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Millionaire heiress in interview: "I'm still falling into the same trap as other rich people"


Highlights: Millionaire heiress in interview: "I'm still falling into the same trap as other rich people" Stefanie Bremer wants to tax wealth more heavily. Bremer comes from a medium-sized entrepreneurial family and is wealthy through inheritance. The ten richest percent of Germans have 65 percent of the funds at their disposal. The wealthy few can influence much more in this country than the many non-wealthy – also through donations. The German super-rich own 500 billion euros more than previously assumed.

Status: 16.01.2024, 10:30 a.m.

By: Max Müller

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"People in Germany simply don't like to talk about money – regardless of whether they have a lot or a little," says Stefanie Bremer. © Lorena Sendic Silvera

Stefanie Bremer wants to tax wealth more heavily. Yet she is "super-rich" herself. For a long time, this felt like a secret.

Stefanie Bremer's name is not Stefanie Bremer. She appears in public under this pseudonym because she talks about something that is actually concealed: Bremer is an heiress to millions. The 34-year-old is involved in the "taxmenow" association, an initiative for more tax justice, for an idea that is as simple as it is revolutionary: Finally tax me properly! Bremer comes from a medium-sized entrepreneurial family and is wealthy through inheritance. Her main occupation is as a sustainability consultant for companies.

What is your relationship with donations?

I think donations are good and important because they can be used to solve problems outside of politics. However, it becomes critical when power is exercised with it.

Does this apply to Germany?

Yes, we have a massive problem. The ten richest percent of Germans have 65 percent of the funds at their disposal. These large fortunes are largely created through inheritances. The fact is that the wealthy few can influence much more in this country than the many non-wealthy – also through donations.

You yourself are one of them. Do you donate?

Yes. I donate to organizations that really want to change the system, for example the Tax Justice Network. Among other things, donations are a tool for the rich to put themselves in a good light. In itself, donations are not bad. But if someone has an unimaginable amount of money and only he or she decides whether to use it to build a school or an opera house – then that has nothing to do with democracy. That is why we cannot build our common good on charity.

According to the Donations Council, a total of 2022.5 billion euros was donated to charity in 7. Do you think that's a lot?

I have another figure for you: The Hans Böckler Foundation has calculated that up to 2027 billion euros will be bequeathed annually (including donations) in Germany by 400. In view of this, I don't think 5.7 billion euros in donations is exactly much. In addition, rich people donate a lot in absolute terms. But if you look at the whole thing in relative terms – in other words: How much of my income do I donate? – then people with little money are much more charitable. In addition, it would be important to say that of the 5.7 billion euros, a full two billion euros will go back to the donors because they are tax-reducing amounts

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Stefanie Bremer: "I have great confidence in the state"

How do rich people feel about donations?

I often hear that they use their donations to finance better solutions than the state. In this way, they see themselves as an important pillar for the well-being of all of us. A lot of people don't even mean it badly, I think. They just live in completely different dimensions.

In the recently released ZDF documentary "The Secret World of the Super-Rich – The Billionaire Game", it became known that the German super-rich own 500 billion euros more than previously assumed. What does this number do to you – especially compared to the amount of donations?

It makes me angry, but it also gives me strength that we are doing important work with "taxmenow". I think the mere fact that we have hardly any data on the super-rich is a scandal. This could be changed by introducing a wealth tax with zero percent. In the case of the poorest people in this country, we know exactly what the financial situation is down to the last cent. Otherwise, we don't "begrudge" them social benefits.

What are your demands?

Our most important demand is that we need to reform inheritance and gift tax. There are numerous exceptions, which, by the way, the Federal Constitutional Court has also warned. In this respect, this is a clear mandate for politicians. We also need to reintroduce the wealth tax and reform the capital gains tax. It can't be that working people have to pay more taxes when they earn more, but people who make their money work for them are taxed at a flat rate of 25 percent. We're really thinking about the super-rich when we think of these tax reforms, which is why they're not targeting the majority of society. Many people underestimate how massive the wealth gap is between the top five to ten percent and the top one percent.

The counter-argument is that if that happens, all the wealthy will move their money abroad.

The majority of wealth is in companies. We already have a so-called exit tax for companies. In this respect, a company has to pay if the registered office is moved abroad. It's different with private assets, but that's nowhere near as much as there is in company shares.

What you are calling for would bring more revenue to the state. Is the money in good hands there? There are people who say we have a spending problem – not a revenue problem.

I have great confidence in the state. Germany is doing damn well compared to other countries. We have a comparatively good infrastructure, educational opportunities, health care and internal security. These are all achievements for which a strong state is responsible. Of course, there is a lot that needs to be improved, no question about it. But that's what the state is supposed to do, everyone can join in. I can vote, I can start citizens' initiatives or discuss with politicians. I don't want to be dependent on a few hundred individuals deciding where to go.

Why only rich people can demand higher taxes

Her fortune is estimated at ten million euros. Are they super rich?

Felt no, statistically yes. I'm still falling into the same trap as other rich people. You think: Basically, I don't feel that rich. But when I look at the numbers, I have to say clearly: I'm uncomfortable, but I'm one of those up there and I'm very rich. I think that, unfortunately, is something deeply human. The poorer part of society overestimates their wealth, while the really rich underestimate their wealth. This is also confirmed by surveys.

They are very open about it, which is unusual.

This could also be due to the fact that I have little contact with other rich people. At least I've rarely noticed anyone coming out to me.


Yes. Basically, for a long time, my wealth felt like a secret that I carried around with me. This was also exemplified by my family, primarily for safety reasons. At some point, however, I simply decided for myself that I wanted to deal with it openly and that was absolutely the right decision. Otherwise, I would have become more and more isolated. People in Germany simply don't like to talk about money – regardless of whether they have a lot or a little.

Why do they do it anyway?

Because, paradoxically, rich people are the only ones who can demand higher taxes for the rich – i.e. themselves – without anyone accusing them of being jealous and wanting to be rich themselves.

Source: merkur

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