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Gold, silver, brass, pearls... How to store your jewellery properly so that it doesn't get damaged?


Highlights: Gold, silver, brass, pearls... How to store your jewellery properly so that it doesn't get damaged?. Insulated in a pouch or stored in boxes, away from light or moisture... Each piece of jewellery has its own particular needs. Here are some tips to preserve their shine and longevity.. Did you know that the pearls strung on your jewelry are still alive? Putting them in the chest would be the worst fate for them. That ivory turns yellow if it Doesn't sunbathe regularly, and that gold can tarnish, like any other metal, if it's not tidy?

Insulated in a pouch or stored in boxes, away from light or moisture... Each piece of jewellery has its own particular needs. Here are some tips to preserve their shine and longevity.

Did you know that the pearls strung on your jewelry are still alive? Putting them in the chest would be the worst fate for them. That ivory turns yellow if it doesn't sunbathe regularly, and that gold can tarnish, like any other metal, if it's not tidy? Already put to the test during everyday domestic activities, these sentimental treasures also lose their luster if they are not properly preserved.


In order to preserve the shine of your jewelry, it is necessary to avoid contact with water, humidity, and perfume, we remind you of Gas Bijoux. Cosmetics, alcohol, chemicals, lemon and other acids, as well as salt water and especially chlorine are the enemies of jewelry." The Marseille-based brand advises you to put on make-up and perfume before putting on your preciousness and putting them away when it's time to play sports or go to bed. Each metal has its own (simple) method of storage.

Read alsoCleaning your jewellery at home: our effective recipes

Gold lives longer away from other metals

Your gold bracelets and hoop earrings are relatively malleable and easily subject to scratches during shocks or contact with precious stones. To avoid them, each piece of jewellery should be kept in a soft fabric pouch, or separately in a box. As for the chains, compartment pouches allow them to be separated from their pendant and in this way, to avoid getting tangled.

Jewelry lives longer separated in compartmentalized boxes. Gas Jewelry

Unlike silver, pearls don't like to be dry...

Limestone and organic, the pearl is alive and sensitive to the ambient atmosphere. It can dry out and therefore crack in high heat, until it dies, its color turning green irrevocably. If you don't put them in the trunk, you may be in for unpleasant surprises. Good to know: the pearl loves water and moisturizes itself on contact with the skin.

This is the opposite for silver, an oxidizable metal, which can be kept in a dry place (the bathroom is therefore to be avoided) and, like gold, can be stored in individual pouches, ideally made of felt. Beware of contact with the rubber, which will instantly tarnish it! More than other metals, pearl and silver keep better if worn.

Vermeil and ivory must take the air


To prevent natural oxidation, avoid leaving your jewelry in an enclosed space. Leave them in the open air and polish them regularly with a soft cloth!" advises Charlotte Chesnais, whose sculptural gilt jewellery sells like hotcakes. More than just air, it's sunlight that ivory creations need to keep their whiteness.

Charlotte Chesnais' vermeil jewellery is stored in the open air so as not to oxidize. @charlottechesnais

Gold plating and brass prefer black

It is away from light and heat that a brass ring lives longer, if it is not worn. "Even if well cared for, your jewellery will naturally develop a patina over time," warns a saleswoman at Goossens, whose creations adorn Chanel's runway shows.

Antique jewelry sleeps best in velvet

Your vintage necklaces and brooches are by definition more fragile. To prevent them from colliding, they must be protected in foam or velvet cases. "Leave your jewelry in a dry, closed place to avoid contact with dust," says vintage jewelry site Remove them when in contact with water. Except for gold coins, no piece of jewelry can withstand water!


Vintage jewelry, a specialty of the online site, keeps best in velvet. @pleaseness

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-01-15

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