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The settling of accounts, the main hypothesis of the violent death of three brothers in Morata de Tajuña


Highlights: Three brothers were found dead in their home in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid. The three bodies were “partially burned” and “stacked up,” according to sources close to the investigation. The sisters had been sending money to an alleged lover in Afghanistan for years. The main hypothesis is that of a settling of scores and the reason being investigated is the debts that the sisters have allegedly accumulated in recent years as a result of a love scam. The Civil Guard has been collecting evidence at the home all day and in the next few hours an autopsy will be performed on the bodies.

The sisters had been sending money to an alleged lover in Afghanistan for years. The neighbors had noticed his absence more than a month ago.

Ángeles, Amelia and Pepe, three siblings between 68 and 72 years old, were found dead with signs of violence this Thursday in their home in the Madrid municipality of Morata de Tajuña (8,115 inhabitants).

The three bodies were “partially burned” and “stacked up,” according to sources close to the investigation.

The main hypothesis is that of a settling of scores and the reason being investigated as the cause of this homicide is the debts that the sisters have allegedly accumulated in recent years as a result of a love scam.

The three brothers, single and without family, are originally from Ciudad Real, although they had lived in Morata de Tajuña for decades.

He had a disability and lived with his sisters.

They also had other addresses in the capital of Madrid and in a beach municipality.

According to a friend of the family, Enrique Velilla, and other neighbors who knew them, the sisters had contacted at least seven years ago with two alleged soldiers working in Afghanistan, with whom they both believed they were beginning a romantic relationship.

“One of them told them that the other had died and that to collect his inheritance he needed money to do some paperwork,” explains this family friend.

It was then that, according to these sources, Amelia began regularly sending money to the account of her alleged boyfriend.

The three victims and in the lower left corner, the alleged boyfriend from Afghanistan, in an image provided by the environment.

The alleged love story was known to many local residents, who throughout this time have tried to warn them that they had fallen into the networks of what are known as love scams.

But they were convinced of the veracity of their romances and insisted on sending money to Edward, as the soldier from Afghanistan was called.

Her little sister, Amelia, had even shown her friends a message that she claimed had been sent to her by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, which had “spelling mistakes.”

According to sources close to the investigation, the military lover's demands for money had intensified over the years.

Velilla, the family friend, points out that they had even sold his home in Madrid, located in the San Blas district, to send the money to Edward.

Every month, when the three brothers collected her pension, Amelia made a transfer to the account of her supposed lover.

The sisters' distress went so far that they had been asking those close to them for money for years, something that had alienated them from everyone around her, and she warned them, without success, that they were being deceived.

This is what Mari, a friend of her sisters, tells it, who explains that they asked her several times for 3,000 euros.

“Last time, my husband kicked them out of the house.

We told them many times, but they didn't listen.

This could have been avoided if they had received help,” the woman lamented this Thursday at the doors of the house.

The hypothesis that is gaining more strength is that, in their desire to send money to their alleged boyfriend, the sisters would have acquired debts with a fatal outcome.

The Civil Guard has been collecting evidence at the home all day and in the next few hours an autopsy will be performed on the bodies.

The neighbors were the ones who raised the alarm because they had not seen the three brothers, who always went together, in the town for more than a month.

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Source: elparis

All news articles on 2024-01-18

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