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Against the backdrop of the war: Thousands are expected to participate in the Baba Sali celebration in Netivot - voila! news


Highlights: Thousands of people are expected to attend the celebration of Baba Sali, Rebbe Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzira, in Netivot on Saturday. The police approved the event despite the security tensions, and reinforced forces were deployed at the site. It is estimated that the number of participants this year will be significantly lower, because of the war. The Ministry of Religious Services decided that the event would be dedicated to prayers for the success of the security forces and the recovery of the wounded.

The police approved the event despite the security tensions, and reinforced forces were deployed at the site. It is estimated that the number of participants this year will be significantly lower, because of the war. The Ministry of Religious Services decided that the event would be dedicated to prayers for the success of the security forces and the recovery of the wounded

In the video: Tens of thousands expected to attend Baba Sali's celebration in Netivot/Police Spokesperson's Office

Thousands of people are expected to attend the celebration of Baba Sali, Rebbe Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzira, in Netivot on Saturday. The revelry will take place as planned, despite the tense situation in the south of the country and the iron sword war that has been waged in recent months. The police who authorized the event were deployed with many forces, mainly to prevent overcrowding in the area. This year, pilgrims to his grave will mark 40 years since his death.

The revelry is one of the biggest events in Israel. It is second largest after the revelry in Meron. Preparations began even before the events of October 7, with an estimate that tens of thousands would attend. However, due to the tense situation, the organizers estimate that there will be a significant decrease in the number of participants. It should be noted that the entry time to a protected space in Netivot is 30 seconds. Due to the war, the event is being conducted differently. The organization of the revelry was assigned to the Ministry of Religious Services, where it was decided that it would be dedicated to prayers for the success of the security forces and the recovery of those wounded in the war. In addition, special emphasis was placed on the heroism of the policemen who fought in the cities near Netivot on Simchat Torah.

Baba Sali Revelry, 2023/official website, none

In light of the fact that many will not be able to participate in the revelry, the Ministry launched a special initiative - a bot for submitting names for prayers. The link to the bot was circulated on social networks, through which soldiers, wounded in hospitals and evacuees could send their names to prayers.

Minister of Religious Services Michael Malkieli said: "Baba Sali's legacy is alive and well among many congregations of the Jewish people in Israel and the Diaspora. This year marks the 40th anniversary of his passing. With the understanding that there are many who want to be connected to the event and cannot, we set out with the bot service that connects those who want to connect to this special revelry."

According to Minister Malkieli: "We pray that thanks to the righteous, the abductees will soon return home safely. I would like to thank all those involved in the work, Director General of the Ministry of Religious Services Yehuda Avidan, Deputy Director General of the Ministry and Revelry Project Director Zuri Porat, and the Commander of the Southern District of the Police, Amir Cohen, who thanks to the hard work of the police officers will be able to get through the revelry safely."

  • More on the subject:
  • Baba Sali
  • Baba Sali
  • Revelry

Source: walla

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