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Three young men were hacked to death in a house in Capitán Bermúdez, near Rosario


Highlights: Three young men were hacked to death in a house in Capitán Bermúdez, near Rosario. At the scene they also found a bag with 4 million pesos. One of the hypotheses is that the victims had gone there to exchange pesos for foreign currency. Two men were arrested for the crimes and autopsies of the victims' bodies are to be carried out to determine the cause of death. The victims were identified by their relatives as Santiago Ochoa; Emiliano Saucedo and Eber Ramos.

At the scene they also found a bag with 4 million pesos. One of the hypotheses is that the victims had gone there to exchange pesos for foreign currency.

Three young men were found brutally murdered with blows and machetes in a house in the Santa Fe town of Capitán Bermúdez and two men were arrested for the crimes.

The triple crime occurred between Friday night and early this morning in a house on 3 de Marzo Street at 300 Capitán Bermúdez, a city located 15 kilometers north of Rosario.

At the scene, police seized a bag with money worth about $4 million, spokesmen for the case said.

It was the relatives of the victims who went to the police station at 1:30 a.m. to report that their relatives had left at 22:30 p.m. on Friday and had not returned to their homes.

The relatives themselves warned the agents that the three missing could be in that house.

Once at the scene, the police spoke with a person who identified himself as the one who lived in that house, who was accompanied by another man.

According to police sources, both responded with contradictions to the proposals of the agents, who requested judicial authorization to enter the house.

At the scene, a relative of one of the victims recognized in a hallway of the house a white Honda Wave motorcycle as the vehicle in which her boyfriend was moving.

With judicial authorization, the police finally entered the building and found the three murdered bodies behind a glass door.

According to the first investigations, the young men were beaten to death with machete-type bladed weapons.

The prosecutor investigating the triple crime, Luisina Paponi, ordered a series of measures, including autopsies of the victims' bodies, to determine the cause of death.

The victims were identified by their relatives as Santiago Ochoa; Emiliano Saucedo and Eber Ramos.

While the two people arrested at the scene of the incident were identified as Alexis Ezequiel L., 25 years old and who presented himself as the main resident of the house, and Luciano Gastón P., 28.

At the same time, the police and the prosecutor are investigating the discovery of the bag with money in the house where the triple crime occurred, in order to determine if it is related to the motive for the murders.

One of the preliminary hypotheses is that the victims went to the place where they ended up being killed in order to exchange that money in pesos for foreign currency, the informants added.

Source: Télam

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-13

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