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Expert on peace and the end of the Ukraine war: "We are talking about decades"


Highlights: Expert on peace and the end of the Ukraine war: "We are talking about decades".. Status: 16.01.2024, 09:53 a.m. BST. Large parts of the world are trying to negotiate peace between Ukraine and Russia in Davos. But the process could take many years. The Russian reaction to the Davos summit was not long in coming. Moscow made counter-demands for its own participation in peace negotiations. The West must stop its arms deliveries to Kiev.

Status: 16.01.2024, 09:53 a.m.

By: Marcus Giebel

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Large parts of the world are trying to negotiate peace between Ukraine and Russia in Davos. But the process could take many years.

Davos – For almost 23 months, the weapons have been talking about a path to lasting peace in the Ukraine war, and at the World Economic Forum in Davos, representatives of 83 countries and international organizations are talking about a path to lasting peace. However, it is still only one of the first steps to end the non-stop killing and destruction. Especially since neither the aggressor Russia nor China, as one of Moscow's most important global players and partners, are involved in it.

Peace plans for the Ukraine war: "Far too early for substantive talks with Russia"

Therefore, Ursula Schröder would not expect too much of an effect. In an interview with ZDF, the Scientific Director of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg emphasized: "At best, however, the meeting can lead to the preparation of later peace negotiations."

In any case, it is "still far too early to hold substantive peace talks with Russia. Nor has Russia signalled that it is willing to do so." The way can be paved in the background, but it must also be clear that it will be a lengthy process: "We are talking about decades until a sustainable, just peace can be achieved in Ukraine."

Expect a lengthy process for peace in Ukraine: Political scientist Ursula Schröder comments on the summit in Davos. © IMAGO / epd

Peace summit in Switzerland: Ukraine wants to help organize at the highest level

As the host of the next and then fifth peace summit, Switzerland has once again put itself in the conversation. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who traveled to the Alpine republic, and Swiss President Viola Amherd announced in Bern that their countries want to organize this meeting at the highest level. Since spring 2023, there have already been corresponding meetings in Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Malta and now in Davos.

Ignazio Cassis (l), Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, and his state guest Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, at the World Economic Forum in Davos. © Alessandro Della Valle/dpa

In the Swiss ski resort, where Germany was represented by an adviser to Chancellor Olaf Scholz on foreign and security policy, Swiss Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, chairing the meeting, noted: "What unites us all in this hall is our desire to open up to Ukraine and its people the prospect of a return to a self-determined life, to a just and lasting peace. It's a long road, but it's never too early to prepare for the time when the guns fall silent."

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Under the leadership of Andriy Yermak, the head of Ukraine's presidential office, the ten-point plan, which includes Kiev's basic requirements for peace, was also discussed. Among other things, it mentions a withdrawal of Russian troops from all parts of the country, punishments against Russian war criminals and reparations.

Kremlin reacts to Davos meeting: "We will not be lured into traps"

The Russian reaction to the Davos summit was not long in coming. Thus, Moscow made counter-demands for its own participation in negotiations on peace. According to the state agency TASS, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in the newspaper Izvestia in the first place that the West must stop its arms deliveries to Kiev.

The same applies to the sanctions against Russia and the "Russophobic statements". The diplomat added: "But if this rhetoric (from Davos) is aimed at dragging Russia into a psychedelic process designed to influence Russia's principled approaches, we will not allow ourselves to be lured into this trap."

So there is still an immense amount of work ahead of the planners who want to pave the way for peace. Due to its extensive neutrality in foreign policy issues, Switzerland would probably be predestined for a mediating role. If Moscow still sees it that way after the Davos meeting. (mg)

Source: merkur

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