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La Cámpora and Kicillof join the CGT strike and march against Milei


Highlights: La Cámpora and Kicillof join the CGT strike and march against Milei. Máximo Kirchner's group joined the mobilization, but was not at the meeting called by the governor. "There was a much more harmonious climate than the one we had at the beginning of the FDT in 2019," acknowledged one of the deputies present at a meeting that was also not attended by massismo delegates. The most important issue was the consensus on giving support to the general strike, which will take place next Wednesday.

Máximo Kirchner's group joined the mobilization, but was not at the meeting called by the governor, which showed the differences that separate them.

"There is a

great will to mobilize

" on January 24 in the general strike called by the CGT, Axel Kicillof remarked at the end of the

"work" meeting

to which he called other provincial leaders, mayors, social leaders, legislators and the union leaders themselves, in what seemed to be the

first step in the regrouping of Peronism

, at this stage, to

resist the policies of Javier Milei.

Without giving the present

at the meeting held this Thursday afternoon at the House of the province of Buenos Aires, at Callao 237, the

La Cámpora group used its social networks to launch a call to march to Congress on the day of the

general strike under the premise “the country is not sold, it is defended.”

The absence of Máximo Kirchner's group highlighted the

distance - and the uncomfortable coexistence - that unites him with the provincial leader


"There was a much more harmonious climate than the one we had at the beginning of the FDT in 2019," acknowledged one of the deputies present at a meeting that was also

not attended by massismo delegates


Also present were the governors of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintela, and of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melella;

the mayors Jorge Ferraresi (Avellaneda), Mariel Fernández (Moreno), Andrés Watson (Florencio Varela) and Lucas Ghi (Morón), the deputies Eduardo Valdez, Germán Martínez and Victoria Tolosa Paz, and senator José Mayans.

Governors Raul Jalil (Catamarca), Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa) and Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero)

were connected

by zoom.

Also attending were the social leaders Juan Grabois, Emilio Pérsico, the unionists Héctor Daer, Pablo Moyano, Andrés Rodríguez, Hugo Yasky and "Cachorro Godoy", among others.

The person in charge of giving the introductory speech was Kicillof and then Quintela, another of the promoters of the meeting, handed him the microphone, who thanked the host and Grabois for putting on the agenda

the need for there to be a new framework of unity for Peronism


Later, the representatives of the three union centers spoke - Daer, Godoy and Yasky - and then the heads of the UP blocks in the Deputies and the Senate, Martinez and Mayans, respectively, who detailed the

progress of the negotiations to try to block the sanction of the Omnibus law


Although the conversations showed "confidence" that

Justice will finally end up annulling the scope of

Milei's "deregulating" DNU, the Peronist legislators ventured that the so-called

"Bases Law" will end up being debated "in parts"

, at different stages , due to the impediment that the ruling party would have in imposing the original project.

Although there was a crude x-ray of the socioeconomic consequences of the libertarian adjustment, the most important issue was

the consensus on giving support to the

general strike, with mobilization, which will take place next Wednesday.

It will not only mobilize the labor movement but also the mayors and social organizations.

The provincial leaders also guaranteed marches in their respective districts.

Regarding the absence of leaders close to the organization led by Máximo Kirchner, the provincial president highlighted that it was a "meeting called at the last minute" and that it should be the starting point for other meetings.


There is no one left over here. But today we are the ones on the front line

," said a social leader who has had a sinuous link with the camporismo.

Former senator Marcelo Fuentes was present, who until December 10 worked side by side with Cristina Kirchner as parliamentary secretary of the Senate.

For those present, the meeting served to

define a first line of resistance to the libertarian government

but also to advance in the new structure of a Peronism that is trying to escape the "knock out" caused by the electoral defeat of November 19.

Some leaders are excited that Kicillof will be the one to shine the leadership of a space that still concentrates great firepower in both chambers of Congress.

Source: clarin

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