recruitment of boys to the IDF, including a significant percentage for combat units. We believe in freedom of expression and freedom of thought of every person, and even more so of women and educators.

"At the same time, in times of war and in times of bereavement and national trauma, managerial judgment is an important component and great sensitivity is required in relation to the community and public feelings. Regarding the financial management, a professional committee was appointed to accompany the school administration on the matter. We note that the cat shelter was proposed as an idea for emotional therapeutic work with the youth and was shelved due to high costs."

Director Yael Ayalon refused to comment on the allegations raised in the report.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2024-01-10

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