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Pluto in Aquarius 2024: What Astrology Says About the Most Crucial Transit of the Century


Highlights: Pluto will enter Aquarius on January 20, 2024, the most disruptive and avant-garde sign. From this date and for the next 20 years, Pluto will transit only Aquarius. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius (from 1778 to 1798) the American War of Independence ended, the French Revolution broke out, and the Industrial Revolution began. Astrologer Alvaro Norambuena: "Pluto's entry into Aquarius in 2024 suggests a time of radical change"

Two astrologers explain the power of an event that hasn't happened for 243 years. Technology, the economic system and the next generation.

To mythology, Pluto was the god of the underworld. For astrology, that planetary energy that brings out of the shadows and kills what has to be left behind. Looking ahead to this year's predictions, on January 20, 2024, the energy of the planet farthest from the Sun will enter the most disruptive and avant-garde sign, Aquarius.

It is true that astrology studies the movements of the cosmos and one might wonder why Pluto's entry into Aquarius is so relevant. Of all the transits, this one takes on greater importance for several reasons: it has not happened for almost two and a half centuries, it will influence the astrological climate of the next 20 years and has as historical antecedents convulsive episodes of global scope.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius (from 1778 to 1798) the American War of Independence ended, the French Revolution broke out, and the Industrial Revolution began. The first two events inspired the independence struggles in Latin America; The latter promoted technological leaps that shaped society as we know it today.

So how might the Plutonian movement manifest itself this time? Clarín consulted two astrologers to find out what this planetary transit has in store for us. Astrologer and author Álvaro Norambuena called it "an astrological milestone that would profoundly influence global and individual dynamics."

In his words, "just as the French Revolution marked the end of an era and the rise of new ideas and values, Pluto's entry into Aquarius in 2024 suggests a time of radical change and the possibility of a profound transformation in society."

Knowing where this "profound transformation" could be headed implies knowing what distinguishes the Aquarius-Pluto combination.

"Aquarius is a sign known for its progressive energy, focus on innovation, and commitment to equality," Normabuena explained. Pluto, entering Aquarius, can intensify these qualities, leading to radical changes in the way society approaches technology, social equality, and scientific advancements."

Pluto in Aquarius 2024: month by month, the most important aspects of this planet

Astrology studies the movements of the planets when they advance (in the direct phase) and when they have an "apparent regression" (in the retrogradation phase). But those that are farther from the Sun take longer to complete their orbit. So Pluto is between 14 and 30 years in a sign.

Aquarius is known for its progressive energy, said astrologer Alvaro Norambuena. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

This 2024, from January 20 to September 1, Pluto will remain in Aquarius. On September 2, in retrograde phase, it will return to Capricorn for the last time. Having resumed its direct phase on October 11, it will say goodbye to this Earth sign on November 19. From this date and for the next 20 years, Pluto will transit only Aquarius.

Month by month, Norambuena detailed the planetary aspects of 2024 that will come into direct contact with Pluto.

In January, "we said goodbye to the Pluto-Jupiter square, which brought us a start in the uncertainty of wanting to make big changes without having enough clarity to know what we were actually looking for," he said.

On February 14, Pluto will join in conjunction with Mars at the zero degree of Aquarius and, according to Norambuena, "intensity will be the protagonist." In addition, since both are square Jupiter, he did not rule out outbursts and protests whose effects could materialize in March.

Subsequently, in the last days of March and the first days of April 2024, Pluto will square Mercury. A time when we may be invaded by "a highly reactive mentality" and that suggests "problems in reaching agreements" or clashes between sides, said the astrologer.

In May, what he called "the great opportunity in the shift in consciousness" will arrive, as Pluto will square the Sun. In addition, "because it occurs with Pluto conjunct the Moon, it will speak to events that affect sensitivity." In June, Pluto will activate harmonic aspects that would contribute to the overall sense of empowerment; however, the square to Mars could lead to clashes.

In May, Pluto in Aquarius squares the Sun and invites a shift in consciousness. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

The astrologer indicated that we will have to wait until September 2024 to see a more harmonious Pluto, generating a great trine in the sky with Venus and Uranus. "The consensus would be installed to produce revolutions in a more affable way, considering social and public proposals," he said.

In October, with the return of Pluto to Capricorn, "cleaning is completed in areas that required it." The trines to Uranus, Sun, Moon, and Mercury could be interpreted as truces or the testing of those agreements.

However, in early November Pluto will reactivate in inharmonious aspects. It will square the Sun and Moon, and an opposition to Mars. Norambuena explained that this would mark new conflicts, on a personal level this time, that would trigger widespread unrest at the end of 2024.

Pluto in Aquarius 2024: "Rebelling Against the Norm" and the Coming Generation

20 years from now, on January 19, 2044, the ruling planet of Scorpio will pass into the sign of Pisces. Until then, the generations that are born or that experience this transit are unlikely to find themselves with a static panorama.

Astrologer Mercedes Casini had already studied part of the movements of "the slow planets" in her book Learn Astrology: To Be Part of the Transformation, co-authored with Diorella Pugliese. In the work, both anticipate that during this transit it is likely that "large groups of people will demand a change to the established, that they will rebel against the norm and that they want to transform our ways of inhabiting the world".

Movements and activism for a different model would gain strength over the next 20 years. Photo: REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach

In detail, the authors argue: "Activists, climate change activists, political groups, feminists, among others, may seek a transformation of the established to the Plutonian way: crisis, collapses, falls."

Now, consulted by Clarín, Casini indicated that the generations born in this period would come to transform the way of building community, sharing ideas and generating networks. "We think they're going to be people who are going to bring a different mindset about technology and how to use it. Either to enhance the technology and also to see what damage it generates," he said.

Norambuena agrees with technological change as one of the pillars of the era that is beginning and cites as examples the giant steps of artificial intelligence and virtuality, conditioning factors that would continue to transform industries and our own lives.

Children born between 2024 and January 2044 will have Pluto in Aquarius. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Aquarius is the most futuristic zodiac sign, the one that dares to think ahead of its time, not only from technological advances but also with its way of seeing the world. In this sense, the astrologer considered that "a proposal is coming from heaven to bring something more communal, more inclusive and that, at the same time, that awakens certain pains and certain issues to be addressed in a group way."

Finally, Casini said that during this Plutonian transit, the role of previous generations will be crucial. "With Pluto in Aquarius, the revolutions of most countries took place and those who led them were those who were born with Pluto in Scorpio, who would now be the millennials. So there's also something interesting about the role we'll have in the next few years."

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-16

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